Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1555: Love rival (55 more)

This group of six or seven people, with a small light outside, toward Zhao Tiezhu and his party, quite a bit of impetuous meaning.

Li Linger’s body stepped back and hid the whole person behind Zhao Tiezhu.

"Hey, isn't this Li Linger?" The long-haired beauty walked up to Zhao Tiezhu and others, and looked at Li Linger, who was hiding behind Zhao Tiezhu, and looked.

"Who are you?" Zhao Tiezhu was the first time to see that Li Linger would marry a same-sex peer, and not to mention how surprised he was.

"Who is your off-the-shoulder! You are not qualified to know!" The long-haired beauty has a full face, "Linger, I really thought that you have planned to take Li’s head all your life, no. I think that I am going to meet you here, you are a little fox, now I see where you are going!"

"Young, how do you have a mouthful of stool?" Zhao Tiezhu is dissatisfied. Li Linger is a woman who has had a close relationship with him. Of course, the intimate relationship is the last time Zhao Tiezhu gave Li Linger a human cloak next to the waterhole. For Li Linger, Zhao Tiezhu sometimes has to be accustomed to petting. The woman who came here is actually directly on the line. This makes Zhao Tiezhu able to bear it! Can't stand it!

"Bastard, what are you talking about!" The long-haired beauty also got angry. "Let's talk, what's your mouth! Let's fight!"

Just after the fight, a young man squatted on Zhao Tiezhu’s stomach. This foot is quick and accurate. There is no hesitation at all. If the ordinary person is picked up, he may have to kneel down, but Zhao Tiezhu Is it ordinary people? Those who die under his hand will definitely be collectively called no!

Zhao Tiezhu also smashed the past with the young man!

It is very strange that Zhao Tiezhu is obviously starting from the back, but he first stepped into the young man's stomach.

With a bang, the young man fell to the ground directly. His face is blue, it seems like constipation.

"Looking for death!" Long hair beauty directly touched a small knife from behind, and Zhao Zhaozhu tied it.

"My grass, where is the crazy woman!" Zhao Tiezhu did not expect that the people would pull out the knife, and this tie, it is straight to his chest, if it is solid, then even if not dead, you have to lose Half life.

Zhao Tiezhu has never had any pity for a woman who wants to be an enemy of herself. She has smashed her hair directly to the long-haired beauty. However, a man with a slight head down behind the beauty is a Instantly appeared next to the beauty.


Zhao Tiezhu’s foot was directly caught by the man. Although Zhao Tiezhu did not exert his full strength, his strength was far stronger than that of ordinary people. The man could not touch Zhao Tiezhu’s foot, at least In strength, this person is not weak.

"Don't dare to miss the lady, kill you!" the man said coldly.

"Oh? You can give it a try!" Zhao Tiezhu’s grasped foot, a fierce meal,


Hey, a muffled sound, the man stepped back, a little surprised to see Zhao Tiezhu.

"You dare to swear to me, I also killed you!" Zhao Tiezhu said to the long-haired beauty.

"Hey!" The long-haired beauty snorted and said, "You should be the bodyguard of Li Linger? Hey, when did Li family out of you so personally? I have never heard of it!"

"Who are you? Who must do the report with you?" Zhao Tiezhu said, since people regard him as a Li family, it is a Li family, anyway, this is definitely a sinner. There is a Li family as a shield, that is also good!

"Well, I will let you down first, Li Linger, if you have the courage, you will stand up! You are a shameless woman who grabs a boyfriend!" Long hair beauty called Li Linger.

Zhao Tiezhu frowned and asked, "Do not talk nonsense, when did Linger grab your boyfriend?"

"What do you know? I am very good with the original Qingdi, if it is because of her, the Qingdi can break up with me? You are a little girl!" Long hair beauty said, and squatted again.

"Who grabs the Qing Emperor!" Li Linger stood out from behind Zhao Tiezhu and cried. "In the beginning, the Qing Emperor for your hand with me, now he has smashed you to chase me, shut my ass? Seriously You, what vision, can you be a man like that?"

"What do I have any vision? My name is love! I believe that the Qing emperor loves me. It must be the way you used this little **** to see people. The Qing emperor will be blinded for a moment! I was with Qingdi is what you want, you are staying outside, what are you doing? Why are you coming back to find the Qing Dynasty and then renewing the front? Is it true that I told you that the Qing Emperor is mine, who will come? Also can't grab it!" The face of the long-haired beauty is full of embarrassment.

Li Linger sneered, "You just treat him as a treasure, people have married you, you are still dead in the dead, do you have a woman's self-esteem? Women do not respect themselves, it is no wonder that the current Qing Emperor does not look is you!"

Obviously, Li Linger’s effort is stronger than that of Sun Jiaying. At least the long-haired beauty can’t stand the urge to go crazy.

"I will definitely let the Qing emperor change his mind, you don't like it!" Long hair beauty snorted and said, "Qingdi, not a woman like you can have!"

"I am going to go, is there really someone who wants to force the man to be a baby?" Zhao Tiezhu interjected in the side. "The Qingdi has a good skinball, there is such a big man, and the others are still normal." ""

"You are not allowed to insult the Qing Emperor!" said the long-haired beauty, who even took a knife and rushed to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Looking for death!" Zhao Tiezhu can bear once, that can not be tolerated twice, did not wait for the knife to come, Zhao Tiezhu directly reached out to grab the long hair beauty of the neck, and the young man who had blocked Zhao Tiezhu before, also quickly rushed When I came up, I first separated Zhao Tiezhu’s hand, and then went straight to Zhao Tiezhu’s chest. Zhao Tiezhu’s body moved and escaped the young man’s fist. The right leg pushed forward and the whole person’s body moved forward by half a meter. Left and right, just want to give a long hair beauty to come, the young man also responded quickly and pushed back, and blocked in front of the long hair beauty.

"Do you want to die for the lady!" the young man yelled.

"Don't die, you said no!" Zhao Tiezhu held his fists in both hands and directly attacked the young people. The young man guarded the long-haired beauty while trying to block.

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly increased the intensity and speed. Hey, the young man was shot and flew out by Zhao Tiezhu. The long-haired beauty appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu opened his fingers and gave a slap in the face.

For a moment, there was no sound around, only silence.

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