Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1519: Reaction of all parties (19 more)

"A mixed world, less smoke." Li Xu frowned and said, "Zhao Tiezhu's business is actually no need to worry, the young people in Zhao's family, each pointing to Zhao Tiezhu to meet, we don't have to go out so early, wait for them It’s almost done, it’s not too late to go out.”

In the outer world, the mixed-race devil called Zhou Xushi heard Li Xu’s words, and he rarely showed a sly smile, then annihilated the cigarette butt, saying, “Xuzi, listen to what you said, the young people of Zhao’s family are against Zhao Tiezhu. Not so much to see?"

"That is of course, a young man who has never lived in the Zhao family suddenly returned to the Zhao family, and then directly became the heir to the Zhao family. Do you say that other people are watching it? Oh, wait for Zhao Tiezhu to come to the capital, then Faced with it, it’s not just us, but also the hospitality from the inside of the Zhao family. When we see the movie, it’s fine.”

"It's no wonder that I have seen the blood of the Zhao family's house in the past. It seems that Zhao Tiezhu's trip to Zhao's family will not be as good as it is!" said Sun Lei.

"Right, Sun Lei, how is your Sun family's research?" Li Xu asked.

"It's okay." Sun Lei's eyebrows picked and said, "There are some key places that have not broken through. What about your Li family? You Laozi is not saying to let Li Longyuan go home? If Li Longyuan really returned to your Zhao family, Then you have to study something out, but it is much more convenient!"

"Oh, okay." Li Xu smiled and made a haha, and did not continue to say the meaning, but my heart is very doubtful, why this so-called formula gets it, Sun family and his family have not been able to What did you study? Even if Li Longyuan went to his own home, he did not research anything!

Of course, these people did not know that the photo they took was a photo taken by Zhao Tiezhu, and naturally nothing could be studied.

On the other side, Li’s house.

"Uncle!" A girl with a mushroom head was standing in front of Li Longba and said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha, Linger, you haven't seen it for so many years, you are more beautiful than before!" Li Longba's face is a rare and revealing smile. This smile can be seen even if Li Xu does not have much chance to see it. .

"Hey, Linger is beautiful!" Li Linger went to Li Longba and looked at Li Longba, who had several heads higher than himself. He said, "The uncle is stronger than before!"

"Ha ha ha, that is natural, let's Li family, the older you are, the better you can show the advantages of hemorrhage. You see your dad, stay in the lab all day, don't work anymore, body is not good? This is The benefits of our Li family!” Li Longba sat down on the chair and patted his thigh and said, “Come, Linger, uncle hugs you.”

"Hey, don't take the uncle, the men and women don't kiss each other." Li Linger said shyly.

"Hey? You were the most favorite to play on the uncle, and now I am older and know how to be shy? Haha, is there a boyfriend?" Li Longba asked.

"No, where are the boyfriends coming from!" Li Linger said, there was no such thing as a wretched and friendly landlord in his mind. His face could not help but reveal a sweet smile. It seems that after a few hours, he will come to Beijing. Alright!

"Linger, the uncle asked you something." Li Longba suddenly said, "What is your relationship with Zhao Tiezhu?"

"Relationship? Fortunately, very good!" Li Linger said, "Iron Tie is very concerned about me."

"Hey, that little punk, it really can please a woman." Li Longba sighed and said, "I don't know what Yuanlong thinks, I will let you live with that person, not afraid of you." Encounter a good encounter, hehe!"

"Uncle, I think you may have misunderstood the iron column brother!" Li Linger said, "The iron column brother is awkward, but it is really a good person!"

"Don't say it, Zhao family doesn't have a good person." Li Longba's face suddenly became a bit ugly. "I will talk to Yuanlong. You will go abroad to study after you have finished the year. Don't go there again." Fj University, there is not much future in that place.

"How can you be like this!" Li Linger said with a big eyes. "When people read it well, why are they going abroad? Foreign countries are not necessarily better than China!"

"This is not something I can decide." Li Longba said, "This is what your grandfather said."

"Grandpa?" Li Linger's face changed slightly, and immediately said, "Where is Grandpa? I am going to meet him."

"Your grandfather has a little physical discomfort recently, you still don't want to influence him to rest, well, Linger, go out to play, uncle, I have to work!" Li Longba waved at Li Linger, Li Linger hesitated, only got I left the office of Li Longba.

"Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu, what tricks did you use in the end, and fascinated my niece." Li Longba frowned and said to himself. He really likes his daughter, because Li Long has three sons, although his son is the most important in the family, but because all three are boys, Li Longba wants a girl very much. Child, and Li Linger is his daughter. Although Li Yuanlong left Li’s family to study in the national research institute very early, Li Linger often came to Li’s family to play here, so Li Longba loved Li Linger very much. It’s not that Li Longba is just abroad, or Li Longba will definitely not let Li Linger go to fj, and then let Zhao Tiezhu protect it! So far, Li Longba does not know why his brother made such a decision.

"Yuan Long, what are you thinking about?" Li Longba's eyes are full of thoughts.

And at Zhao's home.

Zhao Laozheng was lying on a lounge chair with his eyes closed, standing next to Zhao Lao, a fairy girl.

"The fish, your heart, is not stable." Zhao said calmly.

"Zhao Grandpa, I..." The face of the fish was a little shy.

"Oh, is it that the iron pillar is coming, are you excited?" Zhao asked.

"Well! Iron column brother, the fish has not seen him for a long time!" said the fish nodded.

"Wait a minute, then you can go with them to pick up the iron column." Zhao Lao said, "Some things, you better have a long snack, the iron column may go to Beijing for the first time, can not see through, two dogs and Qingxia I haven't been here for a long time, so some things may not be known to you. You have been staying here for a long time. Some things to pay attention to, you first talk to them in the car, the province is given Set."

"The fish knows!" The fish nodded solemnly.

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