Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1477: Interest (22nd)

The first thousand four hundred and seventy seven chapters of interest (22 two)

"A game is just why it is true." When he heard the red rhyme, Lin was decisively frightened. This time, the cooperation with the giant company is not that he has the final say. The company is also very urgent to cooperate with it. Only cooperation can win together! It is obviously unwise to make the relationship between the two companies foolish because of their own affairs.

"Maybe it is just a game in your eyes, but there is no size, I value the most, always the word honest, so, Lin, I am sorry, our company, do not welcome you, my family, do not welcome you! "Hong Yun said with a face."

"Red rhyme, I am just kidding, don't do this." Lin always wants to explain, but Gege has already picked up the broom.

"Don't hear what my mom said? Our family doesn't welcome you." Gege cried.

"Good! Very good!" Lin’s fire also came up. "Red rhyme, since you are willing to turn over with me because of a student at school, then I can only express regret. Oh, it seems that you have been shopping for so many years. It’s all white, it’s light and heavy, you still don’t know, you will regret it.”

"Who regrets, not that you have the final say now."

Zhao Tiezhu clasped his chest with his hands, and looked at the forest with a funny smile. He was threatened to walk out of the kitchen by the broom's broom, then walked to the door, and then walked out of the door to the door.

"Your clothes." Gege threw out Lin's suit directly and said, "In fact, I really want to say that you have a body odor on your clothes, bye, and a pervert."


The door was closed by Gege.

Oh, the door is open again.

"Is it regret?" Lin always looked at the door in the door, suddenly, a bag flew out from inside.

"Your beef fried radish." Greg's voice came, and then, with a bang, the door was closed again.

"Haha, in fact, you don't have to be like this." When Zhao Tiezhu glared at Gege to throw things, he pinched the face of Hongyun and said, "Well, you are also a boss, you are so driven out of the house, how do you do business?" What?"

"I can't see people who are conscientious with conscience. Instead of doing business with such people, it's better not to do it, disgusting." Red rhyme snorted. "The things you cook are so delicious, they are still far-fetched." The attached statement says that you are digressing, away from his sister."

"Attention to quality." Zhao Tiezhu said cheerfully, "However, I think it is a pity that the radish fried beef was thrown."

"Then you will get it back again." Red rhyme laughed.

"That's still a problem, there is something here, I will give it to you to eat." Zhao Tiezhu said, took some of the ingredients on the side, and quickly did it.

"Get rid of it!" Gege was very happy to walk into the kitchen, and then saw Zhao Tiezhu, who had turned his hands and turned into a thousand hands Guanyin.

"I am going to go, Uncle Tiezhu, you are so handsome!" Gege looked at Zhao Tiezhu with his eyes wide open and said, "The speed of cooking you is just like gray!"

"Oh, floating clouds." Zhao Tiezhu said in amazement. "I just had a low-key point. It is better than a knife. He is still a hundred thousand miles away."

"Really, Uncle Tiezhu, as far as your approach is concerned, go to the food stalls to be a chef, that is more than enough!" Gege said.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face is stunned and he wants to say something. The red rhyme is saying, “Gege, how to say it!”

Zhao Tiezhu was very moved to see the red rhyme. He wanted to say something to express his gratitude. He heard Red Yun said, "Don’t insult the chefs of the food stalls!"

Zhao Tiezhu’s hand trembled, and the kitchen knife did not fly out.

In five minutes, Zhao Tiezhu made a dish and a soup. This speed is not unpleasant. Together with the previous three dishes, there are four dishes and one soup.

"Well, open the meal!" Zhao Tiezhu took the cooked rice up and took it. Gege took a bite of Zhao Tiezhu's dish and shouted excitedly. "Oh, better than before, uncle!"

"That is of course, I am progressing all the time! Men, how much achievement, not important, the most important thing is whether there is enthusiasm!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"That uncle, you can really be a chef, or else it is really ruining this craft!" Gege said earnestly.

Zhao Tiezhu directly ignored her.

Hongyun took the red wine from the side and said, "Let the New Year, I will return to her grandmother's house in a few days. I will be the first tonight."

"Good yeah, yeah, drinking and drinking, I haven't been drinking for a long time! Mom, isn't this wine just sent by Lin? I heard it seems very expensive!" said Gege.

"Really, I looked very expensive, I just received it, just now I can use it, but, Gege, you only have to drink a cup, don't drink too much, you know?" Red Yun said.

"Ah? A cup?" said Greg, annoyed. "Is this too little?"

"Reading people, it's not bad to have a drink! It means watching your vacation now, my mother will give you a drink!" said Hong Yun.

Gege looked for Zhao Tiezhu for help. He said, "Is the iron column brother, can you drink a few more cups?"

"Is this thing to ask my brother to be? I told you that this time you are calling my father is useless." Zhao Tiezhu said, looking at the red rhyme without a trace, the red rhyme snarled and flew Zhao Tiezhu, it seems In the face of Zhao Tiezhu eating her tofu in front of her daughter.

"You still want to be my father? Can you make my mother a blessing?" Gege looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Cough, this... still drink the bar, Gege, you can only have one cup!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

The three people sat together so that when the Spring Festival had not arrived, they passed the early morning together. Zhao Tiezhu and Hong Yun both drank a lot of red wine. Gege was already drinking the first glass of red wine. When I left, I said that I was going out to find a pair of glasses to play next door. When Gege left, Gege also specially lost a look of your refueling to Zhao Tiezhu.

"This... red rhyme, can you still drink?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the red rhyme of his eyes and asked.

"Also, we don't get drunk at night." Red rhythm was holding the bottle of wine and said, "I haven’t drunk so much for a long time. Hey, this time it’s estimated that it’s going to be half a month and a month. Can't see you!"

"It's okay, I can meet again after the holiday." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I will miss you."

"Yeah." Red rhyme nodded and said, "If you don't miss me, I will marry you."

"Cut, are you willing to be jealous?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"I really can't bear it." Red Yun said, and poured himself a glass of wine with Zhao Tiezhu.

Under the light, the two chatted slowly and drank wine, which was quite interesting.

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