Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1560: Hold on (60 more)

"What to do, is it really faint?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned tightly, and the pain of his body did not weaken! The blood of the whole body seems to be boiling up. Zhao Tiezhu can feel that his body temperature is increasing rapidly! The whole person seems to be soaked in hot water!

"Last!" Wang Lao looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "If you can afford these three hundred, then you are the first person in my family for nearly a hundred years!"

Zhao Meiqin’s eyes are full of surprises. She does not believe that Zhao Tiezhu can finally hold the last one. Whether it is a hundred whip or two hundred and three hundred, the last three hundred are the most embarrassing. I can support the bottom three, but basically fall down in the third to last, and in the history of the Zhao family, it is also able to support the penultimate, that is, his son Zhao Bao When Zhao Bao and Zhao Ergou didn’t know what was going on, Zhao’s baby was fined two hundred times. When she was under the ninth and ninety-nine, Zhao’s baby was gorgeous and fainted. After that, at the end of the day, there is no need to fight, which means that so far, no one can afford to live last time!

This is why Zhao Zhaozhu will make a fuss about Zhao Tiezhu after Zhao Tiezhu’s crime. When his son was pumped two hundred times on the bed for two weeks, Zhao Ergou was taken to Tibet. Can you come back alive or two, and the son of Zhao Ergou can't be let go, but it's a pity that Zhao Meiqin was going to fight for a 500-year whip. I didn't expect it to be 300 or 300. Well, that's good, you can also smoke your life, you can't take care of yourself. I didn't expect Zhao Tiezhu to be hard to resist, and still support the 299 under the unrelenting support! This is supported by 299. It is completely different from the fainting of his son at the beginning of 299. Although Zhao Tiezhu looks like it is very uncomfortable, but it is actually standing, although it is squatting, but there is no Move half a step!

"Last!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a bite of his teeth. Then he looked around and put the faces of Qian Zizhong, Qian Min and Zhao Meiqin in his heart. Zhao Tiezhu is not a generous person. If the wrong person is whipped, then it is necessary to remember for a lifetime. Zhao Lao is forced by pressure and family rules. In front of the king, it is obvious that the tribe has done this specifically. Zhao Tiezhu has nothing to say. But for those who give Zhao old pressure, Zhao Tiezhu will not forget this life. According to Zhao Tiezhu’s thoughts, now the buddies can’t do you, you are arrogant, but the buddies are still young, just want me not to die, five years, ten After the year, at that time, the buddies were full of wings, and they must play well with you. It is not too late for the so-called gentleman to revenge. Zhao Tiezhu is not a gentleman. He is a real villain, so he feels that even if he is twenty years old, he will wait for himself. Up! Just don't give him a chance! To seize the opportunity, Zhao Tiezhu must make these lives worse than death.

"Good!" Wang Lao nodded, shaking the whip in the air, and then pumping hard!

It is very strange that this whip did not directly draw on Zhao Tiezhu's body, but the volley made a very crisp sound, which was completely different from the sound of Zhao Tiezhu before.

However, the people around him looked as if they were not on the body, but Zhao Tiezhu knew that he was hit! Moreover, the one who hits himself is not the body of the whip, but the sharp head of the whip, the sharp head, just hit the center of his chest.

At the glimpse of being hit, Zhao Tiezhu lost consciousness to the whole person, and then the body would go down to the side.

Zhao Tiezhu seems to have made a dream. In the dream, there are those women who love them deeply, Yan Ni, Linda, Lucy, Ziyi, and those women who are deeply in love. Anyway, these women are gathering together. When they got together, Yan Ni had a big belly and said that it was going to be produced. The name of the child was called Zhao Gangyu. Zhao Tiezhu said that it is good. After that, our son must make a lot of money, and then Linda said that she would also have children, Zhao Tiezhu said. Ok, well, everyone has a few more births. Then, the opposite woman suddenly cried out and pointed out that Zhao Tiezhu’s body could not speak. Zhao Tiezhu looked at his body and found that his whole person turned into blood. people.

"Iron pillar, don't leave me!" Countless female voices sounded from Zhao Tiezhu's mind.

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt that he was sore and painful, not only physical pain, but also mental pain!

"I won't leave you!"

Although Zhao Tiezhu’s pain seems to be dying at any time, when this sentence is spoken from Zhao Tiezhu’s mouth, Zhao Tiezhu’s whole person is unusually calm.

Then, Zhao Tiezhu opened his eyes and felt that his body was falling.

Zhao Tiezhu reached out directly and held it on the ground. Then he looked up and looked at Wang Lao calmly. He said, "300, it is here."

"Okay, okay, good!" Wang Laoyi even said three good words, then threw the whip on his hand and one was busy picking up.

"Tomorrow, I will go see you!" Wang Lao said, turning directly and leaving. When he left, he strode over the stars and stood tall, but after three or five meters, Wang Lao’s body slowly began to squat. It is getting more and more embarrassing. When Wang Lao disappeared into the eyes of everyone, it was completely the same when he came out!

Zhao Tiezhu squinted and looked at Zhao Meiqin and said, "Three hundred is coming, you, what else do you want to say!"

"Nervous disease!" Zhao Meiqin was completely frightened by the performance of Zhao Tiezhu. Originally, he thought that Zhao Tiezhu had fainted in the third hundred. He did not expect to wake up in the process of falling, Zhao Tiezhu’s performance. Can only be described as enchanting.

"And you, are you satisfied?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Qian Zizhong and Qian Min and asked.

Qian Zizhong said nothing, stood up and left with Qian Min directly. He wanted to go home and quickly talked to his father. Zhao, there was a enchanting!

The numerous Zhao people who stood around were at the moment, and they were all given to Zhao Zhenzhu. No one spoke, and no one even made a sound.

Cao Ziyi and Ye Qingxia walked to Zhao Tiezhu's side. Ye Qingxia helped Zhao Tiezhu's left hand. Cao Ziyi helped Zhao Tiezhu's right hand. Two people walked to Zhao Tiezhu's room.

Both of them looked calm, but Zhao Meiqin felt a boundless killing from the two.

Cold heart.

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