Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1535: so what? (35 more)

"She is actually a prostitute of Li Longba! It is the person who is the main pulse of your death to the head of the Li family! Hahaha, laughing at me, the people of the Zhao family are playing so well with the people of the Li family! Zhao Tiezhu, You may not know that when the big turmoil occurred, the four big families put pressure on the Zhao family, and the Li family took the lead. It was also the matter that Li’s family advocated to force your father out of the country! Even after Li Linger went to your villa, It is also Li Yuanlong’s intentional and unintentional, Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu, ridiculous, you are self-confident, clever, I did not expect that I was caught in the trap of Li’s family from the beginning! Li Linger is the spy that Li’s family arranged around you!” The face is blue, and with the look of the face now, it is estimated that the child can't sleep at night.

“Oh?” Zhao Tiezhu raised his eyebrows and said, “What about that?”

The throat of the Qing Emperor seemed to be suddenly caught by something, and the smile stopped abruptly, and then the face was puzzled.

"Zhao Tiezhu, don't you think that when you treat a woman with sincerity and the woman is a spy of someone else, do you have a anger that wants to break out? Don't suppress it, even if it breaks out!!" The emperor called.

"boring!" Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and turned to look at Li Linger and said, "Linger, let's go back?"

"Where?" Li Linger looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a little disappointment.

"Of course, I am going to find Ziyi. After a long time, Ziyi does not appear. Don't be abducted." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Don't be stupid, let's go."

Li Linger was so arrogant that Zhao Tiezhu left the hand, and the Qing Emperor, but the face is incredible, is this Zhao Tiezhu, crazy? Still stupid?

"Iron column brother!" Li Linger came back to God, looked at Zhao Tiezhu, just wanted to say something, Zhao Tiezhu said, "In fact, you are a Li family, I already knew, you don't say more, even if it is What about Li’s people? You are you, Li’s family is Li’s family, and those people who died that year are almost the same. There are still a few people left, and it’s really not related to your generation. As for the Qing Emperor. The spy, I don't believe it, do you have such a stupid spy?"

Li Linger’s eyes flashed a trace of tears, but then he gave a hard punch to Zhao Tiezhu’s chest and said, “Who is stupid? My IQ is more than two hundred!”

"People say that IQ is inversely proportional to emotional intelligence, and a spy, the most important thing is not how high IQ, but how much emotional intelligence she has. If you are a spy, then the world is Spy." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"What! Are you saying that my emotional intelligence is the lowest in the world?" Li Linger glared at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Hey? You have heard this? It seems that your IQ is not low!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded with a smile.

Li Linger immediately reported the powder punch, but was evaded by Zhao Tiezhu. I just didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional or God's will. Li Linger suddenly fell asleep and the whole person fell into Zhao Tiezhu's arms.

Before, Zhao Tiezhu crashed into Li Linger's arms. Now Li Linger fell into Zhao Tiezhu's arms. It really should be the same sentence, and the retribution is not good!

Zhao Tiezhu just wanted to raise Li Linger, but he found that Li Linger had hugged his body tightly, and then said with a slight trembling voice, "Iron brother... I... I have been afraid that you know my identity and will not follow I'm good!"

"How is it possible!" Zhao Tiezhu put his hand on Li Linger's back and gently patted him and said, "You are my tenant one day, and my family is my tenant."

"Yeah!" Li Linger looked up at Zhao Tiezhu, then gently closed his eyes and looked like a prince.

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Hey, know how to use beauty?"

"Go to you, who uses the beauty! I am the sand running into the eyes!" Li Linger annoyed Zhao Tiezhu's incomprehensible style, directly let go and ran to the distance.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and followed slowly.

"Iron column brother!" Li Linger stood in front of Zhao Tiezhu, more than ten meters in front of him, shouted, "Thank you."

"All said, let's say thank you, let's talk about it!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a wretched smile.

"Go to you again, I am going to find Ziyi sister!" Li Linger snorted and cocked his head and turned away.

In the previous position of Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger, Zhao Tiezhu saw Cao Ziyi.

"You ran to play yourself?" Cao Ziyi asked with a smile.

"Well, the iron pillar brother always wants to take advantage of me, but it has been blocked by my righteous words!" Li Linger said with a smile, "Zi Yijie, let's go skiing, I told you, just now, the iron column brother I played, lost me!!!!"

Zhao Tiezhu just looked at Li Linger and went away with Cao Ziyi, completely ignoring himself, and suddenly felt that life is really the sadness of his mother.

Only when I thought of Socrata at night, I promised to bring myself to the real nightclub in Beijing, and Zhao Tiezhu’s heart would be better in an instant.

How is the nightclub in Beijing? Zhao Tiezhu is really looking forward to it! Of course, Zhao Tiezhu is not trying to play, but to learn from each other's successful experience. This trick is often used in public travel abroad. Whoever pays for public travel abroad is not a study or a successful experience. It is clear that the social system is different. Can you absorb a sputum? Retreat 10,000 steps and say that you really want to learn from the successful experience. Is it necessary to use a large group of people who are obviously doing this to learn another experience? For example, if you feed pigs at home, do you send out the advanced experience of raising chickens? This is really the same as Zhao Tiezhu.

Just as Zhao Tiezhu fantasized about the good things tonight, Li Linger suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu, holding a new ski pole and snowboard.

"Give, Tiezhu brother, your two are broken. This is my new rent. You can use it. However, the one you just broke can be paid for yourself!" Li Linger said.

Zhao Tiezhu took over the new ski equipment and said, "For me, such a rich man, what is money is a cloud, go, ski!"

Zhao Tiezhu went to skiing happily, and Li Linger sighed slightly. Before she won Zhao Tiezhu and wanted Zhao Tiezhu to promise her one thing, the result was noisy by the Qing Emperor. Now I have to say it again, but it seems to be the time. wrong.

Let's follow. Li Linger felt a bit, then smiled and followed Zhao Tiezhu.

At the same time, at the Capital International Airport, several ordinary people are coming down from a plane. The head is a beautiful woman. Behind the woman is a few short stature people.

"Michiko, I am very happy to cooperate with you, this mission!" One of the men who left a wretched and divided head said to Michiko in blunt Chinese.

Michiko nodded and did not speak, but went directly to the airport exit.

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