Zhao Tiezhu stretched out his hand on Zhu Lao’s hand, and then stood up with a force, and then looked at Zhu Lao with respect and respectfully. “The means of Zhu Lao is really superb, and I am willing to go down the wind.”

"Oh, living a lot of age, the routines that are played all day long are naturally better than you, but your future is also limitless!" Zhu Lao said, "and, you are with a group of two. People are different, you have more brains than them."

Zhao Tiezhu said that he did not dare.

"This is your second grandfather, that is, Zhao Lao told me." Zhu Lao said.

"My second grandfather?"

"Well, I am arguing with the other two groups on that day. Zhao Lao actually called me early. He said that you are the best person to stay in the three groups, but now the team leaders of the three groups are vying. You, he is not good to directly order who you are given, so he asked me to go to the door to find him!" Zhu Lao said with a smile, "If you do this, give Zhao full face, I can be put on the body It's very low, then you naturally come to my three groups."

Zhao Tiezhu did not expect that he had such a tidbit in the special operations department, and immediately asked, "Why, my second grandfather, why should I let me into the group of Zhu Lao?"

"Isn't that what you want to learn from me to use your brain?" Zhu said, "Your hands have reached a certain level. Now, you need to use your brain! Sometimes, many people, you don't It’s a bit of a brain, just relying on brute force, I can’t win people’s. Just like I just said, I don’t even use the sixth sense at all. I can analyze all your next moves in a step by step. From the time I caught you to the last time you fell, it was in my calculations."

When this was said, Zhao Tiezhu was even more shocked. This... from the first step, I took all the actions I took next into account. How can this be!

"Of course it is possible!" Zhu Lao said, "In fact, every movement of yours is done under the deliberate guidance of my movements. Maybe you didn't notice, I just caught your first time and took you. Pulling to me, in order to bring your strength to the opposite direction of pulling you, and when you are in the opposite direction, I can just push the boat and use your strength with my strength. Originally, your strength, I guess you can use it perfectly, but after joining my strength, this force will have uncontrollable changes, and as I expected, you lost this force. Complete control, so in the end, when I move to the side, your body appears uncontrollable, and at the very beginning, my feet are ready to meet your last uncontrollable phenomenon, you When the body appears uncontrollable, I just can hold your lower plate, the upper body is uncontrollable, and the lower plate is held up by me. Your only end is only to fall to the ground, and anyone is about to fall. , will be conditioned to catch something, and I also Road you will hold me, so my other foot also ready, in your hard moment, I had a solid footing! "

I heard Zhu Lao’s explanation, and then recalled all the actions that I had just done. Zhao Tiezhu found that it was really as Zhu’s said, and every action of his own was actually designed by Zhu Lao! That is to say, Zhu Lao can do all the actions that he can follow after doing an action. This is the ability to analyze and analyze. It can really be said that the enchanting is not an exaggeration!

"Well, today, the first day of your coming, I have nothing to teach you. If you go out with the fat man, let's get to know each other. It is also a communication. You can now be the only one of our three groups." The person who got the hand, the other, the hand is very poor, although the routine knows everything, but this year, no one will play with you stupidly." Zhu Lao said.

"Okay! Thank you Zhu Lao!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded. After thanking him, he followed the fat man and walked out of the backyard.

"Iron column, head, great?" the fat man asked with a smile.

"It's really amazing!" Zhao Tiezhu said. "If I play the routine, I can't play with him, but if I am close, I shouldn't be my opponent."

"You just want to make a mistake!" The fat man said with a mysterious smile. "Do you really think that the head will only set the way?"

"Oh?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the fat man curiously.

"Our head, but it is said that the three team leaders are the smartest and most capable players. Even a group leader is only respectful in front of the head, if not his men can play more He will only give the shoes to the head!" The fat man said proudly.

"How do you know?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"When the year was in trouble, I was still only an intern. At that time, I saw the first shot. That shot was a terrible move. I directly smashed a group leader!" said the fat man.

"When is the big turmoil? What is Zhu Lao’s hand? Isn’t that the four people teamed up at that time?” Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This is a secret!" The fat man looked around and found that no one, after saying, "In the beginning, everyone was actually united with a group leader, and then the head could not see it, because we In the palace, it was impossible to interfere with these things in the country. As a result, a group leader compared with the head and a few words, then he fought, and then he was beaten down, and finally only let his men go out."

Zhao Tiezhu did not expect that there was such a play in the big turmoil more than ten years ago, and then the heart of the group, the team leader of the original group would even join hands with the four people. Does that mean that the current group can be divided into four people? On the other side, the ghosts are the second group. When they went to kill the king one million, the ghosts also gave the king a bodyguard, and Wang million was the money family. What is the connection? Or is it that the two groups of people are also with the four people? That Liu Fufu is the second group of people, why is it so good for himself?

Zhao Tiezhu felt that the special operations department of the National Security Bureau was a bit confusing at the moment.

When Zhao Tiezhu thought about it, he talked casually with the fat man. Soon, the two passed the pass and then passed through the promenade and came to the hall.

When I first arrived at the hall, Zhao Tiezhu heard a loud noise, and then I saw that there were already ** individuals in the hall. Two of them stood opposite each other. It seems that they are going to fight, and other people, They are all onlookers, among them Liu Xingfu.

Seeing Zhao Tiezhu, Liu Xingfu waved Zhao Zhaozhu and Zhao Tiezhu walked over.

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