Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1384: Abnormal green dragon

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-four chapters of the perverted Qinglong

"Run, you don't have much time." Qinglong looked at Zhao Tiezhu calmly and said.

"Zhao Tiezhu, my million million swears, I will definitely smash you a corpse, all the men and women you are related to, I will let them all die with you! I swear!" Wang million waits for scarlet Looking at Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu shrugged casually and said, "You don't have that chance."

"Do you think you can kill me?" Wang said in a disgusting manner. "There is no dragon in the blue dragon. You have no problem with it. Zhao Tiezhu, remember it for me! You, live this year. It!"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and looked at Cao Ziyi and found that the latter was also watching himself.

"Up?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Up!" Cao Ziyi nodded.


Zhao Tiezhu shouted and rushed to Wang Million, while Cao Ziyi followed closely and rushed to Qinglong!

"Yushu, not self-reliant." Qinglong disdainful cold, stood up, and blocked Wang million's body behind him, facing Cao Ziyi and Zhao Tiezhu.

The pressure of the top three super masters in the list of gods broke out instantly!

Zhao Tiezhu only felt that his heart seemed to be slammed by the smashing. The body that had been rushing forward suddenly stopped. Although the pause was only less than 0.1 second, the speed of Zhao Tiezhu was slow. Come down.

Qinglong stepped forward and stepped forward, greeted Cao Ziyi, who was at the forefront because of Zhao Tiezhu’s pause.

Cao Ziyi's face is unchanged, and the palm changes.

A bang, and the palm of Qinglong collided.

Qinglong still looks natural, and directly presses the palm to the left. Cao Ziyi’s hand is like being stuck by Qinglong’s hand, and sinking to the left with Qinglong.

The other hand of Qinglong slowly extended out.

This is really a slow extension, not arrogant, there is no point of fire.

And this palm, easily took Zhao Tiezhu's fist to the next.

The attack of Cao Ziyi and Zhao Tiezhu successively was picked up by Qinglong alone. The most amazing thing is that Qinglong’s body did not even tremble slightly.

"You!" Cao Ziyi's face finally changed a bit, "Successful breakthrough!"

"Oh." Qinglong had no other movements at all, but the power of running the waist and the body shook a little.

This seemingly sparse and usual shake, but directly sent Zhao Tiezhu to the earthquake, and Cao Ziyi, but after the body stepped back a few steps before the body was stabilized.

"You... still almost." Qinglong looked at Cao Ziyi, and his face showed a hint of appreciation. "Maybe after another ten years, you will be able to enter the top three in the gods. Now, the fire is not enough."

"Hey!" Cao Ziyi snorted and rushed over to Qinglong, and Zhao Tiezhu climbed quickly and followed Cao Ziyi.

"It’s useless." Qinglong sighed and said, "I didn't want to participate in this matter, but I was helpless. You two, don't push me."

Zhao Tiezhu is awkward, is it difficult to be a green dragon? So what is the position of this Qinglong in the end? The current Qinglong is much more powerful than the previous Qinglong!

Although horrified, Zhao Tiezhu is not a person who likes to shrink! Similarly, Cao Ziyi is not!

Cao Ziyi ran the inner air in the body in the palm of his hand. The whole person slammed up and attacked the Qinglong from top to bottom, while Zhao Tiezhu was shorting his body and **** directly to the ribs of Qinglong.

The two people cooperated in the flow of water, and once they went up, they directly blocked all the retreats of Qinglong.

Although the match is perfect, the performance of Qinglong is frightening!

I saw Qinglong's body slightly across the side for a small step, then a glimpse of his head, escaped Cao Ziyi's fist, and then took Cao Ziyi's arm in his hand and pressed it down!

Cao Ziyi’s body was actually forced by Qinglong to be in front of him, and Zhao Tiezhu’s attack has already arrived!

It’s too late to work!

Zhao Tiezhu can only force the power to move to the side, and his fists are widowed by the body of Cao Ziyi.

Zhao Tiezhu was too late to be grateful. A hand that seemed to appear out of thin air was directly caught in the face of Zhao Tiezhu.


This hand slowly grabbed Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and then slammed forward slightly.

The magnitude of this meal is very small, but Zhao Tiezhu feels that his face is like being crushed by a tank, and the bridge of the nose is broken directly.

The whole face turned into a blood red between several breaths. Zhao Tiezhu’s body also retreated ten steps, and at the moment when Zhao Tiezhu retreated, Qinglong’s hand retracted and then directly shot to Cao Ziyi’s Left rib.

Cao Ziyi gave a sigh of relief, and the body writhed forcibly in midair, escaping the hand of Qinglong, then earning his arm and breaking free from the other hand of Qinglong, taking advantage of the wonderful whip leg and sweeping The face of Qinglong.


Qinglong blocked the Cao Ziyi's whip leg with one hand, but Cao Ziyi's post was followed.

A jade hand hidden behind him suddenly appeared in front of the green dragon.


Cao Ziyi’s hand finally touched the body of Qinglong.

"Not bad." Qinglong slightly retreated a few steps, looking at Cao Ziyi, his eyes full of appreciation of the eyes, "Shenzhou woman, you entered the top three."

"Hey!" Cao Ziyi did not care about this Qinglong, but continued to attack Qinglong.

Qinglong stood in the same place, and smiled and said, "But your internal air, the fire is not enough, there is no lethality. I will let you see, what is the real inside."

Cao Ziyi raised all the spirits of the whole body, but saw a slippery step of Qinglong. For example, the telescopic movement appeared in front of Cao Ziyi, and then extended his finger, slightly on the fist of Cao Ziyi.

This seems to be a balance, directly let the body of Cao Ziyi break in the blink of an eye!

The heart of Cao Ziyi also fell in a flash! Immediately, it is another finger of Qinglong.

This finger went straight to Cao Ziyi's eyebrows.

Suddenly, Qinglong’s face changed slightly, and his hand was retracted. Then he stepped aside and punched the air in the air. This punch also made a loud noise.

Immediately, a figure appeared in midair and then fell to the ground.

"Invisible? Magical ability!" Qinglong looked at Zhao Tiezhu, who struggled to get up, and said, "If you can work for the country wholeheartedly, then your ability is still very useful!"

Zhao Tiezhu and Cao Ziyi stood together and watched Qinglong on alert. This Qinglong is too abnormal, and time has passed two minutes. If you don’t solve Wang million quickly, then this action will not only fail, but also endless troubles. !

In the end how to do!

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