Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1533: Won (33 more)

"Boom!" Zhao Tiezhu directly increased the throttle and rushed out. The huge inertia made Li Linger's body go backwards. Li Linger had to increase the strength of his hand and hold Zhao Tiezhu tighter.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes are more wretched.

On the other side, desperately, Saburo also accelerated to Zhao Tiezhu, and the distance of more than 100 meters was almost just a few breaths, leaving only more than ten meters.

"Wow! Iron column brother, so fast!" Li Linger did not have the slightest fear, but pressed her body tightly behind Zhao Tiezhu and shouted.

"You have ambiguity in this statement! I am very long-lasting, not fast!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a big smile, getting closer and closer to the snowmobile on the opposite side.

"I don't know this, I have to ask Yanni sister!" Li Linger laughed.

"You can try!"

"Iron brother, you always bully people!" Li Linger said dissatisfied, "Hey, hit it!"

"Afraid?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

At this point, the two-step snowmobile is less than ten meters away.

"Not afraid!" Li Linger said with a smile. Five meters away.

“Why?” asked Zhao Tiezhu. Three meters away.

"Because, there is a place for the iron pillar brother, I will not be afraid!" Li Linger smiled and put his head on the back of Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu laughed and tightened his muscles. He increased the throttle and rushed to Sanlang.

Shunjiang, the distance between the two cars, less than one meter!

According to the speed of people's reaction, if you don't turn at this time, then it is definitely too late, because the speed of this snowmobile is very fast!

The limit of desperately Saburo is to turn the head at 0.5 meters. This limit is the conclusion of his numerous games. Many people turn their heads when they are more than one meter. The distance between them is already Shortened to 1 meter, how much high in the heart of Saburo, looked at Zhao Tiezhu a few eyes, thinking about Zhao Tiezhu probably about to turn the car, right?

However, at a distance of only 0.6 meters, Zhao Tiezhu is still a momentum!

Desperately Saburo once encountered a 0.6 meter turn, it was the most difficult one, and later desperately Saburo won with super-precise control, but now, Zhao Tiezhu has seen that it has broken through 0.6 meters, the speed has not changed. And the movements on the hand are also completely no turning trend, which makes the desperate Saburo very shocked! Desperately, Saburo can make the trick of turning his head at 0.5 meters. It is because of his powerful sixth sense, he can slow down his car and the speed of the other car many times, and then The limit of my own movements, that is, when I am 0.5 meters, I have lived in this life for more than 20 years. I have never encountered anyone who can exceed my limit of 0.5 meters! Because desperately Saburo is confident, no one can have a strong sixth sense beyond him.

Only this time, desperately Saburo is obviously wrong to estimate Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu’s sixth sense, that is already above the top of the list of gods, if Zhao Tiezhu’s fighting power, hardening accounts for 30%, stealth accounts for 20%, the sixth sense is absolutely Accounted for more than 50% of the penpower, I thought that in the first time in fj, Zhao Tiezhu did not rely on the sixth sense, and was abused when he was on Tank, but after using the sixth sense, he could abuse Tank, which is enough. Seeing the sixth sense is the proportion of Zhao Tiezhu’s combat power, and this is the reason why dare to play this game with Qingdi. This speed and guts game is a contest of the sixth sense. The sixth sense is strong, can take the lead in analyzing the upcoming action of the other party, and then win for a while, for example, in 0.6 seconds, I feel that your hand will turn to the front, then I will continue to support, then win .

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu has spread his sixth sense to the limit, everything around it has become very clear, and the originally fast-running snowmobile has become very slow at this time, and the slow is like a snail.

Zhao Tiezhu can even feel the slightly accelerated heartbeat of Li Linger behind him. As for the plumpness on the chest, Zhao Tiezhu is very obvious. Even Zhao Liangzhu feels that there are two bulges between the clothes!

"It's really comfortable!" Zhao Tiezhu is a distraction, and concentrates the sixth sense on someone's chest. The soft and elastic touch is really ecstasy.

I have to say that Zhao Tiezhu’s goods can be distracted at such a moment. This nerve is really big enough.

Of course, the sixth sense is not invincible. For example, when Zhao Tiezhu is on the Qinglong, the sixth sense can only be assisted, because the Qinglong is too strong, even if you know his next move in advance, but you are The reaction is not over, this is the same as the limit of 0.5 meters for desperate Saburo. Within 0.5 meters, the perception of desperate Saburo is not enough for him to react. That is to say, the reaction limit of desperate Saburo is 0.5 meters! As for the reaction limit of Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu really does not know how much it is because he has not tried it.

When the distance between the two cars is only 0.5 meters, the desperately can not help, his limit has arrived, and at this time in his perception, Zhao Tiezhu still does not have any tendency to move.

"Hell, don't he want to collide with me directly!" Desperately, Saburo snorted and wondered if he could break through the limit and move again at 0.4 meters! Although it may be late at that time, maybe you will break through the bottleneck?

However, when the distance of the car is only 0.4 meters, Zhao Tiezhu still has no action!

This time, I can't stand it!

I saw the twisted front of the hard-working Saburo directly. The whole snowmobile was almost smashed out from the side with the body of Zhao Tiezhu.


The snowmobile of Desperate Saburo slipped a regular scratch on the ground, and then stopped not far away, while Zhao Tiezhu’s snowmobile was driven more than ten meters in a straight line before stopping.

Zhao Tiezhu’s forehead had some cold sweat on his forehead.

I am going to go, just distracted, and I forgot to play this game with people! Zhao Tiezhu was secretly scared, but although he had just distracted himself, there was nothing to say. Anyway, the man who called desperately Saburo turned first, so the man lost.

Qingdi’s face looked ugly and looked at the desperate Saburo. He said, “How did you lose?”

"The man is a master, an absolute master, it is completely a frame of death, he did not think about turning his head!" Desperate Saburo said quietly.

If you let the desperate Saburo know, Zhao Tiezhu did not think about dodging just because he was distracted, do not know if desperately Saburo will be mad.

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