Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1562: Zhao Bao’s true strength

"Benefits? What are the benefits?" Zhao Tiezhu is puzzled. Is it a good thing to be abused? No wonder so many people like to play s/m!

"Benefits, there are naturally, this will wait a few days for Pharaoh to tell you." Zhao Lao said, "I am here, on the one hand to see you, on the other hand, but also want to tell you Don't leave your resentment in your heart, do you know?"

“Well?” Zhao Tiezhu said calmly. “Whoever is good to me is not good for me, I will remember it in my heart.”

"It's all family." Zhao Lao sighed and said, "Meiqin is also for the sake of the baby. Now the power of the baby has begun to be out of control. Naturally, Meiqin always has some ideas. This is Personally, so if you can, you should try not to hate him. After all, it’s a family. Of course, if you have to remember, then I can’t help. After all, she has been targeting you again, but I hope you understand. Behind the Meiqin is Zhao Bao, and Zhao Bao, known as the Northeast King! His power is not what you can imagine. As far as I know, the three underground snobbery of Shenzhou, the other two are not added. Baby's opponent!"

Zhao Lao’s words made Zhao Tiezhu shocked. Now there are no rumors in the world that the three forces are holding each other. The biggest one is the Northeast Wang Zhao baby, then the Qing gang, then the Inner Mongolia, and the rumors say, the Green Gang is now Already have the strength to counter the Northeast King, but according to Zhao Lao, that is, the Green Gang plus Inner Mongolia, can not compete with Zhao Baby, why? Is there any hidden strength of Zhao Bao?

"Actually, the name of Zhao Baobei's Northeast King is not enough." Zhao Lao said, "If you have to count it, Russia's Siberia also has the power of Zhao Bao!"

"What!?" Zhao Tiezhu was shocked. "Siberia also has the power of Zhao Bao? How is this possible? Is the Russian local gangster a vegetarian? It is said that their local gangsters are particularly exclusive! The Russian polar bears are the hardest. Deal with it!"

"This is why I have to relocate Meiqin again and again!" Zhao Lao said, "Zhao Bao had extended his power to Siberia as early as three years ago. Now Zhao Bao is already a North Asian king. Only a few people know it."

"I am going to go." Zhao Tiezhu really feels that this world is too much of his mother's potholes. It was originally thought that Zhao Baodong, the northeast king, was quite difficult to deal with. I did not expect that people extended their power to Siberia a few years ago. How can I do this later? Even if he swallowed the forces of the Pearl River Delta with zj, it would only be able to compete with the Green Gang, and the Green Gang and Inner Mongolia would add up to Zhao Bao. Unless Zhao Tiezhu also annexed the Green Gang, it is estimated that there will be a counter-Zhao. The baby’s qualifications are just that, as an old gang that has been inherited for hundreds of years, is the Green Gang so easy to annex? Unless the bandits and bamboo leaves are both hanged at the same time, Zhao Tiezhu may have a chance, otherwise, it is really more clouds.

"But Zhao Bao is also a Zhao family after all." Zhao Lao said a sentence that made Zhao Tiezhu feel a bit inexplicable. "His heart is still Zhao's."

Zhao Tiezhu was silent, Zhao Lao stood up and said, "Okay, take a rest, wait for the bones to be good, Pharaoh will come to see you, I still have things, remember, if you keep hatred in your heart, then Keep it in mind, don't let people see it, you know?"

"Know." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "Two grandfather, you go slowly."

Zhao Lao is gone. Wang Lao is behind Zhao Lao. It seems to be a shadow. Zhao Tiezhu is lying in bed and looking at the ceiling.

The complexity of the matter far exceeds his imagination. Zhao Tiezhu could have ignored this all the peace of mind in fj as an underground emperor, but now, his father is going to be in the upper position, then, Zhao baby will definitely have some action, if Zhao baby In person, the father, who has been wandering abroad for more than ten years, has no way to compete with Zhao’s baby. What should I do?

Zhao Tiezhu felt that his head was big, and the painful wound was more painful.

"Your second grandfather is gone?" Ye Qingxia's voice appeared at the door, Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "Yeah, come see me, don't give me some comfort and leave."

"Oh, your second grandfather, told you about Zhao's baby?" Ye Qingxia sat down at the bedside of Zhao Tiezhu and asked.

"That said, Zhao baby is really strong, strong is not like!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"How strong is it, then it is the same thing." Ye Qingxia's face has a very calm look. "When he was beaten by your daddy, he went to the three provinces to go to the mixed province. If you come back this time, if you still have a thorn, If you still play, you can't find the North."

"I am so arrogant?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Do you not think this is necessary?" Ye Qingxia asked with a smile.

Ye Qingxia’s smile made Zhao Tiezhu directly let go of his heart. Since his mother said that there is no problem, it is definitely no problem.

"You can raise your wounds. After two days, go to Wang Lao Na, and learn something from him. After the Qinglong, who learned something from Wang Lao, this gradually opened up the white tiger and the suzuki with his contemporaries. Not everyone can get the guidance of Wang Lao, this is an opportunity for you, you have to grasp it!" Ye Qingxia shouted.

"I know!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "Yes, Mom, how is Dad there?"

"I don't know." Ye Qingxia shook her head and said, "Your dad went there and turned off the phone."

"Then you are not worried?"

"I believe in your father." Ye Qingxia's face showed a gentle smile. "From our time to the present, your father has not let me down."

Ye Qingxia left after talking with Zhao Tiezhu for a while, then Cao Ziyi came to take care of Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu and Cao Ziyi said something that was not there. The time passed quickly. When they didn’t pay attention, they went to the evening, and Zhao Tiezhu made a phone call to Li Linger during the period. I wanted to ask if Li Linger was also tragedy. The result was Li Linger. The mobile phone turned off, and Zhao Tiezhu thought that Li Linger was also confined as himself. He could not help but express sympathy for Li Linger’s tragic experience.

At 6 or 7 in the evening, Sogra came to see Zhao Tiezhu. When he saw Zhao Tiezhu's body tied with the mummies, Socrata almost took a chair to find Zhao Meiqin.

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