Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1488: Good eloquence (thirty three more)

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-eight chapters are good eloquence (thirty three more)

"You can't say this." The fat man said, "The people pointed at you with a kitchen knife. Did you say that you want to cut you? He pointed at you, it was just an action, and if you don't sign, will you stand here, it's just you. A hypothesis, can you assume that it can be used as a basis for doing things? No! I will give you a hypothesis. Suppose you see the **** on the road looking at you with a gun. Can you be sure that he will shoot you? This is impossible, right?"

"I am grass!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the fat man with anger. He always felt that he could pull around very well. I didn't expect this fat man to be more powerful than himself. Listening to him said that he even felt that he was wrong. In general, it’s just that you are being slaughtered. That’s true!

"Young, don't say such uncivilized words, like you, I have two words, can I understand that you want to grass me? But, do you really grass me? This is impossible. Right? People are pointing at you with a knife, will they really cut you? This is not necessarily true? Maybe people just think that the posture is more handsome and more attractive than the socialist superiority?" As said, the fat on his face also trembled, making people feel sick.

"You!" Zhao Tiezhu glared at the fat man, wanting to say something, but could not say it.

"Don't be excited, young people." The fat man appeased. "Those things of more than 10,000 yuan have passed. In places like ours, eating more than 10,000 seafood is cheap. Now our country. It’s thriving, people are more rich, and now there are more than 10,000 pieces, what can they do? It’s the same as one or two thousand pieces before ***, which is equivalent to the seafood you eat, as long as one Two thousand pieces, this is not expensive, isn't it? And, you don't always assume that you want to go, because your assumptions are not established, they can't be used as a standard for filing a case, just like the question of the Ark. Han Hanhan’s work is written by someone else. He assumes that a person has never been to college, and it is impossible to write a book describing college life. This assumption is actually very fucking, as if we assumed that Wu Chengen had never been there. Xitian, then it is impossible for him to write a Journey to the West. The conclusion is that Wu Chengen has been to the West. It is ridiculous, don't you think?"

Zhao Tiezhu is about to be confused by this fat man. This fat man is still non-stop. "If you do things in the future, don't be impulsive. At least wait for someone to take a knife and smash you a few times. Then you will come back with us after the evidence is conclusive." Say, of course, sometimes you can’t be said to be evidenced by the bucket, because people may just accidentally tie you up, or if you look at you, you’re not too busy, or you’re just bored, let’s take a look at you. Anyway, it is not related to the slaughter. You have to find evidence to prove that he is jealous because you are not letting him slaughter."

"I am grass, I will simply say a word, do you accept it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Not accepted, the evidence is not enough." Fat man said helplessly, "You rely on these simple things to let me accept the case? Have you thought about the consequences of not doing this kind of behavior? We have to send people out to check It takes manpower, we have to drive, that is material resources, and people have to cooperate with you to check, which may affect the business, and then affect their spirit, which is a spiritual loss, so add up Not only your 10,000 yuan, so ah, young people, where to go back and forth, we si is a well-known tourist destination in the country, what is the singer is definitely not going to happen in the river crab!"

"Well, you don't accept it? Then I can only do it in my own way!" Zhao Tiezhu snorted and turned away from the Consumer Complaint Office.

"Cut, who do you think you are? Governor?" The fat man snorted disdainfully, and then saw another person coming in. The fat man's face was filled with some smiles and said, "What are you doing?"

"Someone is slaughtering."

"Oh, I have to say something to you, fair trade..."

After Zhao Tiezhu came out of the Trade and Industry Bureau, he directly called Zhao Ergou on a phone call.

"Dad, no matter what, what should I do?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"No matter? Haha, it really doesn't matter!" Zhao Ergou said with a smile. "It seems that the stalker here, as it is in the rumor, is the collusion between the official and the business!"

"Official business collusion?" Zhao Tiezhu is not stupid, naturally reacted at once, you slaughtered more than this, the chicken fart naturally went up, this chicken fart went up, the political performance will go up, engage Those who kill customers are equivalent to being self-employed. Who is so stupid?

"What do we have to do?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"What can I do? Since people don't deal with it, then let's deal with it yourself, son, this is good, it is also the jurisdiction of your blood soul hall. It can't be managed on the white surface. Calling the order of the underground world? This is called maintaining the order of the underground world!"

"You can be a businessman!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"The slaughter is more powerful than you, is it qualified to be called a businessman?" asked Zhao Ergou.

"This is also true, then they are also our underworld, um, this can be done!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded, and immediately called the Solitary.

On the other side of the Solitary Emperor, I received instructions from Zhao Tiezhu. Immediately, I organized a group of blood soul gangs. About half an hour later, the Ulaqi seven or eight vans left the city of fj and ran with si.

In the afternoon, the seven or eight vans came to the city of Si.

This time, the team is led by Tiandao. There are about 50 people coming in. There are not many people watching them, but each one can kill them, and there is no need to fight against these unscrupulous traders. Most of these *** are just blinded by money, and they look like they are very fierce, but if they really come across the real gang of blood souls, it’s still only awkward!

After Zhao Tiezhu had another group of people with Tiandao, he went decisively to Lujia Seafood City. Since he had to rectify the underground world of Si, the first fire would have to burn a little, killing chickens and giving monkeys. Look, then kill the monkey!

It was at such a tense moment that Zhao Ergou decisively appeared next to Zhao Tiezhu.

"I have to work hard, and when there is something out of the limelight, Dad, you will appear. Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy!" Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion.

"Cut, I am afraid of any accidents, take care of you!" Zhao Ergou snorted, Zhao Tiezhu smiled, did not say anything, anyway, father and son, who is out of the limelight?

Not long after, this mighty van pair appeared outside the Luye Seafood City.

(Thirty-third, because some people with unbalanced hearts are brushing my book review area and saying that I have not eaten VIPs. Since this is the case, I am too lazy to argue. Yesterday duduu 10,000 votes plus Chu Huaisha 1500 votes, That is the total of twenty-three chapters, and it is more straightforward. In addition, the daily 5 of March 30, 31, and April 3 is even more explosive, not 500 votes plus, but thanks Everyone's support, in addition, brush my buddy in the book review area, know what is the quality?)

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