Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1596: Not ready (15 more)

Li Linger shuddered without a reason, looked at the wretched Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Iron brother, you honestly, what do you want?"

"I was thinking, we all did this. Should we do the most important thing?" Zhao Tiezhu held Li Linger's waist with one hand, but placed a hand on Li Linger's pajama pants. Slightly pulled down a bit.

Unexpectedly, Li Linger was determined to hold Zhao Tiezhu’s hand ready to pull her pants.

"Iron brother, I am not ready yet, let's not... so don't be so anxious, okay?" Li Linger looked at Zhao Tiezhu almost pleading.

Zhao Tiezhu is already a sperm worm at this time. How can it be easily stopped by Li Linger, saying that he should not move his hand up and put it on Li Linger’s chest, and forcefully grab it. Li Linger is distracted by this, and that The hand of Zhao Tiezhu’s hand was released.

Zhao Tiezhu rushed to the ground and directly pulled Li Linger's pajama pants down.

"Ah!" Li Linger stretched out the hand of Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Iron brother, Linger... Linger is really not ready! Let's not be anxious? Anyway... Anyway, people should look at it." I’ve been looked at by you... I’ve been tarnished by you, you... don’t be in a hurry, wait for me... wait until I’m ready, let’s do it again, okay?”

Li Linger stopped Zhao Tiezhu for the second time. Zhao Tiezhu knew that Li Linger was really not ready. Zhao Tiezhu thought that he was a very gentleman, so he released his hand and then lay his body to the side. The original Zhao Tiezhu was Pressing Li Linger, now like this, just lying next to Li Linger.

Zhao Tiezhu leaned over and faced Li Linger, then placed one hand on Li Linger's abdomen, gently rubbing it and said, "This... since it is not ready, let's do it next time."

"Hey." Li Linger also turned around and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Thank you, Tiezhu brother, I... I didn't think I could develop to such a position with you so soon, so... so give me some time. , I... I will be yours sooner or later, don't worry, okay?"

"I am not in a hurry, I am not in a hurry!" Zhao Tiezhu shrugged and said, "I am not a creature thinking in the lower body. I love you, so I want to make you become my woman. As for other women, then For me, it’s all clouds. Of course, Yan Nilida’s people are not clouds, they are my lover!”

"People know." Li Linger said, "Iron brother, the favorite is Yan Ni sister, is it?"

"No!" Zhao Tiezhu shook his head.

"Hey? Who is that?"

"my mother."

"Wow, Tiezhu brother, do you have an Oedipus complex?" Li Linger grinned.

"Oh, if I didn't have my mother, I wouldn't have it now. I used to hate them because they left me early, and I was bullied. I forced myself to go abroad and work hard. Others can be parents. Under the protection of the thriving, I can only fight for myself in a foreign country, but then, until now, I know what happened, so I have no reason to resent them, so I love it most. The woman is my mother, the most loved man, my father." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

Li Linger grinned and said, "Iron brother, you are so embarrassed, do not answer the questions of others."

"Oh, love is not love, love is not the most loved, these things, there is no one best answer, why do I say that I offend people?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Then you said, your favorite person Who is it? The most loved man."

"That is naturally my father!" Li Linger said with a smile. "If there is no my father, then there is no me."

"What about the second love?" Zhao Tiezhu continued to ask.

"Second love? That's what you are." Li Linger said helplessly, "Hey, I thought, how old I was, my sister, how happy I was, and I didn't expect you to go astray after three times of rehearsal, and the result is now This way, I really regret it!"

"Well, since you regret it, then I will let you regret it more." Zhao Tiezhu said, he was going to pull Li Linger's pants, which shocked Li Linger and hurriedly grabbed Zhao Tiezhu's hand.

"Iron brother, you are such a gentleman? The villain! I think about it!" Li Linger said dissatisfied.

"You know, man!" Zhao Tiezhu smirked. "The beauty is in my arms. I am not Liu Xiahui's sexual incompetence. Naturally, I have to react."

"This... Iron pillar brother, I heard that you men, if you can't get vented, you will lie, don't you?" Li Linger asked.

"This is true, it is easy to cause a lack of function for a long time." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"That... then you are not squatting now?" Li Linger asked.

"Nothing to blame... I blame." Zhao Tiezhu grabbed Li Linger’s hand and put it under himself, saying, "You feel embarrassed."

Li Linger was a bit shy, and the hand did not dare to move. As a result, Zhao Tiezhu was holding the hand of the family on a small iron pillar, which made Li Linger a bit of a sly.

"Well... I’m so tight, then... what should I do?” Li Linger looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, “I... I really don’t want to see the iron pillar brother uncomfortable!”

Zhao Tiezhu just wanted to say something, but he saw Li Linger’s two double peaks like volleyball. He suddenly said awkwardly and said, "In fact, there are other ways!"

"What other methods?"

"This... I will teach you this!" Zhao Tiezhu smirked.

After half an hour.

"Ah! Iron column brother, you are disgusting!" Li Linger exclaimed.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "Sorry, sorry, I can't help it for a while!"

Then I saw Li Linger's figure rushing into the bathroom, and then the sound of water sounded.

Ten minutes later, Li Linger came out of the bathroom and walked out with a trace of water on his face. A pair of big eyes looked at Zhao Tiezhu with resentment and said, "Iron brother, you... you bastard!"

"This... I really can't hold back for a while, don't you go in and wash it? Nothing! Hey, come, I hug you!" Zhao Tiezhu opened his hands and looked at Li Linger, but Li Linger said with a sigh. "People don't want it, oh, now I feel a sticky face, not with you, iron pillar brother, I want to continue to sleep back to sleep, you love to do it yourself."

Zhao Tiezhu was a happy person. I really didn't think that Li Linger's pair of artifacts were so powerful. I didn't pay attention to it. If I didn't control it, I got Li Linger to go to the bathroom to wash my face. It was a sin.

With Li Linger continuing to entangle in the bed for a while, Zhao Tiezhu only called Li Ziling, let him pick himself up. The snow on the ground is still the same, but Zhao Tiezhu is full of red light.

(Calculation error, this is the 15th, less a chapter, made up.)

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