Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1558: Whipping? (58 more)

Zhao Tiezhu stood in the middle of the lobby with a self-conscious attitude. Zhao Tiezhu was really not afraid of what happened next, whipping? What kind of thing is that, I am a lot of bones, saying that hardening will harden, let alone whipping, that is, holding a knife, not necessarily can make you hurt, this punishment is really a bit painless, but Although Zhao Tiezhu is not afraid of flogging, but it is necessary to make people whip in front of so many people, this still makes Zhao Tiezhu very unhappy, Zhao Tiezhu also remembered that his mother said to himself when he had not entered Beijing that day, sometimes, Affected by the point, it seems that this is wrong.

In fact, Zhao Tiezhu is very depressed. If there is no such Zhao Meiqin, the entire Zhao family can unite. The so-called head of money is simply a cloud. Although Zhao is not in the political power center of the capital, the influence of the Zhao family is radiating. Broad, even if it really does with the money, the Zhao family is still not the birds! But not afraid of God's opponents, I am afraid of pig-like teammates, Zhao Meiqin, this pulse is the most powerful pulse of the entire Zhao family in addition to the main pulse, sometimes even Zhao Lao has to give Zhao Meiqin face, there is Zhao The Meiqin vein is stalked in it, and naturally the power of the entire Zhao family cannot be concentrated in one place. Zhao Tiezhu is wronged, and it is a matter of course.

Not long after, there was a loud noise outside the lobby. Zhao Tiezhu saw Qian Min, who had been beaten before, and another middle-aged man came in from the outside.

This middle-aged man is a bit like Qian Min. If he didn't guess wrong, the middle-aged man is estimated to be Qian Min's son.

"Dad, this is the person who beat me today!" Qian Min pointed to Zhao Tiezhu.

The man's look did not change. He walked directly past Zhao Tiezhu and came to the place about three meters in front of Zhao Lao. He bowed reverently and said, "Zhao Laohao!"

"Well, self-confidence, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Zhao Laozi sat up straight and said to the middle-aged man.

"Yeah, my dad is also screaming to come over to see you!" The middle-aged man, who is self-loyal, said with a smile, "He misses the days of playing chess with you!"

"Haha, that stinking chess scorpion has never won me!" Zhao Lao said with a smile, looked at Qian Min and said, "Is this your daughter?"

"Well, Min Min, call Grandpa Zhao!" Qian Zizhong said.

"Oh." Then Qian Min snorted and did not speak.

Qian Zizhong’s face was a bit embarrassing. “The young girl is young and she doesn’t know anything. Zhao Lao, don’t know her.”

"Oh, let you come over today, mainly because you want to let you see, our Zhao family made a departure from the iron column of today's iron column." Zhao Lao said, "self-loyalty, you, sure to see? ?"

Qian Zizhong looked at Zhao Lao, and he erected his hair without any reason. Although Zhao Lao looked like a very amiable person at the moment, Zhao Lao’s words had a cold that went deep into the bones.

Qian Zizhong instinctively wants to retreat, but Qian Min, who stood by, said like a girl, "Of course, look! This **** hit me three slaps today, I want to see him punished! I told you that if you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, I will be very upset!"

Zhao Lao’s original smile still had no expression at all, but stood up and said, “Let’s see, I am tired!”

After that, Zhao Lao turned directly to the back.

Qian Zizhong’s mood became even more powerful. He looked around and said, “This, what are you going to punish?”

"Zhao family rules, but those who violate the rules of the family, need to be punished by family law." Zhao Meiqin said, "Today, Zhao Tiezhu made a mistake, so fine, lashing three hundred, to the effect!"

"Whip? Take a whip?" Qian Min asked curiously.

"Use the rattan whip!" said Zhao Meiqin. "People bring things up."


Not long after, a Zhao family walked into the lobby with a blue box in his hand.

Zhao Meiqin took the cyan box and opened the box. He took out a dice of about one meter and five lengths from the inside. The top of the dice was sharp and pointed, and the whole dice looked chilly.

Cao Ziyi smiled and took a step toward Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and gestured to Cao Ziyi not to come up.

Ye Qingxia did not know when it appeared next to Cao Ziyi, saying, "Some grievances, always have to be received, boys, how can there be no electricity setbacks? Iron column is fine!"

"Well, aunt, I know!" Cao Ziyi nodded and said, "It's just that you can only look at it, but you can't help him share it. It's hard to accept."

"Oh, I am also uncomfortable." Ye Qingxia said, "Now the pulse is big, there are some things we have to endure, waiting for the two dogs to come back, these hatreds, and later there are opportunities to report."

"Zi Yi understands!" Cao Ziyi whispered.

Zhao Meiqin took the rattan in his hand and measured it. Then he said, "Wang Lao, are you coming out?"

Zhao Meiqin’s voice just fell, a young man with a white-faced wrinkled face came out from the back of the lobby. The old man’s eyes were so small that he could hardly see the old man’s eyes, and occasionally saw that Only one chaos can be seen. The old man was wearing a gray one. The snow-white hair was tied into a small scorpion by the old man. He was lying on the back, and the old man’s feet were wearing a pair of cloth shoes. He looked very old and did not look at it. Know what year and month.

Zhao Tiezhu is a bit strange, because he can't feel any vitality from this old man. It is like this old man is a corpse. It is rude to say that the body is rude, or that the old man is like a piece of dry wood. Zhao Tiezhu feels Not his breathing, his movements, slightly closing his eyes and using the sixth sense to perceive, the same is not felt! Just like when I saw Qinglong last time, it was exactly the same feeling.

"Give me." Wang Lao walked very slowly. The magnitude of the step was also very small. The whole person looked as if he was shaking slightly. It was like a gust of wind blowing the old man.

Zhao Meiqin’s face was full of respectful look, and his hands handed the rattan to Wang Lao.

Wang Lao took the whip and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "It's you, isn't it?"

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "It's me!"

"Clothes, take off." Wang Lao went to Zhao Tiezhu and said.

Zhao Tiezhu also thought that if he was pumped for a while, the clothes were estimated to be bad, so he took off the outside and then took off the underwear inside. A strong muscle appeared in front of everyone.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face with an indifferent smile said, "Come on. Three hundred, I am waiting."

(Recently, there are sprays in the book review area, and I am ignoring it. Everyone ignores it. I don’t care. The way to deal with the spray is to ignore it. I have always believed in a word, there is no virtue in the mouth, and there is no virtue in my heart. A person without virtue, a lifetime, that's it.)

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