Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1416: Red fruit!

The first thousand four hundred and sixteen chapters of the red fruit!

Leaving from the first hospital of fj, Zhao Tiezhu went directly to the company that had not been gone for a long time. The colleagues in the company were busy. Near the end of the year, things were much more than in the past. Everyone came and went in a hurry. Zhao Tiezhu’s arrival also Did not cause much interest in these people, but it is dusty, this long and handsome young man noticed Zhao Tiezhu.

"Hey? Iron column, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that you are going home?" A dusty hand held a folder and stood next to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Well, something." Zhao Tiezhu nodded quietly and said, "Is there still a woman manager in the Jinlong Convention and Exhibition Center in recent days?"

"You say it again!" A dusty face changed, saying, "It’s all because of you, I’ve been stunned for a few days. Hey, I went to see a doctor a few days ago. It seems that I’m over-indulgent, causing permanent Strain, I said iron pillar, you can be responsible, you have to find me a beautiful girlfriend, so I hope to recover better."

"Recover a fart, if you look for a beautiful girl to you, you are full of indulgent feelings, then I am harming you, just I know a girl named Huahua, how about, introduce it to you?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smirk.

"Oh? Pretty?" asked a dusty face.

"That is a must, this woman should only be in the sky, the world is rare to get back! I will call you, you talk about yourself?" Zhao Tiezhu took out his mobile phone and said.

"Cheng, come on." The dust did not feel the sinister intentions of Zhao Tiezhu, and then wrote down the phone number.

"If there is any result, please remember to inform me, I am a matchmaker!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

Nodded dusty and said, "That is natural!"

After being here for a while, Zhao Tiezhu went to his desk. The people who were cleaned here were very clean. They didn’t get dirty because Zhao Tiezhu didn’t come for a few days. Zhao Tiezhu sat down and thought about it. It seems that I have nothing to do, I went to qq, and then hanged online.

On the line, the time is a burst of noise, the kind of non-stop.

Zhao Tiezhu was shocked. This is who recruits who is provoked, how come so many people send news!

I opened the message one by one and looked at it. All of them were some of my friends. In the days when I went to wz, I basically broke the contact with the outside world. I only had contact with people who were involved in my actions. Xiao Su these small hair is very much missed.

Zhao Tiezhu seriously returned the news one by one, killing people like Zhao Tiezhu, which is like this. The typing is actually quite slow. When Zhao Tiezhu replied the news almost, it was half an hour later.


A new message was sent over and directly covered the news that Zhao Tiezhu had not seen yet.

"Uncle Iron Pillar, it’s a holiday, so boring, miss you."

The message is Gege, Zhao Tiezhu does not know when he added the grid, Gege's qq is full of bells, the name is red, of course, Zhao Tiezhu knows this is called membership, and then the name of the qq is very interesting, called, "The brother is not forced."

"I said how did you change this name?" Zhao Tiezhu replied.

"Uncle Iron Column, you finally have to deal with me!!" Gege sent a crying expression and said, "The family has not seen you for a long time, want to die you! Cold weather, go out and do nothing, It’s boring at home, and the birds are coming out, Uncle Iron, are you coming to accompany them?”

"How do I accompany you?" Zhao Tiezhu sent a wretched smile to the past. Not long after, he replied, "The cold, the body and spirit are cold and cold, how do you feel about it? ?"

"This... I don't know." Zhao Tiezhu didn't have much interest in this fart kid. The brother is still so rich, the **** and buttocks are not finished, the undeveloped Xiaoluo Li, still waiting for the future.

"Hey, Uncle Tiezhu is a thief with no thief!" Gege sent a contemptuous expression.

Zhao Tiezhu returned a "..." saying that he did not know what to say, and then did not want to care about this adolescent girl, but the girls did not want to let Zhao Tiezhu, after Zhao Tiezhu read two more news, Gege's The chat window shook directly.

"I don't know if it is rude to play this jitter window?" Zhao Tiezhu replied dissatisfied.

"Uncle Tiezhu don't ignore me, right, Uncle Tiezhu, let's talk about something?" asked Gege.


"For example, what is the most favorite girl in the Iron Column? Is it black silk? Or is it a uniform temptation?"

Zhao Tiezhu swallowed and sipped his head and looked at it. He found that no one looked at himself and then returned. "This is not necessarily the case. I said, are we talking about this thing?"

"How is it inappropriate? People want to see what Mr. Iron Pillar likes. Do you like this? Do you like this?" As he said, Gege sent a picture and it was a makeup girl. Not bad, the signs of ps are too serious, but the dress on the girl is very attractive, a light blue dress, and then dressed up with some small accessories, next to an anime wearing the same clothes character.

"Is this cosplay?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Yeah, this is an anime character that I really like, Uncle Tiezhu, how do you like this? Look at her, but wearing a rainbow silk! Very cute?" asked Gege.

"This is not bad, it is cute enough, but it is not tempting." Zhao Tiezhu replied.

"Uncle Iron Pillar, do you think that if you wear this, can you watch it?" asked Gege.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Tiezhu couldn't understand it for a while. At this moment, Gege sent a video window directly and said, "Receive."

Zhao Tiezhu accepted it. After a few seconds, the room in Gege appeared in the video, and then a very sweet voice came. "Uncle Iron Pillar, you are optimistic."

The sound fell, and the figure of Gege appeared in the video. The gig in the video, the clothes worn by the girls wearing the picture that Zhao Tiezhu saw before, the same color red silk under the body, the blue short skirt probably only to the thigh At the root, Ge Ge stood up and made all kinds of lovely movements in front of the video. Zhao Tiezhu’s heart of the middle-aged and the elderly suddenly jumped up. It’s been a few months since I met Gege. Slower and more like red rhyme! Moreover, watching is more energetic than red rhyme!

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