Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1511: Qq bubble beauty (11 more)

At this time, the provincial daughters of the two provinces, Hua Dan Lin Si and Lin Lei, stood at the door of the Provincial Taiwan Building. Both of them saw that they were dressed up and the two flowers went to the provincial gate. At that time, it attracted the eyes of all the men who went in and out of the provincial building. Seeing the appearance of two people, it seems that they are waiting for others. Many people are envious and hateful. Which two men have the blessing? Let the two heads of the provincial government spend the day.

Not long after, a yellow qq appeared at the door of the provincial station. A thin man walked down from the qq and went to the two beautiful women. Many people who had been staring at this side could not help but disdain. Pouting, opening a broken qq also want to spend the provincial Taiwanese flower? If this is successful, then the buddy will also buy a hundred and eighty qq to see, and then take a while to go s shape for a while to go b-shaped.

However, the scene that happened next is that many people are really s/b. I saw two people who are more beautiful than flowers, and they all showed a happy look. Then one of the provincial leaders, Hua Dan Lin Si, took hold. The man’s left hand, the provincial leader Hua Dan Lin Lei took the man’s right hand, and then the man went so far as to the left one to the qq car, walked to the qq, the man was very gentleman to the two sisters After opening the door, after the two sisters got on the bus, the man proudly opened the door of his driver's seat, sat in, started the car, and left.

"I did, did you make a mistake! A broken qq soaked two beautiful women? Is the two beautiful women's brains funny? Or is qq really there is something we can't see in it?" The man shouted dissatisfied.

"I am going, hurry!" One person on the side immediately walked towards the road.

"Why are you going?" someone asked immediately.

"Buy qq! I have to soak my sister, I have to be double gray!!"

"Oh, then I want too!"

For a time, the winds are raging, and the boss of the qq4s store is overjoyed. This month's sales are much more than the previous month!

"Iron column, you said, do I want to bring some gifts to my uncle and aunt?" Lin Si asked behind the driver's seat.

"No, I will meet my parents in the evening, then have a meal, remember, we are just ordinary friends." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Of course, it’s an ordinary friend. I know this too. Not enough is an ordinary friend who is more intimate, right?" Lin Siwei smiled.

"Haha, this is good." Zhao Tiezhu did not follow Lin Si's flowers and said, Lin Lei looked at the side, quite a bit of mixed meaning, this Zhao Tiezhu seems to be hooked up first, the result turned out to be Lin Lei I have eaten it first. How does this make Lin Lei feel balanced? Only Lin Lei is sometimes helpless. Lin Si is more open than her. She is more active, but she is more active. Compared with that, it can only be regarded as introverted, so this made Lin Si take the lead and Zhao Tielzhu to further develop.

"Hey." Lin Lei sighed faintly, only complaining that he was too open, but Zhao Tiezhu is also a gentleman, he can not open, he will not force himself, although occasionally like to take advantage of people, but in big things It is also a man of principle.

If Zhao Tiezhu knows that Lin Lei would like to evaluate him like this, he might not be able to laugh like it. At the moment, Zhao Tiezhu is thinking about a problem. Waiting for these women, how do you introduce them?

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu felt that his parents had done something extra, why do you bring these women together? Some have nothing to do with themselves, but they are also frank, but the red rhyme Lin Si Su Shi, these three are there! Su Shi is okay, certainly will not say anything more, but Lin Si and Hong Yun, Zhao Tiezhu can not guarantee, but fortunately Linda because she wants to go home with her parents can not come, or else may be confused What it looks like.

"Hey, the confidante is more, sometimes it is very distressing!" Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion, if the men who can only manage the computer now know Zhao Tizhu’s feelings, they have to slap and die. The guy who sells cockroaches.

Zhao Tiezhu has no idea that this is the first time that he opened his own door today. When he opened the door, a group of people were busy outside. Lin Si was very familiar and ran up to say hello to Su Shi and others. When I saw Zhao Ergou and Ye Qingxia, I started to call my uncle and aunt. Zhao Ergou and Ye Qingxia naturally smiled and asked people to sit and watch TV. Lin Lei was a little restrained to look around. This is the first time she came to Zhao Tiezhu’s home, and when she came in, she saw a lot of women. Sometimes Lin Lei would think that Zhao Tiezhu had a woman, why should he be entangled with so many women, This question, Lin Lei has no answer, and does not want to find the so-called answer, maybe this is everyone's hobby, just like someone likes a sports car, then you have to buy a dozen cars, just watch Looks good, even never opened.

After sending Lin Lei and Lin Si, Zhao Tiezhu went out again, this time the goal is red rhyme and Gege.

When I arrived at Hongyun Company, it was already 5:30 in the afternoon. After Zhao Tiezhu waited for a while in the downstairs, the red rhyme of the genre was on the tip of the high-heeled twisted small waist and appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

"Iron child, waited for a long time?" Red rhyme was unusually windy, Sao's hand reached Zhao Tiezhu's chin, Zhao Tiezhu waved directly, and struck **** the rhyme's ass.


A crackling sound. The face of Hongyun suddenly became red.

"You are so bad!" Red rhythm gasped and said to Zhao Tiezhu. "Do you want to force me to put you right here?"

"I don't want to, people at home can be very much now. Going at night, you should say something that shouldn't be said, don't say it, I am in a mess now." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Hey, iron pillar children, are you too distressed women?" Red rhythm smiled charmingly.

"Not too many women, too many confidantes." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I am thinking about bringing a few men to go, but I am not allowed."

"It seems that your parents are checking for you!" said Hong Yun with a smile. "In today's society, there are many smart women who want to climb the dignitaries. It is necessary for your parents to do this. The so-called bystanders are clear, maybe your parents can see something you can't usually see from your so-called confidantes?"

"This... Are you referring to you?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smirk.

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