Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1403: I have to live for me.

The first thousand four hundred and three chapters have to live for me.

Under the comfort of Zhao Ergou, Zhao Tiezhu finally put down his heart, and then drove the No. 25 car that had not seen the light for a long time to the headquarters of the Blood Soul Hall.

At the headquarters of Xueshentang, Du Guhuang Tian Fanjian and others have already waited here. After returning from today’s Zhao Tiezhu, the group of people from Du Guhuangtian has been here for an uninterrupted meeting, summing up the results of this operation and having experience. By the way, I am still planning a bite to the Chamber of Commerce.

The Chamber of Commerce is just a million million dead, that is a private feud! Zhao Tiezhu’s goal is to let Wang million die, and the goal of Blood Soul Hall is to get something through the death of Wang Million.

This can't be said that Zhao Tiezhu and others are snobbish. They can only say that Zhao Tiezhu is now representing them. It is not just their own. They represent the interests of the vast blood soul hall. If the blood soul hall can successfully bite down the temperature. The Chamber of Commerce has a piece of meat, and the corresponding person can also get great benefits.

Gangsters, in fact, are a combination of interests, a group of people, for their own purposes, and then gathered together, the so-called people are more powerful, when more and more people, then to get some benefits, what, It's more convenient, and you can get more!

This is the essence of the gang, if there is only brother loyalty, then it can not be a gang, it can only be called a gang! Not enough to board the elegant hall.

"Iron column!" Du Gu Huangtian saw Zhao Tiezhu walk into the conference room, stood up and nodded. Now there are a lot of high-level people in the Blood Soul Hall. There is no need to call Tiezhuge. Immediately, Du Gu Huangtian saw Zhao Tiezhu behind him. Zhao Ergou, 遂 also respectfully shouted, "Uncle."

"You call me a two-dog brother." Zhao Ergou said with a smile. "From small to big, I dreamed that I could be a gangster one day. The most adored thing at that time was the gangster who wore a trench coat and sunglasses. Now, I have this opportunity today, you will call me two dogs."

"Two dog brothers."

"Two dog brother!"

Fan Jian a group of people have stood up and asked, this Zhao Ergou, that is the blood of the soul of the boss Zhao Tiezhu's Laozi, according to the generation of the count, that is the King of the Emperor, called a two dog brother, are considered Fan Jian they accounted for the cheap It is.

"Well, sit down and sit down." Zhao Ergou said with a smile. "You talk about you, I listened. Son, don't you mind if I listen to your meeting?"

"Of course I don't mind." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "If you want your father, I can give you the position now."

"Haha, I don't want to, when the emperor is beautiful, but the trouble is going to die, or when it's too busy, if you have nothing to do, you can pull out the tiger skin and scare you to scare people. What else is not brave, how good!" I took a chair and sat down, then said to Zhao Tiezhu, "You have a meeting, I listen."

"That's good." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and went to sit next to the Solitary Emperor. Then he asked, "You have been discussing for a long time today. Have you discussed any results?"

"We have summarized some of the successful experiences and some unsatisfactory places, which have been summarized and will be announced to the core members of our gang in the form of internal information." Du Gu Huangtian said.

"Oh? Tell me specifically." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"It's very simple. It's a summary of the goals and results of your actions. Then organize the summaries and organize them in the gang. On the one hand, strengthen your prestige in helping others, and stabilize your Location, on the other hand, this also helps us to form a gang culture. Now Fan Jian is already working on a gang history. If it succeeds, then our Blood Soul Hall will become a banner for countless gangs!" Said the light.

"Well, this is good." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "I have something to add. Those who don't see much light, people who don't need to know, don't let him know."

"This we understand, I intend to refine the gang's hierarchy, the corresponding level can correspond to the corresponding benefits, and the corresponding authority, this authority can be used to understand some of the insider things, and I also intend to introduce a competitive mechanism, If a gang wants to stay active for a long time, internal competitiveness is indispensable, and it is necessary to create such awareness for everyone! Simply put, your performance is good this week, then next week, you may be Promote, and then get more resources and benefits, and correspondingly, you have nothing to do with the gang, then you can only stay underneath! I suggest that all management personnel except us should participate in this Among the kinds of competition mechanisms, as for the final assessment and evaluation, you can say the iron pillar." Du Gu Huangtian said.

"I have the final say? Isn't that the inside story?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Oh, where is there no insider now? This blood soul hall, after all, is your blood soul hall, the following people's ability is one thing, but you can't see the pleasing eyes, willing to use him is another thing Our goal at this stage is to be sure to take a new step in shaping your prestige in the coming year!" Du Gu Huangtian said earnestly, "If you can guide the gang to personal worship for you, you let They will not go west to the east, our Blood Soul Hall, dominating the South, is not a problem!"

"How do I listen and MLM is a bit like this. Are we considered brainwashing?" Zhao Tiezhu touched his head and said.

"Of course it is brainwashing! The main reason why domestic gangs are not climate-friendly is that they have not thoroughly brainwashed the gang. You see Sicily, the birthplace of the mafia, and now, hundreds of years have passed, every Sicilian mafia They all maintain absolute awe and center for their leader. This is the result of brainwashing. Now the whole Sicily can become a gangster in the world. The reason is this! Similarly, the American family gangster is also In this way, the Rockefeller family, the Morgan family, and the members of these family opponents also have different brainwashing processes, so now their gang snobbery can be so big, and even can affect the local political situation!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "Iron column, after the accident with the iron hand, I have been thinking, if we can not quickly strengthen ourselves in a short time, enrich ourselves, it is very likely that the goal of the next person will be me, It will be Fan Jian, eight fingers! I, absolutely do not allow any of you, easily die, absolutely not allowed!"

"I don't allow it either." Zhao Tiezhu looked seriously at everyone around him. "You have to live for Laozi. Even if it is a stinking year, you have to live for me!"

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