Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1585: See once (4 more)

(This notice is at the beginning of the chapter, just to tell everyone that the person who sprayed me recently, I am overwhelmed, but any negative characters are clouds, I decided, from tomorrow, in order to give back to everyone's concern and support for me. In particular, VIPs support my friends in the book review area, as well as those who gave me a message on my qq. From tomorrow, the daily update will be changed to six more! Yes, six times a day, continuous time It will be longer and last until next Thursday, that is, one week, six times a day, when it comes to doing it, nothing is asked, just to thank everyone for me!!!)

The last thing that was obvious was that Qian Min’s self-confidence was strengthened. In her opinion, Sun Lei, Li Xu, Qian Zhuguang, and the world were all like goods. The last time he was beaten by Zhao Tiezhu, it’s nothing. There is no reaction. The so-called "Beijing" is less, it is just empty, but as for the madman Tietou Lei Chenyu, the so-called military district three Jie, Qian Min did not look in the eyes, the same reason, Zhao Tiezhu is making trouble in your field. You haven’t said anything, it’s too weak.

The four masters of the Beijing Capital and the Military Region did not dare to move Zhao Tiezhu. Qian Min was able to let Zhao’s people smash Zhao Tiezhu’s three hundred. Who is tall and who is low? It’s forced to judge it all at once, so now Qian Min not only ignored Zhao Tiezhu, but also ignored the three masters of the Beijing Capital League.

Business Closure, and so on, although they were so worried, they were not seen, but they were all over with the Tseung Sik. Now say something, that is not enough to protect yourself from Qianmin Qingdi. If Zhao Tiezhu is a bystander, it is not the hospitality.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyebrows picked and picked. For this brain-destroyed woman, he also decided not to pay attention.

"Min Min, don't say it!" Qingdi said, "I don't know who is formation, I don't know your identity, so you don't care about people."

"Qingdi, or your Files are good, unlike some people, they will fight and kill if they are not moving. Is it really a martial arts hero? excitation, in the end, it is not necessary to get a whip." Qian Min snorted. Said.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and ignored her, but chatted with Zhao Laibao on the side, but Cao Ziyi, smiled and looked at Qian Min and said, "How old are you?"

"I am twenty-one? How? Do you think that you are planning to teach me if you are older than me?" Qian Min looked mad.

"No." Cao Ziyi smiled and shook her head and did not speak.

"Hey, what do you mean by shaking your head? Look down on me, right?" Qian Min was brought out of the fire by Cao Ziyi's expression.

"No, I feel, you, very young." Cao Ziyi said with a smile, the gentle smile even Qian Min looked and felt like the heart was hit, the heartbeat actually accelerated, and as a heartfelt A woman, in the face of such a woman who is tempted by herself, will often take some more hostile behavior.

"I am young, of course, good, is it better than a lot of your age?" Qian Min looked at Cao Ziyi and said, "I remember that you seem to be the long house of Zhao Jiaqin? I look at it, you are just Generally, there is not much good-looking. Isn’t the Zhao family unable to find a woman? You have to find this kind of person, and the Li Linger, I guess it’s also a blind eye. Otherwise, how can I find Zhao Tiezhu? Hey, big sister. I see you, this life is over."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and glanced at Qian Min and said, "You, who said who blinked?"

Qian Min proudly raised his chin and said, "Not Li Linger and the eyes... What is this called?"

Zhao Tiezhu slowly stood up and said, "I have, I think, you are a woman, I should not care about you, and your grandfather, it seems to be quite powerful, so I am not going to take care of you, but only Well, since you decided to burn the fire to my friend, my woman, then I can only be embarrassed."

"Don't you still want to hit me? You are not afraid to lick three hundred lashes?" Qian Min sneered, said.

"Oh, I am really not afraid." Zhao Tiezhu slowly walked toward Qian Min and said, "Sometimes, others don't talk, it doesn't mean you are afraid of you, but people are too lazy to care about you. However, if you say something, if you say too Excessive, there will always be people who don't mind giving you some lesson."

"You...what do you want!" Qian Min was straight-eyed by Zhao Tiezhu's eyes, hiding in the arms of the Qing Emperor, watching Zhao Tiezhu in horror, and Sun Lei Li Xu and others were smiling. Looking at everything that is about to happen, no one talks, no one wants to stop Zhao Tiezhu.

"Zhao Tiezhu, what do you want to do!" The Qingdi stood up proudly and stood in front of Qian Min. He was not afraid of Zhao Tiezhu’s bad things. Qian Min’s identity was there, and his brother’s identity was also What is Zhao Tiezhu doing? Nothing can be done, it is a smashed day!

"I will teach you a woman for you." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"My woman is not someone who wants to learn a lesson!" Qingdi cold channel.

"That's embarrassing, I can only teach you lessons!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

The Qing emperor is still wondering how Zhao Tiezhu intends to teach himself. Suddenly, Zhao Tiezhu, who stood a few meters in front of him, suddenly disappeared as if he had disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already standing in front of the Qing Emperor!


A muffled sound, the Qing Emperor's hands crossed the chest, but it was still flying out by Zhao Tiezhu, the whole person directly smashed the table and chair not far behind.

Everyone was frightened and looked at the scene that happened in front of him.

Zhao Tiezhu shrunk his fist back and smiled at Qian Min and said, "In the future, don't appear in front of me. Once, I will hit you once. Don't scare me with three hundred lashes. I can't go back and go back three hundred times. ""

Qian Min wanted to say something, but found that his voice was in the throat and could not make a sound for a long time.

Zhao Tiezhu did not act very much, that is, one hand stretched out and grabbed the neck of Qian Min, and then regardless of Qian Min’s struggle, he raised Qian Min, and the backhand was a few big slaps, and Qian Qian’s whole piece was drawn. The face was swollen, and then Qian Min was thrown at the side of the Qing Emperor, just fell on the body of the Qing Emperor.

The Qing emperor looked at Zhao Tiezhu in horror. Just now, Zhao Tiezhu’s strong power contained in it was interrupted by the hard-working hands. This Zhao Duzhu, when did he have such strong force? Seeing Qian Minfei to himself, the Qing Emperor simply couldn’t get rid of it, and he was stunned by Qian Min.

It was at this time that Sun Lei just hurriedly stood up and said, "Oh, good, what to fight! Really! Iron pillar, why do you have a general knowledge of a woman!"

"Oh, I generally endure twice, I will not endure it for the third time." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, then looked at Qian Min not far away and said, "Go back and talk to your grandfather, say it is me. Hit you, then, what do they want to say, I will continue, but next time I see you again, I will hit you again, let's compare it and see who can't stand it."

(Thank you again for everyone!)

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