Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1374: discuss

The first three hundred and seventy-four chapters discuss

Zhao Tiezhu slightly frowned, but did not expect this unicorn to be so masterless, even because he was afraid of Cao Ziyi and wanted to hide in Wang million as a bodyguard.

If you really don’t know anything, you come alone, and Cao Ziyi goes to Kirin. It’s very likely that you have to face the siege of two masters. At that time, you may actually be hit hard, even Lose your life.

"Mom." Zhao Tiezhu secretly cursed, since Qilin intends to hide in Wang’s side, then Zhao Tiezhu feels that it is necessary to tell Cao Ziyi about this matter. When Cao Ziyi hides with him, then two of them With thirty brothers attacking Wang million, you should be able to successfully win the lives of Wang Million.

In fact, many things are not complicated, such as killing. Although Zhao Tiezhu stepped on the point, he was very simple. In the end, he was very simple. He had thirty people, leaving fifteen to meet downstairs, fifteen to rush with himself, and then killed. After running away, it's as simple as that.

After listening to Zhao Tiezhu for a while, because of the hidden body, I felt that my strength has been lost a lot, so I did not continue to listen to the idea, just when Zhao Tiezhu wanted to turn away, suddenly, awkward The sound came quietly from the side.

Zhao Tiezhu instantly held his breath.

I saw that about a meter or so beside him, a bug like a ladybug was slowly flying over.

The worm looked at the human and animal harmless, and with the eyesight of Zhao Tiezhu, he also saw the beautiful pattern on the worm. However, Zhao Tiezhu, who had performed the task in the rainforest, recognized the worm at once.

This is a highly toxic worm. It is said that even if the orangutan monkey in the jungle is bitten by this thing, it will be paralyzed in an instant.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the worm and flew from his own eyes. He didn't dare to breathe in one breath!

It’s very simple to kill this thing. It’s dead when it’s shot, but Zhao Tiezhu knows that as long as this thing is dead, the ghost will know immediately.

Zhao Tiezhu doesn't know why this is because it is reasonable to say that this kind of heart-wrenching thing can't happen to people and worms. If it happens to people and dogs, cats, etc., it's more to say the past! Bugs, that are all creatures that have no brains and no feelings. How can they establish a connection with such high-ranking animals?

Zhao Tiezhu’s taboo against the ghosts is even deeper!

After the bug flew, Zhao Tiezhu quickly left here.

After a few minutes.

The restroom in the warehouse was opened from the outside.

"Xiao Bao, time is almost up, you have to get up and work!" said the strong.

The bed covered by the quilt moved, and then Zhao Tiezhu’s head stretched out from the quilt. “Strong brother, what time is this?”

"Oh, look at you, sleep is not bad, two points now! Get up." Strong smile said.

Zhao Tiezhu sat up, rubbed his eyes and yawned, saying, "Strong brother, won't win?"

"Have a few hundred pieces, get off work at night, I invite you to drink two bottles, haha." Strong smile said.

"Oh, congratulations to the strong brother." Zhao Tiezhu came down from the bed, put on the clothes, and then walked out of the rest room.

In an afternoon, Zhao Tiezhu was honestly selling his strength and did not attract too much attention.

"I didn't expect your kid's strength to be quite big." Strong smile and patted Zhao Tiezhu's shoulder and said, "Now go to take a bath, dry for a day, it's all dust, wait for the strong brother, I will take you there. Fun place to play."

Zhao Tiezhu wanted to refuse, but I thought that this strong stay here for so many years, I should know something, so I plan to follow him. Maybe I can find out what useful news?

After taking a shower in the employee's bathroom, Zhao Tiezhu changed his clothes and left the warehouse with strength.

"Strong brother, I have to take the clothes back first, come right in ten minutes!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the watch and said.

"It’s really troublesome, let me go first. I want to go to Soho in the city center. You will come over and find me when you come." Strong said.

"Well, I know!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and walked up the bus.

After returning to the hotel, Zhao Tiezhu quickly came to his room.

Cao Ziyi was looking at something in the room with a computer. When Zhao Tiezhu came in, Cao Ziyi asked, "Why, what is the harvest today?"

"Well, there are a lot of gains!" Zhao Tiezhu simply said something about the ghosts and the unicorns, and then asked Cao Ziyi. "I am very curious, why can this ghost control the poisonous insects? Is he magical?" Ability?"

"Of course." Cao Ziyi said, "It's just different from yours. His ability comes from the martial arts in Miaojiang. It is something that originated thousands of years ago. Although there is no such thing as a novel in the novel, After thousands of years of development, for the control of poisonous insects, the people in Miaojiang have already had their own methods. This ghost is the leader of Miaojiang, and now the Thai head-down technique known to the people belongs to A branch of scorpion."

“So amazing?” Zhao Tiezhu said in amazement.

"The land of China, there is nothing strange, we can never know all, to study with a humble mind, is it." Cao Ziyi said.

"There is a chance to have a look!" Zhao Tiezhu said, and immediately asked, "What about the Kirin, what do you think?"

"Since he intends to ambush you, naturally, we will ambush him." Cao Ziyi said, "Because of certain things, I can't personally help you deal with ghosts. In fact, after you get on the list, you will find out." In fact, there are many restrictions on the list of gods. The above stipulates that we must be beyond the secular. Of course, if we only have some insignificant people, we will shoot, but Wang million is a kind of stability that can affect a considerable part of the region. The character, so-called, I can't shoot, but if I deal with Kirin, I can shoot because it is a personal grudge."

"When are you going with me?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Well, that's natural." Cao Ziyi nodded with a smile.

After communicating with Cao Ziyi for a while, Zhao Tiezhu finalized some specific details, and then left the hotel to go to Soho in the city center to find a strong one.

Soho is a bar, and it is a national chain. The operator on the wz side is the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce and one of the twenty people that Zhao Tiezhu will kill.

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