Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1528: See you at the end (28 more)

The next day, Zhao Tiezhu got up early and pushed open the window. Zhao Tiezhu said strangely, "It's snowing!"

Yes! The city is snowing!

For Zhao Tiezhu, this thing about snow has not really been seen. When the mercenary was basically mixed with the Amazon rain forest in the African battlefield, these two places did not snow, and later retired. , to fj, then let alone see the snow, fj that is the southern city, although things are cold, but far from reaching the snow requirements.

This snow is quite big, Zhao Tiezhu looks into the distance, the entire Zhao House is a piece of white.

"You are up!" Cao Ziyi came in from the house with a few bowls in her hand.

"Well, it’s snowing!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "I haven’t seen snow since I was a child, and I have only seen it in Siberia since such a big snow."

"Oh, the capital here is already very north, and the following snow is very normal, but this snow is not expected to last much, so I have to stop later, you should have breakfast first." Cao Ziyi said, holding his hand The tableware was placed on the table next to it.

Zhao Tiezhu took a look at the previous one, which is the soy milk and fritters, Zhao Tiezhu's two favorite breakfasts.

"Have you eaten yet?" Zhao Tiezhu picked up a fritter and asked Cao Ziyi.

"Well, I have already eaten." Cao Ziyi said, "Linger called me just now. I met at the Temple of Heaven in the morning. It was about nine o'clock. It is already eight o'clock. You can hurry."

"Oh? Why didn't she call me?" Zhao Tiezhu asked while eating.

"She said that you must be sleeping, you will not quarrel with your dreams." Cao Ziyi said with a smile, "It seems that Linger, still understand you."

"Really, that Xiao Nizi seems to be able to see the heart." Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly.

"Oh, in fact, she knows you very well." Cao Ziyi said.

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "How much can she know me? I know how to tease me all day, find me trouble, really a little witch."

“Do you not like to be teased?” Cao Ziyi said with a smile. “That makes you feel stronger.”

"Fortunately!" Zhao Tiezhu shyly drank a bowl of soy milk, and then patted his belly and said, "Okay, let's go, Ziyi, here to the Temple of Heaven, far from?"

"A little distance, let's drive past." Cao Ziyi said, "Zhao Lao specially gave you a car to let you use in Beijing."

"Oh!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and didn't think much, just followed Cao Ziyi and left his room.

Outside the door of Zhao’s house, a black Audi has been parked.

This car is a grade worse than Zhao Tiezhu's No. 25 car, which is a4. However, the license plate is very good. At the beginning of Beijing v029, according to Zhao Tiezhu's understanding, this kind of license plate is generally opened by the children of the heads. Zhao Lao is given this kind of car. This care means overflowing with words.

Zhao Tiezhu took the key from Cao Ziyi's hand, and then the car was ignited and left.

I don't know how long it took. Under the guidance of navigation, Zhao Tiezhu finally came to the Temple of Heaven and found a place to park the car. Zhao Tiezhu followed Cao Ziyi's goal.

It took about five or six minutes to walk. Zhao Tiezhu’s sight finally appeared a familiar girl, but the girl’s upper body was wrapped in a windbreaker and a hat on her head. Zhao Tiezhu also stayed for a while. I am not sure that this is Li Linger.

"Iron column brother!" The woman in the windbreaker saw Zhao Tiezhu, and immediately spread the scorpion and ran over. Zhao Tiezhu looked at the short skirt under the body of Li Linger with black silk, and then looked at the windbreaker on the upper body. Tangled, this... so wear, won't it be cold?

When Zhao Tiezhu was still struggling, Li Linger had already rushed to the front of Zhao Tiezhu, then jumped up and flew into the arms of Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu took advantage of Li Linger in his arms, but Li Linger was too thick in the upper body. It was so thick that Zhao Tiezhu could not feel the huge bust of Li Linger. This made Zhao Tiezhu very sorry.

"Haha, iron pillar brother, you want to die me!" Li Linger said with a smile, "I am alone in the capital, so boring!"

"Wuxi, then we are looking for a warm place to do something not boring, how?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"What is not boring?" Li Linger looked up and lost a wink to Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu suddenly discovered that after the sister of Tong Yanju ru had not seen it for many days, it seemed to be a bit more charming than before. This one eye was thrown over, and Zhao Tiezhu could feel his heartbeat speeding up instantly.

"Iron brother, what are you looking at? Do you think I am more beautiful?" Li Linger asked with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu is really helpless at the moment. What do you think of, Li Linger will know?

"I want to say that you have eyelids in your eyes." Zhao Tiezhu said casually.

"You only have it, but people just wash their faces. Iron pillar brother, you are disgusting!" Li Linger broke free from Zhao Tiezhu's arms, then turned and held Cao Ziyi's arm and said, "Zi Yijie, long time no see, Thinking about me?"

"Think, but there is no iron column. When I slept last night, the iron column called your name several times!" Cao Ziyi said with a smile.

Li Linger was pretty red, just wanted to ask if it was true, but then it was awkward, and then asked, "Hey? Ziyi sister, you live with the iron column brother?"

Cao Ziyi nodded without any appearance and said, "Yes."

"Wow! Iron column brother, you can do it, this is the first day of going to Beijing. Then I went to bed with my sister Yi? I honestly explained, did you use any unspeakable method?" Li Linger asked.

"You can't see anyone? We are both arrogant and natural, and naturally... you won't understand us." Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly.

"Hey, people don't want to know you, let's go, I will take you to ski!" Li Linger said, "I know a very fun ski resort, I have long wanted to go, just a person is not interesting. ”

"Ski?" Zhao Tiezhu said strangely. "It seems that this snow is not very thick. Can you ski?"

"Is there artificial snow? Is it with me? Yes, are you driving? It is quite far away!" Li Linger asked.

"Well, open!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and took Li Linger to go to the place where he parked. It was only after this time that Zhao Tiezhu and Cao Ziyi looked at each other. Zhao Tiezhu was quite helpless. How can he follow himself today? The tail behind, is it still behind? This perseverance is really good.

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