Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1578: Lei Long (78 more)

"How come?" Zhao Tiezhu asked strangely.

"Hey, it’s all the age of retirement, so this year, I have retired for a long time. The whole Blue Devil has no one at all, so I have to recruit people from the special camp before, but people are good recruits. The real elite will be difficult. Our game will not only be played, but also zipper. If there is no real elite, we will lose it very hard!" Lu Zhi said with a face, "Iron pillar, Leizi Ah, everyone is a soldier, I hope you can help me once!"

"Tell this again." Although Zhao Tiezhu is very curious about this so-called World Military Contest, but as Lei Zi said, after the event, he won the honor. Who is it? Moreover, Zhao Tiezhu is most concerned about what he can get? Is it to block the country? This reason is too frivolous, Zhao Tiezhu feels that at least you have to get something first, and then consider what the country can get!

Zhao Tiezhu never denied that he was a selfish person.

"Oh, this time is coming, just on the third day of the year! I hope that you can reply to me as soon as possible!" Lu Zhiluo said with a pleading. "This competition was arranged in the Capital Military Region through the efforts of the upper level. Inside, this is also our home game. If you lose too much at home, it will really be a shame, and you will be sorry for the trust of the heads!"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, the trust of the heads? That can be related to the buddy's dime. Seriously, I can't get what is the key. However, Zhao Tiezhu is quite appreciative of Lu Zhi's behavior. At least he is sincerely honored. Of course, if Lu Zhi is only In order to increase the chip for himself, Zhao Tiezhu can only complain that he is reading the wrong person.

It wasn’t long before Lu Zhi chatted with tea. The door was pushed open. A beautiful and beautiful woman came in from the door. When I saw Zhao Tiezhu and Lei Zi, my face changed and I was surprised. “How are you? it's here?"

"Lan Lan, polite!" Lu Zhi whispered, and the beauty flower called Lan Lan immediately laughed and said, "I forgot, Lei Zi is the grandson of Lei Jun!"

Leizi smiled and nodded. Lei was still very impressed with the man who was caught by himself and made up for the loophole.

Since the girlfriends of the family have come, Zhao Tiezhu and Lei Zi are not here as light bulbs. Anyway, they chatted and talked about nothing. Lu Zhi also knocked on Zhao Tiezhu and Lei Zi’s political class. Zhao Tiezhu thought long ago. When I left, it happened that Lan Lan came and Zhao Tiezhu stood up and said, "We still have something to do, let's go!"

"Okay, I hope you can give me a reply as soon as possible! Please!" Lu Zhi bent over and bent.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "I promised not to promise, I will tell you as soon as possible!"

After that, Zhao Tiezhu and Lei Zi and Cao Ziyi turned and walked out of Lu Zhi’s office.

"Right, Ying Ying?" Zhao Tiezhu asked Lei Zi.

"She went out to play with her friends. We didn't tell her about your injury, so she saw me today and complained that you didn't go out to play with her, haha!" Leizi said with a smile.

"Ying Ying is a child's heart, but it is really cute!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Iron column brother." Lei Zi looked at Zhao Tiezhu with sorrow.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "In fact, I also used her as a sister, dry sister!"

"Don't add a dry word, I feel awkward!" Lei Zi said more sadly.

"Well, kiss my sister."

"Well, I still feel awkward!"

When Leizi was awkward, Leizi’s cell phone rang. After picking it up, Leizi’s promised a few times, then hanged the phone, and then said to Zhao Tiezhu, “My grandfather told us to go. ”

"Okay! But, Lei Zi, what is your grandfather?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"My grandfather? My grandfather is called Lei Long." Lei Zi smiled. "I played with the American devils with my grandfather."

"Thunder Dragon? This name is domineering!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

ten minutes later.

Lei Zi took Zhao Tiezhu Cao Ziyi to a white painted house and said, "This is the office building of the military region. We have not played here in a few small hours."

From time to time, the office building has military officers with military caps coming in and out. Zhao Tiezhu has seen at least five generals from seeing the building to entering the building. Of course, most of them are generals of the major generals. Those old people, peacetime, to be a general, too difficult, let alone the generals above, as for the marshal, it is wood!

On the top floor, Lei Zi walked into an office on the fifth floor with Zhao Tiezhu. In the office, Zhao Tiezhu saw the old acquaintance Chen Weiguo, and another old man, about sixty or seventy years old, but the whole person was very The spirit, especially the pair of swords, makes people feel that they are upright.

"Grandpa, grandfather, we are here!" Lei Zi has now converged on his body, respectfully standing in front of the two old people, said.

"Haha, this is the iron pillar!" The old man with Jianmei smiled and stood up, and reached out to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "I am Lei Long! Lei Zi's grandfather."

"Hello, Mr. Lei!" Zhao Tiezhu was busy holding out his hand and holding it with Lei Long. He found that Lei Long’s palm was very behind, and his palm was very rough. He was full of old man, and he was very strong. He could not feel that he was an old man. Human hand.

"Hahaha, I heard a lot of news from you these days!" Lei Long let go of his chair and said, "You can sit down."

Lei Zi Zhao Tiezhu Cao Ziyi heard that he sat down, although Zhao Tiezhu and Cao Ziyi are very good, but respect for the elders, it still has to be done.

"First of all, the four people who played four people, and then taught the two little boys, the madman and the iron head, haha, iron pillar, the movement you made, not too small!" Lei Long said with a smile.

"People respect me a foot, I am still a man, people invade me a foot, I fan your ears!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"This is enough for domineering." Lei Long said with a hint of appreciation, "I am telling you about my family all day long, saying that you are the leader of the younger generation, you have not entered Beijing, I still doubt it, you When I entered Beijing, I believed. No one can hold 300 whip under Wang’s hand. You are the first person I have ever heard!”

"Oh, I violated the rules of the house, nothing to say!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Haha, I am looking for you today, but it is still a bit of a thing!" Lei Long said, "I want to come, have you seen Lu Zhi?"

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