Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1492: The most important thing is the momentum (37

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-two chapters are the most important (37th

"This... what's going on?" The front desk lady looked at the black man who had disappeared, and shivered and said to the security guard next to him.

"I... how do I know!" The security guard is also a white face.

"That person...the one who just stood at the door, I seem to have seen it!" said the front desk lady. "It seems to be the guest who stayed here yesterday!"

"I am going, what is the arrogant character, this... Is this going to fight, or what?" The security guard said a little incoherently.

The police officer Li was rushing to follow the people with his own men. Obviously, listening to the so-called Zhao Ge’s words, these people are going to do things with people. Since it is the police, you have not encountered it. This matter, it is okay to say, big deal, wait for things to come out and see again, since you have encountered it in front, if you don’t care about anything, it is easy to be criticized.

Li police officer ran to Zhao Tiezhu and asked, "This comrade, what are you doing?"

"We go to people more than people." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Someone bullied me from outside, I think they are more powerful. We will look at it in the past, compare with him, who is a little more, police officer." Rest assured, we must do nothing, simply more than people!"

"Ghosts believe in you!" Li police officer secretly whispered, but then said with a smile on his face, "Oh, why are you suffering? I see you, is it out of travel? We are a tourist attraction, various rules and regulations. It’s all perfect, so many of you, if you accidentally touch it, it’s not good, isn’t it?”

"No, I promise." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I am just here to help you maintain some order that you don't care about."

"You guys..." Li police officer hesitated and said, "If you do this, I can only contact the armed police!"

"Although go, anyway, there is no stipulation that there is no more people than people in China. Isn't it? We have not killed or killed hundreds of people, and even spit nowhere, they get together and do not hinder What are you doing, right? This is to say that the day is broken, it is also on our side." Zhao Tiezhu still looks with a smile.

Li police officer took the wax and looked at the mighty, and still awkward group of people, saying that you guys who are doing these hundreds of people are going to fight, how can they do nothing?

After hesitating for a long time, Li police officer decided to call the armed police for help, because this kind of thing is not the police can manage it!

And not long after, Zhao Tiezhu’s business, some people responded to the si government, the si government quickly responded, let the armed police cooperate with the police to see what the group is doing, just in the si government’s plan When Zhao Tiezhu had any changes to let the armed police ***, the si government received an order from the top, the order was very long, but the specific meaning is that these people do things, you just look at it, since some If you don't care about things, let them go.

This time, the Si government is also sitting on the wax, want to do something, but can't really do it, because this order is issued directly by the provincial party committee!

Therefore, the armed policemen who were already ready to go were all ordered to rest in the station. As for the police, they were not ordered to go back, but they were followed by Zhao Tiezhu. Anyway, if there was any change, they would have to report quickly, and then Be careful, don't let things go.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled smugly and looked at his father and said, "Dad, how are you, this momentum, is it enough?"

"It's quite enough!" Zhao Ergou nodded with a smile. "I knew that I also went to a gang to play in the past. Hey, Zhao Ge, your second grandfather always let me go, but I am too lazy to go. Otherwise, it can be a bit too much now, and one person can fight again, and this momentum will never go up!"

"After the old man you want to engage in someone, you tell me, we don't have the other, the most people!" Zhao Tiezhu grinned.

"Right right, no matter whether you can play or not, the momentum is the most important!" Zhao Ergou nodded and said, "This time, let us use people to kill them!"

Two super-masters and sons who were able to single-handedly pick up hundreds of people, so they made a decision to use a number of people to kill each other. It must be said that these two people are really not masterful, but they are also particularly shameless, specifically bullying ordinary people.

Not far from the outside of the hotel, there are several buses parked on the bus. These buses are hung with license plates of fj city. There are more than 10 vehicles. This group of four or five hundred people is divided into more than ten buses. Drive to Luye Seafood City.

"I am a slap, this group of people, what is the head!" A man stood not far away, looked at the mighty car in front of him, wiped the sweat, this person is before seeing Ling Xue and Cao Ziyi That person, at this time, he was very glad that he did not offend Zhao Tiezhu yesterday, or else he would be suspended today.

Police officer Li was busy driving the police car behind the convoy of the big queue. While walking, he called the city bureau and asked him to arrange the manpower.

The stabbed Luye Seafood City is performing a scene similar to that of Zhao Tiezhu. A middle-aged man looks at Lulu with a red neck and says, "Four dishes are 10,000, you are a slaughter!"

"Hey, you ate all the food. Now when you are full, let me kill people. Is this too much to say?" Lu Ye took the kitchen knife as usual, and the knife tip was facing the customers in front of him.

"You!! I want to complain to you!" the middle-aged man cried. "You are waiting to be sealed up."

"Haha, although you go to complain, anyway, this time you have the money, you don't have to give it, we have a small business, can not afford to toss you!" Lu Ye said happily.

"You!!!" The middle-aged man wanted to say something, but found that the voice was stuck in his throat. He couldn’t scream, and everyone around him smiled and looked at him.

"Old Chen, don't argue, it doesn't make sense, it's hard to come out, just pay for the lessons." A middle-aged woman standing next to the middle-aged man advised.

"Yes, this big sister is right, it’s a lot of things to go out." Luye’s education started as a middle-aged man. “Before you eat, you have to ask the price first. Otherwise, when you can't afford it, it's a contradiction with other people's stores. This is a bad thing. Are you saying yes?"

The middle-aged man clenched his fists and loosened it for a few times. Finally, he had to take out a stack of RMB from the bag. He just wanted to pay the money. The door of the seafood city suddenly heard a burst of cars.

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