Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1497: Be your whole family (forty-two more)

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-seven chapters to be your whole family (forty-two more)

When Zhao Tiezhu’s words came out, the one hundred people who stood opposite each other could suddenly get up. Is this going to be a family? If there is nothing left to be dismantled with Lu Ye, what business is it? What kind of money do you still earn?

"Little brother, I advise you, don't play too much!" Su Shi looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a sullen face and said, "It is Lulu who offended you, not us. Do you really think that you are five hundred people?" Can we run our si?"

"I never think so." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "These people, there are not many, but I think, you can still do it! I have no other hobbies, just like nosy, look. When the market in your market is in chaos, I feel that it is necessary to take care of it. When it is time to rectify this side, I am sure that I have to give me a moving figure award!"

"Do you believe that if you do that, you will not see the sunshine of tomorrow?" Su Shi asked.

"Oh? It seems like you have any troubles yet?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously. "Can you still give me thousands of people to come out?"

"Hey, Luye didn't tell you all, we are doing this, do you really think that we make money? What are you standing behind, you know best. With the government, do you think you will end up?" ”

"Oh? Are you talking about this?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "I forgot to tell you, the government is very supportive of me doing this. Do you see the police car outside? Those are Let's go down and protect us!"

"Police car?" Su Shi looked at the direction pointed by Zhao Tiezhu. Sure enough, in the place more than 100 meters outside the food stalls, several police cars were parked, and several people stood next to the police car. Among them, Su Shi knew People are inside.

"What is your origin?" Su Shi was really scared by Zhao Tiezhu. Where did this come from the river, and even the government was doing a good job? However, it has been smashed by more than 10,000 people. The characters like you, more than 10,000 pieces of time to dig a nostril and put a fart will earn back. As for the so-called fascination?

"I am? Right, I forgot to introduce myself." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I am fj, the soul of the soul."

"Blood Soul!!!!" Su Shi's face changed greatly, saying, " are a person of Blood Soul!"

"Can't you?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously. "What happened to the people of Blood Soul?"

"No wonder, no wonder you can call so many people. No wonder you can do the work of the government. No wonder you can get a gun! Originally, you are a person of the Blood Soul Hall! Today we lose nothing, not at all. Ah! You are actually a member of the largest gang in fj province, how can we fight with you!"

"Businessman? Are you still embarrassed to say that you are a businessman?" Zhao Tiezhu disdainfully looked at Su Shi and said, "Cheat the tyrants, deceive customers, blackmail customers, what do you do, which point can make you match the name of a businessman?" The re-trafficking businessman will pay attention to your feelings and wishes. You are good here, and you are straightforward and hard to come. I really think that si is your world. Four or five dishes are more than 10,000. Are you eating gold? Eat diamonds? Yesterday's loss is met with me. If you meet ordinary people, you will extort money if you extort. Do you think that you are making money with your conscience? These gases are actually the second, my mother is the least. It is customary that our Chinese people have never been immersed in foreign travel. In the country, it is net by your so-called compatriots. You are also an international tourist island. If you let foreigners know how to look at our Chinese people? How do you laugh at us? Ah? When the buddies were abroad, they listened to the foreigners saying that the people of Shenzhou liked to engage in Shenzhou people. I also argued with people at that time. You have directly done what everyone said, and I am still in the province where I am in charge. Where do you let my old face go? Is it a bit of a brain? Say our people are bones, you are not a Chinese. You are not a skeleton? Do you really think that you can hang for a lifetime? No one is a fool. There is nothing in the pit. There are not many hundred people and two hundred people, but one or two thousand one thousand? Tens of thousands Twenty thousand? Si is ruined in the hands of you scum sooner or later!"

Zhao Tiezhu’s embarrassment directly made Su Shi dumbless. After a long while, Su Shi shivered and said, “ control? You...who are you?”

"Grass, who else can I? Laozi Blood Soul Hall help Zhao Tiezhu, who do you say I am?" Zhao Tiezhu did not bother to look at the Su Shi, his head raised 45 degrees, really want to be more contemptuous Despise, you have to be contemptuous if you want to be contemptuous.

"Zhao...Zhao Tiezhu!" Su Shi stepped back. He accidentally knocked down the chair underneath and slammed into the ground, but Su Shi did not care about it at all, but looked at Zhao Tiezhu in horror. I can't speak for a long time.

"You... aren't you Zhao Kunlun?" The voice of Lu Ye came from the secluded side, and was dragged by Zhao Tiezhu until now, and Luye, who was sober now, finally stood up in trembling.

"That's my trumpet, can't you?" Zhao Tiezhu picked up his eyebrows, and you said that you can't let the buddy let you fall again.

"You can!" Luye nodded and said, "Dr. Big Brother, you are the emperor of the underground world of fj. We don't know Taishan, and offended you. Please also take care of it. We must change it immediately! Before the non! Will not kill the customer again!"

"Cut, don't give you a lesson, how can you know the pain?" Zhao Tiezhu said, "This time, my goal is not much, just three stores, Su Shi, your family I remember, and I have already made people Go online and check, which store is the most complaints, these three stores, I must be jealous, you hurt, you will know that to do business is to have a conscience!"

"Zhao Ge, we really don't dare!" Su Shi directly went forward and explored with both hands in front of Zhao Tiezhu. "Zhao Ge, give me a chance. I will never do it again." It’s a matter of people!"

"I will you do it?" Zhao Tiezhu kicked Su Shi directly and said, "You all have money. I know that after so many years, even if there are only a hundred people, you are good." I can earn hundreds of thousands, and then re-repair, the store can still open as usual. If you hold me after I leave, I will advise you to go back and turn off the store now, fj’s underground world is I have the final say, since you are all black with the guests, then you are also a person in the underground world, and they belong to me. If you don’t listen to me, I will make you a whole family!"

Zhao Tiezhu’s face was full of suffocation, which made people feel uncomfortable.

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