Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1521: Zhongnanhai (21 more)

"Come on!" Zhao Laifu walked down from the driver's seat, opened the back door and stood outside the door.

“Thank you.” Zhao Tiezhu first got out of the car and looked at the quiet scenery around him. Zhao Tiezhu said strangely, “Where is this?”

"This is Zhongnanhai." Zhao Laifu said, "Let's Zhao family, it is here."

"Zhongnanhai?" Zhao Tiezhu really did not expect Zhao family to be in the Zhongnanhai, not to say that Zhongnanhai is for the heads of the people? Can we even live in Zhao? Although the Zhao family is very powerful, but the rules are the rules, Zhao Jia Zai Niu, Zhongnanhai is for the heads of the people, it can only be the heads of the people.

"Zhao Lao, also counted as the head." Zhao Laifu explained, "In those years of great turmoil, Zhao Lao, once served as interim prime minister."

"Temporary Prime Minister?" Zhao Tiezhu did not expect Zhao Lao to have been a temporary prime minister, but also want to ask something, Zhao Ergou said, "Son, let's go, don't stay outside."

"Oh! I know!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and followed Cao Ziyi behind Zhao Ergou.

After walking through a stone path that surrounded the lake, Zhao Tiezhu appeared in front of an antique building.

The whole building is like a big house behind the Qing Dynasty. There is a stone lion around the door. The stone lion is very tall and bigger than any stone lion that Zhao Tiezhu has ever seen! In the center of the door, there is a plaque, and the plaque has two words, Zhao Fu.

The two dragons and phoenixes written by these two characters make people feel that they are coming to the surface and can't help but want to slap them.

"This word was written by the old lady." Zhao Ergou saw Zhao Tiezhu lying there and explained with a smile.

"Old Master?" Zhao Tiezhu stunned and immediately nodded. The so-called old man, the great-grandfather of Zhao Zhaotie, was the legendary figure who played with Mao Taizu in the past, that is, such a person could write such a magnificent word.

"Go in." Zhao Ergou looked at the Zhaofu word and said to Zhao Tiezhu. Then he took Ye Qingxia and walked into the gate. Zhao Tiezhu pulled a handful of Cao Ziyi, followed by a fish, followed closely.

Standing on both sides of the gate are two men wearing long braids with a faint smile on their faces. When they saw Zhao Ergou, the two nodded to Zhao Ergou, but they did not speak.

Entering the house, I saw a large yard with a paved gravel road. There are many flowers and trees in the yard. From time to time, some people walk through the yard and see Zhao Ergou. Some will nod and count. Greetings, some directly ignore them.

This is the style of the big family.

Zhao Tiezhu was quite emotionally looking at the hurrying people, and felt that this kind of life is really not suitable for himself!

Walking through the gravel road, passing through the yard, there is a hall inside. At this time, there are many people standing in the hall. These people are probably about thirty or forty years old. Everyone is very impressive, and some of them are young. A few of them looked at Zhao Tiezhu’s one-year-old person standing outside the crowd, while in the most central place, there were several chairs, and several people sitting on the chair, Zhao Tiezhu knew one, one of them was Zhao Lao!

At this time, Zhao Lao’s position was below the central Chinese painting. The other four people were sitting next to Zhao Lao’s. They looked very old. Zhao Tiezhu estimated that these people were the other four old veins.

"Second!!" Zhao Ergou's face was excited and looked at Zhao Ergou, who was sitting in the center. The voice even shook a little. Anyone who had been away from home for more than ten years would look like this after seeing their loved ones. Zhao Ergou is sometimes more enchanting, but he is first and foremost a person.

"Hey! Two dogs!" Zhao Lao promised, one hand pressed on the arm of the chair and stood up. "Two dogs, you are finally back!"

"Second, two dogs are not filial, just come back at this time!" Zhao Ergou stepped forward to support Zhao's hand and said.

"Oh, don't say this. I was sorry for you in the Zhao family. Now that you can come back, I am very happy. I am very happy, so I will have a face to see the ancestors in the future!"

"Big Brother, don't say that!" An old woman stood up and said, "You have to live for a hundred years. It is unlucky to say these words."

"Sister, you don't understand." Zhao Lao shook his head and said, "If the two dogs don't come back, then I really have no face to see the ancestors. Now my Zhao family is back, I am Zhao. The main pulse of the family can continue to continue!"

When Zhao Lao’s words came out, another old woman next to her face changed slightly and said, “Brother, the two dogs just came back, or settled down first.”

"Well, yes, two dogs, you will live in the house with Qingxia and Iron Pillars!" Zhao said, "The rooms are ready."

"Well, I will listen to you, Erbo." Zhao Ergou helped Zhao Lao, said.

"Two dogs, I heard that you have been very happy abroad!" The old woman named Zhao Laodi smiled and looked at Zhao Ergou.

"After all, it is not your own country that is not your own land, or you are not used to it." Zhao Ergou said calmly.

Zhao Tiezhu calmly looked at the people around him, probably guessing the identity of the old people. This is called Zhao Lao’s younger brother. It is estimated that Zhao’s mother is only, Zhao’s baby does not know that he’s coming to Zhao’s home. The Chinese New Year Zhao family members need to return to the Zhao family to worship the ancestors. This time, if you can see Zhao Bao, the prince of the northern underworld, Zhao Tiezhu thinks that it will be very interesting.

The other one may be Zhao Da Niu’s mother. Zhao’s cousin seems to have a big relationship with Zhao Tiezhu’s relationship. The big family’s bad is in this place, you have to work hard to figure out each other. The relationship between you, it is very likely that what you have encountered is what your two watches are, and then you don't know, if you don't say hello, you are probably rude.

As for the other two old men, it is obvious that one is the old man of Zhao Laifu, and the other is the old man who is on the other side of the mixed area.

"Today, the heirs of the Zhao family's main veins have successfully returned to the Zhao family. At night, we have to make a big feast!" Zhao Lao Shen said, "All Zhao family, in Beijing, have to come!"

When Zhao Lao’s words came out, Zhao’s mother’s face changed and said, “Brother, the identity of this heir, don’t rush to announce it? Well, you have to wait for the two dogs to enter the Zhao family tree?”

"Hey, the two dogs came back to inherit the Zhao family. They were announced early in the evening and they were all the same!" Zhao Lao’s words directly changed the faces of the people around him!

(Zhao Lao should be the second uncle of the two dogs, but my uncle and uncle are unclear, so the following manuscripts are all two, this is irrelevant, everyone will be wrong, it is also two words, no difference pull ~ haha )

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