Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1581: Demon Instructor (81 more)

"I heard that the hunter school came out, whether it is survival in the wild, actual combat or equipment, are all first-class, can you show it to us?" The first person who questioned Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Soldier, talk about your name." Zhao Tiezhu looked at the man and asked.

"Code, eight." Said the man.

Lu Zhi said next to him, "We only use the code name, from the 1st to the 12th, I am the number one!"

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "What do you want me to show you? Actual combat? Or equipment? Now, it is impossible to survive in the wild!"

"That's a real fight." Code eight excitedly looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "I personally like the actual combat, the demon instructor, do you want to play some real combat?"

"Good!" Zhao Tiezhu grinned and smiled. The side of Lu Zhi’s mouth twitched. He seemed to want to laugh, but he was suppressed by him, and then it was a kind of gloating look.

"I said it first. I don't know how to start. If you are injured and leave the team, you can only wish you bad luck!" Zhao Tiezhu moved his hands and said.

"I know how important!" said the code eight, "The demon instructor, let's try it now?"

"With you!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "You guys, let them go."

The people around him heard the words and let them go out.

In fact, Zhao Tiezhu really looks forward to this so-called code eight, to see what surprise he can give himself, after all, is the most elite team in the Capital Military Region, and should not let himself down.

Code eight, a simple starter, staring at Zhao Tiezhu, said, "Magic instructor, I am coming!"

"Come on." Zhao Tiezhu extended his finger to the code eight hook, the code eight screamed, rushed to Zhao Tiezhu, the speed, the strength, the momentum, are very full.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded slightly, and all aspects of this person are very good. If placed in the place, it is also a sharp knife, but unfortunately placed in the Blue Devils of the Capital Military Region, it is estimated that it is the middle level.

Zhao Tiezhu did not have much movement, just watching the code number eight rushed to his face, and then saw the code eight hit a punch, straight into his cheek, Zhao Tiezhu slowly reached out, and then caught in the code eight .

Hey, the code of the eight is like a broken bamboo punch, Zhao Tiezhu grabbed with one hand, can not move.

The code eight has not had time to be shocked. I saw Zhao Tiezhu said, "As a person who dares to challenge me, your courage is worthy of admiration, but unfortunately, you are destined to stay in bed for a few days."

The code eight is wondering what Zhao Tiezhu said. Then I saw Zhao Tiezhu slamming himself.


The code eight writhed a bit, but was still kicked in the abdomen by Zhao Tiezhu.

A painful pain spread from the abdomen to the side, and then the code number eight felt that his body flew up, there was a feeling of clouding, and then the whole person did not know how long it took to fly, and then, a bang He fell to the ground, and the code number eight felt that his intestines had been completely disturbed by this foot. The skeleton of the whole person seemed to be broken. The tears did not flow out, but they could not stop falling. Take in cold air.

"Let people carry him down." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lu Zhi and said with a smile, "The players on your side, the physical quality is still not good!"

The people around him saw Zhao Tiezhu kicking his teammates out of the distance, but he was so scared. When he heard Zhao Tiezhu, he was dissatisfied.

"Instructor, how can you say this!"

"That is, we are also the elite of the Capital Military Region."

"Yeah yeah!!"

Zhao Tiezhu still keeps a smile and said, "I said that you can't do it, you can't, how? You want to be like him?"

"Instructor, eight is also a medium standard in us. You can't be partial. Although you are very powerful, we are not vegetarian!" Someone said.

"Since you feel that you are not vegetarian, then let's play." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "You are still eleven people here, let's go, I will try to see if you are vegetarian."

"This is too arrogant!" someone called.

"Yeah, when we all eat white rice?" Someone called.

"Men, it’s good to say nothing, don’t do it. Let’s go together. If you can beat me down, it’s my fault, that is, I brag, I have no face to teach you, and vice versa, then you are If there is anyone who dares to swear again in the training afterwards, I don't mind letting him lie in the hospital for two days with the code number eight!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Come on, I am afraid of you!" This group of superior soldiers is naturally easily angered by Zhao Tiezhu, and they are gearing up.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lei Zi and Lu Zhi and said, "You go back."

Lu Zhi said with concern. "This, Comrade Titanic, are you not going to send them all to the hospital? If this is the case, then we can't train!"

"I have a measure!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "You can feel at ease."

"That... that's okay!" Although Zhao Tiezhu said so, Lu Zhi still felt a sense of embarrassment, followed by Lei Zi Cao Ziyi.

After the three people left, Zhao Tiezhu was surrounded by the Blue Devils.

Then, time goes quickly.

five minutes later.

The person next door to the training field came over here and wanted to find a friend to talk about the Scorpio. As soon as he entered the training ground, he was shocked, and in the eyes of his own, the Blue Devils team member, at this time. All of them are lying on the ground with painful sorrows, and next to these people, there is a character like a demon god. The person’s body exudes a suffocating suffocation, so standing there will make you have a shudder. a feeling of.

"You are just coming, let the military doctor come over." Zhao Tiezhu pointed to the person who stood at the door and said.

The man looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a puzzled look, and then looked at Lu Zhi behind Zhao Tiezhu.

"This is the new Blue Devil instructor, demon, you listen to him!" Lu Zhi said.

"Yes!" The man sang a tribute and ran out of the training ground. Not long after, the medics came over, and a mighty group of people took the people lying on the ground.

"This... Iron pillar, you really sent them all to the hospital!" Lu Zhi said with a smile.

"It’s all bad, there’s no problem tomorrow, I’m in control!” Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. “Since my team members doubt me, I naturally have to dispel their doubts. Are you saying?”

(Looks like today's update, it's more finished? It's still an hour away, everyone's ticket, to force the top, see if I can make my day more than one hundred!)

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