Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1503: Package red envelope (third more)

The first thousand five hundred and three chapters of the package red envelope (third more)

Zhao Tiezhu left the blood with his blossoms, then drove his No. 25 car, which had never seen the light, to a Hong Kong-style morning tea shop in the downtown area.

"It's delicious?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the blossoming breakfast in the bite, and asked with a smile.

"Well, delicious! I haven't eaten so delicious yet!" said Duo, laughing.

"Then you know, how much is this morning tea?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"I don't know, but how do I get ten dollars?" The blossoming buns on his hands, after a while, said.

"This one, thirty-five." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Can't you think of it?"

"Thirty-five? That's really expensive!" Duo looked at the buns in his hand and said, "That one, at least eight dollars?"

"Of course, here is the most authentic Hong Kong-style morning tea. The whole fj is made of Hong Kong-style morning tea. It is best to eat here. You think that thirty-five is expensive. Then you can not eat. How many people do you see here? Almost full That's why? Because you are expensive, but expensive, know why I want to tell you these?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"I don't know." The blossoming shook his head.

"In fact, telling you this is to tell you that life, in addition to struggle, the other is to enjoy!" Zhao Tiezhu held his head in his back and said, "You make more money, don't spend it, Save, even if you save a few billion, what is the use? The things you enjoy still need to enjoy, you save a billion without spending, it is better to spend ten! Do you know? Of course, before you enjoy, you have to be sure Have the capital of enjoyment, such as this cage thirty-five, you can't afford it, then how do you enjoy it? Right!"

"Oh! I know!" Nodded and nodded, "I will pay attention later."

"Well, this is for you." Zhao Tiezhu said something and pulled out a bank card from his pocket.

"What is this?" asked the confused question.

"There are 100,000 pieces inside, not much. It is counted as the bonus for your internship at me. Huangtian told me that many of your ideas are in line with our blood soul development model, and because of your ideas. Let us earn more money and popularity, so these bonuses are given to you by Emperor, not by me." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"This... is there a difference?" The blossoming is even more confusing.

"Of course there is a difference. Emperor Tian is in charge of all the affairs of my blood soul hall. He gives you this, not because you are my dry sister, just because of your excellent performance. Simply put, whether you are not my sister. He will reward 100,000 pieces for you as your bonus, do you know?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Oh! I know, that is to say, this is the bonus that my brother sent to me by your company, not for yourself, right?" asked the blossoming.

"Positive solution, so you don't think about it, that is, I am sorry for the fruits of your labor." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Thank you brother, thank you, Huang Tiange!" Duo smiled and took the bank card from Zhao Tiezhu.

"The password is your birthday." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Oh, I see!"

"The 100,000 pieces, you don't have it, I told you before, the enjoyment still has to be enjoyed, add something new to the family, take your mother to buy some new clothes, anyway, I will give you The requirement is that during this Chinese New Year, you have to spend all of this 100,000 pieces, do you know?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"How is it possible!" Looking at Zhao Tiezhu with a strange look, "100,000 pieces, spent during the New Year? The Chinese New Year is more than ten days, I have to spend 10,000 a day? How to spend?"

"This is just not knowing how to live. Just buy a TV set. Do you want to buy a TV? You buy a computer for yourself. Thousands of them will be ready. Then you and your mom will buy some clothes and pants, and buy a new year. There is not much left in the 10,000 blocks!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"That... then I will try it." Looking at the bank card in his hand, suddenly he felt that the bank card was like a bomb, 100,000 pieces, which is really astronomical for the blossoming, Before I met Zhao Tiezhu, the cost of blossoming with her mother was only a few thousand a year. It was not enough for 10,000. Now let her spend 100,000 pieces in ten days, which is equivalent to spending 10 days in blossoming. I know Zhao Tiezhu's sum total of all the expenses in the past ten years. I feel dizzy when I think of this blossoming.

For those who haven’t spent any money, in fact, spending the same amount of money.

Zhao Tiezhu actually has nothing else to say. Blossoming is his dry sister. No matter whether he wants or not, he is doomed to be rich and rich. Of course, if Zhao Tiezhu is dead, it will be another matter, but Zhao Tiezhu will not die. So fast, so the blossoming wealth is almost doomed, and what Zhao Tiezhu believes is that since you have money, you have to spend money, you have to enjoy it, and you have been suffering for more than ten years. Zhao Tiezhu does not say that this is not good, but now that there is that capital, Zhao Tiezhu intends to start to educate and let the blossoming slowly adapt to the high quality of life.

To put it simply, Zhao Tiezhu really wants to make Duodu become his true relatives, and even in the future can give her a status in the branch of the Zhao family.

After breakfast, Zhao Tiezhu took the blossoming back to the villa, and Zhao Ergou and his wife were waiting for the daughter who had never met before.

"Dad, this is blossoming." Zhao Tiezhu said with a blossoming hand, "Flowering, this is my parents."

"Uncle and aunt are good." Duotou lowered his head and said shyly.

"Ha ha ha, what aunt and uncle? Call me, let me dry up!" Zhao Ergou said, directly pulled the blossoming hand in front of the steps, and said with a smile, "Hey, this niece is really long." Not bad! I like it."

"You don't scare other children." Ye Qingxia glanced at Zhao Ergou and pulled the blossoming hand from Zhao Ergou's hand and let him sit next to him. He said, "You are the dry sister of the iron pillar. right?"

"Well, yes!" Blossoming was a little bit timid at this time, said, "I... I am the sister of the Iron Pillar brother."

"Since it is the sister of the iron column, then you have to call me a godmother, do you know?" Ye Qingxia smiled softly.

Perhaps Ye Qingxia’s smile was infected with blossoming, and the blossoming was no longer restrained. Instead, she glanced at Zhao Tiezhu and saw Zhao Tiezhu’s encouraging eyes, and the screaming whispered, “Da Ma.”

"Hey! Good, my daughter." Ye Qingxia happily touched the blossoming head, then took out a red envelope from her arms and handed it to the blossoming, said, "Come, this is the red envelope I gave you. And."

(Bottom guaranteed three more, and then there are more 10 chapters, is the duduu and Chu Huaisha gave me the chapter, although there is no time in the outbreak, but their heart is old, but I am I know, so even if the vote is early, I will follow the 500 votes for the old one. As for the friends who don’t know where to go, you can contact me on the official website or Weibo. Recommend a copy A good book, written by my friend, the title of the book is "Billionaires of Rebirth", Shuangwen!)

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