Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1606: Special operations

"Who is upstairs?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"I don't know. I was brought by the leader of the bureau. Would you like me to help you?" asked the young woman.

"That's not necessary, please take me to see me." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

Zhao Tiezhu’s courtesy and politeness made this young woman quite flattered. She thought about listening to colleagues saying that the people who came out of this special action were freaks. It seems that this is not a freak! And looking at quite a kind of feeling that is quite pleasing to the eye.

"What are you looking at?" Zhao Tiezhu wondered how the girl stared at her eyes. The girl suddenly reacted and immediately blushed and said, "This... you come with me."

Followed by the sister on the second floor, at the end of the walkway, the sister knocked on a door with the director's office sign. Then came a thick male voice from inside and said, "Who!"

"I! Secretary, comrades with special operations want to come to see you!" said the younger sister.

"Oh, then please come in." said the male voice inside.

The sister opened the door and then stood at the door and said to Zhao Tiezhu, "Please come in."

"You don't go in?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"No, no," said the sister. "I can't get in without permission. There are many state secrets."

"Thank you!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and nodded to the girl, so that the girl had a dizzy sense of happiness.

"People in the special operations department, nodded with me!! Thanks to me!!" The younger sister took the phone and sent her own affairs to colleagues and friends.

Zhao Tiezhu didn't know that his polite action would make people feel like this. After pushing the door open, Zhao Tiezhu saw two people, one sitting behind the desk, looking very majestic, a middle-aged man, and the other one was Zhao Tiezhu. Old acquaintance!

Liu Xingfu!

Yes, the person sitting on the sofa with a group of meat hills is the Liu Xingfu that Zhao Tiezhu has seen in fj!

Liu Xingfu saw Zhao Tiezhu, and it was a strange surprise. He forgot to talk for a while, but the middle-aged man said, "This comrade looks very raw! Is it a newcomer?"

"Yes!" Zhao Tiezhu came back and looked at the middle-aged man and said, "I am Zhao Tiezhu!"

"Oh! You are Zhao Tiezhu!" The middle-aged man looked as though he had heard of Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Listen to people in the office, haha, I am Wang Baoshan! The director here."

"Hello, hello!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "This is also a sudden, a little presumptuous, sorry!"

"Iron column, what is this?" Liu said, "Baoshan is my brother, that is your brother, less polite!"

"Sexual blessing, do you know the iron pillar?" asked Wang Baoshan.

"Of course I know, the children of the two dogs, how can I not know?" Liu said with a smile on Zhao Tiezhu. "It has been so many days in the capital, I just thought of coming here, you are the special office of the National Security Bureau." The clerk is not very competent!"

"Oh, after encountering some things, I have delayed it. Liu Ge, are you talking about things with Director Wang?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"No, I missed him, so come over, chat with him by the way, I didn't expect you to come too, haha, come, sit down, recently the rumors about Beijing are quite a lot, haha, hit. The four young people destroyed the prestige of Sanjie, and they were bullied by Qian Min. Then they bullied Qian Min again. As a result, Qian Zizhong did not put a fart now. Hey, it seems like the recent major events in Beijing. It’s not relevant to you, no!” Liu Xingfu patted Zhao Tiezhu’s shoulder and said.

"This... okay!" Zhao Tiezhu was shot by Liu Xingfu, and there was a slight pain on his shoulder. It seems that Liu’s skill should be improved! According to the previous Liu Xingfu, now Zhao Tiezhu can basically do it without a few rounds, but now Liu Xingfu, Zhao Tiezhu is not estimated.

"His mother, how to improve is so big!" Zhao Tiezhu is quite depressed, the past ten or twenty years is like that, but it seems that since they have become more powerful, everyone has quickly become more powerful.

"You are also really good. I just didn't know that I want to keep a low profile. It's much higher than your son. But this is also good. The province always faces the provocations of the so-called shackles. It looks like an upset, right. Have you been to the special operations in the Forbidden City except here?" asked Liu Xingfu.

"This, haven't been there!" said Zhao Tiezhu. "I plan to go later."

"Let's go, now I have a glimpse of the past, look at the people inside, you can know a few, you can know how many you can interact with, and you can see your own ability. Where are the gods, unicorn? That is not enough inside. Look." Liu said with a smile.

"This... go now, okay?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"What's wrong? There should be a lot of people there." Liu said that he suddenly took a hand and said, "I remembered, the evil goods seem to have been killed by you, right? ?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded.

"If you kill it, you will get rid of it. The evil spirits belong to the other side. It seems to be very arrogant outside, but in the inside, it is just like the general, as long as you don't pass the world, you declare that you have killed the evil spirits. That's it!" said Liu Xingfu.

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu’s mind is a bit confused, saying, "What is the other side?"

"In a nutshell, the special operations are divided into three groups. The evil spirits are not the clerk, but he is the leader of one of the group leaders. Then, you are not in that group, so you don't need birds. They, your team leader is not that person." Liu said.

"Then you belong to that group?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Liu Xingfu and asked.

"I? I am in the same group as the ghosts, the second group, haha, I heard that the ghosts have also been beaten by you? That poor child!" Liu Xingfu laughed and patted Zhao Tiezhu's back.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "This... are we going now?"

"Well, let's go now, Pharaoh, we are gone, have a chance, let's go together again... ah no, it's a drink together!" Liu said that he blew his eyes at Wang Baoshan and then took Zhao Tiezhu directly. I left the office of Wang Baoshan.

Downstairs, the young girl looked at the stairs from time to time and saw Zhao Tiezhu and Liu Xingfu down. The young girl pretended to be a natural nod to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Are you leaving?"

"Well, I have to go, goodbye!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

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