Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1390: Things of the year

The first thousand three hundred and ninety chapters of the year

Under Zhao Tiezhu’s astonished panic and panic, Zhao Er’s dog’s face was stunned with Zhao Tiezhu’s face, and Zhao Tiezhu’s clothes were accompanied by pants and underwear, and the inside’s *** was taken off. .

Poor Zhao Tiezhu, a seven-foot man, twenty-five years old, was so smeared by his father who had not seen it for more than a decade...

"Give you medicine, don't make yourself like being strong." Zhao Ergou said, taking out a bunch of leaves from the bag on the side, and then picking up a pot from the side of the ground. Put the leaves in the basin, add some green liquid, and start to lick.

"Dad, you... what are you doing." Zhao Tiezhu carried his head and did not dare to look at his body. Although this person is his father in front of him, the two have been bathing together and running bare-chested at home for countless times, but now they are adult, and they have not seen each other for more than ten years. In such a situation, honesty See, how much makes Zhao Tiezhu a little difficult to adapt.

"When I smashed the leaves, they were applied to you, and then tied with a bandage. It would be fine." Zhao Ergou said, licking the leaves.

"How long has it been." Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"It will take about an hour."

"Then why are you taking me off now?"

"Oh, yes! I forgot it for a while, but it’s boring to wear it again. You just lie down like this. Nobody will come to see you anyway, and your body is so hard, I believe you won’t catch a cold. "Zhao Ergou, while talking to himself, while screaming at the leaves, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly wanted to cry without tears.

About half an hour later, Zhao Ergou smashed the leaves in advance, and then stood next to Zhao Tiezhu’s chest with the broken leaves, saying, “You don’t want to be anxious, I will give you now. medicine."

Zhao Ergou grabbed the broken leaves and applied it to Zhao Tiezhu. He felt the warmth of his father's hand. Zhao Tiezhu seemed to return to his childhood. At that time, his father always liked to take a bath with himself. Let yourself be yelled at him, and...

When Zhao Tiezhu thought of it and the contents of the future, his face suddenly changed. When he was a child, Zhao Ergou, the favorite thing to do, seems to be the same as Sun Jie! That is the small jj of the bomber!

"I am going!" Zhao Tiezhu can see that Zhao Ergou stared at the eyes of the small iron pillar, apparently shining.

"If you dare to make things that you think in your head, I will sever the relationship between you and me!" Zhao Tiezhu immediately called.

Zhao Er dog stunned, then dissatisfied and said awkwardly, "What do I want? I didn't think about anything. You are the son of Laozi. At least half of the meat on your body is given by Lao Tzu. Are you shy? I haven’t seen it for more than a decade, and I’m giving birth?”

"In any case, you have to dare to do things for me when I was a child, I will sever the father-son relationship with you!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"I am a bad person." Zhao Ergou said, while Zhao Tiezhu was painted all over the body. Of course, Xiao Tizhu Zhao Ergou did not touch, according to Zhao Ergou, this It is a sponge, not a muscle. As long as the other tissues of the body are rejuvenated, this nature will be better.

After the whole body was covered with the green broken leaves, Zhao Ergou took out a bunch of bandages, and then tied Zhao Tiezhu to the mummies, and there was Zhao Tiezhu after one day.

Only at this time, Zhao Tiezhu, his arm has recovered his consciousness slightly and can read the newspaper.

When I saw that the newspaper had already arrested ten criminal suspects, Zhao Tiezhu was anxious. The ten people were caught. Zhao Tiezhu was not afraid of what they said, because they came to kill Wang million this time. It is well known. Therefore, I am not afraid that the ten people will be leaked. What Zhao Tiezhu is most concerned about now is how to rescue these ten people!

Now the entire Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce is unprecedentedly tense, and all sorts of battles are going on all the time. Today, which boss’s car was hit, and which boss’s home is on fire tomorrow, which boss received the threat letter the day after tomorrow, anyway, it’s impossible to do it all the time. And these ten captured blood soul halls are elite, and it is very likely that at some point in the future, as a trophy for some people! This is a very simple matter. These people killed Wang’s relatives. If they kill these people themselves, they will indirectly avenge Wang’s revenge. Then I have revenge for Wang Million. Naturally, I have to divide a little more. The logic of things, right?

Zhao Tiezhu fears that he has not had time to return to fj, and these ten people have been sacrificed!

"What are you looking at?" Zhao Ergou moved a chair and sat next to Zhao Tiezhu.

"No." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and looked at Zhao Ergou. He said, "Dad, when are you coming back?"

"Before you leave for wz, my mom and I are ready to come back, but I heard you running with a group of children to find a million revenge. My mother and I will fly directly from outside." Zhao Ergou said, "I later contacted Yiyi. Ziyi said that you want to start at the headquarters of Wang Million. My mother and I rushed over and just happened to be injured by Ziyi. That's it."

“How is Ziyi now?” Zhao Tiezhu asked with concern.

"Nothing serious, the bones broke a few, the internal injuries are very serious, but nothing. Under my and your mother's treatment, I will be able to go down in a few days, but the means of Qinglong is really more and more mysterious." "Zhao Ergou said with emotion, "He and us were the same in the past!"

"He is with the head of the No. 1 and naturally he can get the resources and benefits that many people can't get." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Dad, can you tell me about it, what happened to you that year? I want to know."

"What happened in the past? Where do you want to hear it?" Zhao said with a smile.

"Start with your research!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "How do you study the pharmacy in such a bad thing, and why did you leave China for what reason? More than a decade ago, What is the situation?"

Zhao Tiezhu had several problems, so that Zhao Ergou was silent for a while. Then, Zhao Ergou sighed and said, "Son, the things of the year are very complicated. If you want to say, then I will leave Zhao from us. Let's start talking."

Zhao Tiezhu moved slightly to make his body more comfortable, and then seriously looked at Zhao Ergou.

Zhao Ergou looked out the door and secretly took a cigarette from his pocket and asked Zhao Tiezhu, "Put one?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded. Zhao Ergou put the ignited cigarette on Zhao Tiezhu’s mouth, and then he ordered another one. He said with a smile, "Look at your mother, solve the problem, well, now I Come tell the story to you, this story is very long!"

(Everyone is really a cow, ah, a senior group is full every day, now announces 22 groups: 172475718 if 22 groups are also full, then plus 23 groups: 218661189)

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