Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1513: Prelude to Beijing (13 more)

"Oh!" Su Shi nodded and said, "Ling Xue, is the Ling Xue of the Giants Consortium? I have seen it once, it is a very beautiful woman."

Zhao Tiezhu was trying to say something. Suddenly, he felt that another foot had gotten into his trouser legs. He turned his head and looked at it. Red rhyme was looking at himself with a smile.

"I am going, don't you be like this?" Zhao Tiezhu was powerless. Fortunately, Lin Si's legs had already shrunk back at this time, otherwise the two legs would come together and it would be fun.

It’s just that Zhao Tiezhu’s luck was not long before Lin Si’s legs stretched out.

Then, as Zhao Tiezhu thought, the two beautiful legs, then they met in their trouser legs.

Lin Si's face changed, he was busy looking around, and then he saw the red face of the same face changing slightly. After two people looked at each other for a while, as if nothing had happened, the chat chat should eat. eat.

Zhao Tiezhu did not say anything. The feet of these two men actually started a battle for the site around their trouser legs. The two of you pushed me and pushed you, the various touches, the It’s Zhao Tiezhu’s ecstasy, but it’s also very tangled.

Finally, when both of them had to attack Zhao Tizhu's thigh, Zhao Tiezhu decisively fought.

"Come on, start drinking bars, red rhyme, Lin Si, I will have a drink with you." Zhao Tiezhu said with a white wine.

"Oh? Drink with us?" Lin Si said as he took his feet back, then lifted the cup and said, "That, one cup!"

"No problem!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and drank a glass of white wine.

A glass of white wine, Zhao Tiezhu immediately filled a cup, and then with the red rhyme also killed.

This glass of white wine, Hong Yun and Lin Si felt that the trachea was burning, the two only looked at the temper, and they did not make waves on Zhao Tiezhu’s legs.

Zhao Tiezhu put down his heart and began to host the evening dinner with his father.

"I respect everyone." Zhao Ergou said, "My son, thanks to your care, hey, sometimes he said, iron pillar, long, I haven’t taken care of him with his mother. You take care of him more than we take care of him, so I want to thank you here, come, everyone is full, let it go."

As the owner of the Zhao Ergou has opened, then everyone has to fill the wine, and then drink it, the blossoming and the Gege are good, both are small children, just drink, other people, especially the red rhyme and Lin It’s uncomfortable to think about it. After two drinks, this is three or two! This is not beer, but white wine! More than three or two white wines, the power is already quite big!

"Is the child of the iron column, is it not that you are not worried?" Zhao Ergou asked with a smile.

"No, no, the iron column is very good for me!" Lin Si spoke first, then Red Yun said, "Yes, the iron column can care about our employees."

The two men opened their heads here. Su Shi and Lin Lei also began to praise Zhao Tiezhu. The praise of Zhao Tiezhu has an illusion that he is as good as they say.

A meal has been eaten until 10 o'clock in the evening. These ten people are less than, and they have drunk five bottles of white wine. On average, one person has at least six or seven! The amount of alcohol in the crowd is not too much, so the six or seven cars are basically drunk.

"I told you that the iron pillar is mine, you don't think about possessing him!" Lin Si said with a sly look at the red rhyme.

"Cut, who said that the iron column is yours?" Red rhyme is much more awake than Lin Si, so she did not say that the iron column is also my own.

Lin Si rolled his eyes and just wanted to say something. As a result, the wine rushed hard, Lin Si squatted directly on the table, and then slept.

Zhao Tiezhu was helpless. He had to call a few younger brothers to come over and put Lin Si back home. Su Shi also had a lot of drunkenness, but her heart was still holding the mind of spending the night here, but Zhao Tiezhu also let The man sent her back. Lin Lei’s drink is worse than Lin Si’s. She didn’t know when she was sitting on the sofa and dreaming about it. Zhao Tiezhu did not make people arguing about her, but took the bed quilt from the upstairs and covered it.

"It's all little girls!" Red rhyme said with a smile. Although it is a bit drunk, but she is a mixed shopping mall, the amount of a pound of white wine is still there, so it is not as drunk as Lin Silin.

"Oh, you are not old." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "You are mature."

Hong Yun smiled and turned around and chatted with Zhao Ergou and Ye Qingxia on the side. After a few days, the time had already reached eleven o'clock. Red Yun stood up and said goodbye, and then was sent by Zhao Tiezhu’s younger brother. Back home, for a while, the people in the villa, only Cao Ziyi, blossoming, Zhao Ergou couple and the already ruined Lin Lei.

"Hey, Dad, just for your idea, you can suffer me!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a depressed face. Even though he was understated at night, Zhao Tiezhu knew that his own woman, or his own. Between female friends, there has been a slight smell of smoke, Lin Si and the red rhyme fight, and Lin Lei and Lin Siming fight, Su Shi looked low-eyed, but also has his own ambition, anyway, is a Word, chaos!

"Hahaha, do you feel that you are affectionate now?" Zhao Ergou said with a smile. "Tell you, sometimes women are more, it is a very troublesome thing!"

"I am not all friends, not all of my women." Zhao Tiezhu explained.

"Cut, don't tell me that you don't have that kind of mind!" Zhao Ergou said, "You are my son, what do you want, I still don't understand?"

"Which can be gathered together like this, how embarrassing!" Zhao Tiezhu said depressedly.

"This is very necessary!" Zhao Ergou said seriously. "You can't always hide it all the time. Let them know each other, knowing the bottom, it's also a good thing! These people at night, except Su嫚 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林

"They are only exchanged interests with me." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Use each other."

"Well, you can see this, that's great!" said Zhao Ergou. "Men, who didn't have any thoughts? But you shouldn't consume your energy too much because of this kind of thing. Soon tomorrow we will Going, the temptation in the capital is more than here, you have to grasp it!"

"Nothing, I have a child to follow me!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Cao Ziyi, who was silent, and said with a smile.

"Zi Yi, waiting to enter Beijing, really have trouble you look at the iron column!" Ye Qingxia said with a smile.

"The iron column can be amazing now." Cao Ziyi said, "I will try my best!"

Blossoming and watching a few people talking over there are some things far away from her, and suddenly I want to grow up tomorrow.

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