Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1614: Deputy deputy leader (sixth)

Deputy Director of the 1960th Chapter War (sixth)

Zhao Tiezhu is very accidental. In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that Zhao Tiezhu is hit by the coincidence. The people around him have to feel helpless for Zhao Tiezhu’s good fortune. Sometimes fighting is also a matter of luck, such as you are unwilling to play. If a punch just hits the opponent's weakness, then you will earn it.

Zhao Tiezhu just like that.

After Zhao Tiezhu’s difficult win, Zhao Tiezhu once again got two bottles of recovery pharmacy. Zhao Tiezhu’s eyebrows were laughter, and after the two games, Zhao Tiezhu also added light to the third group. At that time, if Zhu Laoyi gave himself one hundred and eighty bottles of medicine, he would develop himself.

Of course, this last one is purely Zhao Tizhu himself yy.

As simple as this, Zhao Tiezhu has four bottles of recovery medicine.

Liu Xingfu is the one who knows the most about Zhao Tiezhu in these people. When he sees Zhao Tiezhu’s performance, he also obviously has a group of people. Liu Xingfu has no other indications. He just smiles and looks at Zhao Tiezhu. This is to let Zhao Tiezhu Liu Xingfu feels more curious. This person looks at it. It seems to be a group of people, but he is very concerned about himself. In this year, Zhao Tiezhu can not believe that there is a so-called unreasonable concern. Zhao Tiezhu thinks that Liu Xingfu definitely has any purpose. Or, for some kind of motivation, this will be so good for himself, what is the motivation and purpose, Zhao Tiezhu has not found any clues so far.

"This comrade, very good!" Langye said with a hint of praise, "all won the two masters of our group, haha!"

Zhao Tiezhu saw a hint of haze from the smiling face of Lang Ye, and laughed and said, "This... everyone is handed over!"

"Strength is strength. Since you can win two of us, don't you mind playing with me?" Lang asked.

"This... are you kidding?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Langye strangely and said, "I played down in two games, tired and tired. It is a bit difficult to walk now. Do you want me to play like this?" I am a fool?"

"Ha ha ha, let's change the way of the game." Lang said with a smile. "As long as you can face any place on my head, I will lose ten bottles of recovery medicine, and if you If you can't do it in five minutes, give me four bottles. Do you think it is ok?"

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu’s face appeared hesitant and tangled.

"Think about it! As long as you touch anywhere on my head, you can get 10 bottles of recovery remedy. These 10 bottles of recovery remedy, if calculated according to the renminbi, at least one billion!" Langye tempted Road.

Perhaps the temptation of Lang Ye has an effect, and Zhao Tiezhu has decisively shaken.

"You mean, as long as you come across, what?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Of course, as long as you meet, even!" Lang said with a smile.

“Within five minutes?”

"Yes, within five minutes!"

"That... that's alright!" Zhao Tiezhu hesitated for a long time and finally nodded.

Lang Ye’s heart was a joy, as if he saw the four bottles of potion in his own hands! For his own ability, Lang Ye is very confident. At least in the last battle with Kirin, Lang and Qilin are comparable, which means that they have at least the strength of the first unicorn. ! According to his own strength, even if the man named Pillar is in its heyday, it is impossible to touch his own head, let alone the present, so Lang Ye directly put the two exchange coupons in Zhao Tiezhu’s pocket. Becoming your own thing.

This is at least worth hundreds of millions! Of course, this is just a matter of value. It is not who will really spend hundreds of millions to buy this kind of thing.

The two men quickly stood face to face, and Lang directly pulled a crowd of people out to be judges.

"The third group has such a person, it is very good!" Lang Ye stood in the same place, confidently watching Zhao Tiezhu, said, "However, this time you will pay for your care and greed, Ten bottles of pharmacy, not so easy to earn!"

Zhao Tiezhu said, "This... don't try it, who knows, right?"

"Can you start?" The referee asked Lang.

Langye nodded and said, "With you, anyway, I can start at any time."

"You, can you start?" The referee asked Zhao Tiezhu again.


"Then let's get started." The referee finished and went straight to the side. According to him, this newcomer must have been killed by the ***, Lang Ye, that is the leader of the second group, who can stand alongside the unicorn. If such a character can't win a new person, then it is really a big tooth to laugh out.

However, when the referee’s thoughts just fell, he suddenly saw Zhao Tiezhu disappear!

Yes, it disappeared, and then when Zhao Tiezhu appeared, Zhao Tiezhu was already a few centimeters away from Langye!


The people around the crowd immediately took a breath of cold air, this... what speed is this!

Lang Ye is also very surprised, this newcomer has such a speed so far? Is this the outbreak of the small universe or the stimulation of past life memories into Super Saiyan?

It’s just that this speed is very fast, but Lang Ye doesn’t care much, because your speed is not that your power is big!

Langye’s dark natural stretched out his hands. According to the direction of Zhao Tiezhu’s running and the direction of the fist, he had already made plans to block Zhao Tiezhu’s attack at any time. Of course, Lang Ye also added darkness to his own hands. As soon as I contacted Zhao Tiezhu, this darkness is enough to really hurt Zhao Tiezhu!

Zhao Tiezhu's fist is a straight, simple and very simple left-handed punch.

This punch, the speed can not be very fast, can only be regarded as general, and there is no sound explosion, so people feel that it is a sparse ordinary punch, everyone around has already put down a heart, this person is estimated It’s just a little faster, and this fist is too much to look at.

Lang Ye’s hand has been blocked on the line of Zhao Tiezhu’s fist attack. Lang’s expression is very calm from beginning to end. It’s calm to let people see that there is a master style in it, Lang’s secret calculation. When the fist waits for what he has to do, he can't see that he has hurt this new person, because Lang Ye is a famous person. If he hurts a new person too directly, he will be said to be a bully. of.

Zhao Tiezhu’s fist finally touched Lang’s hand, and Lang’s darkness had already begun to be shipped, just waiting for the person’s hand to open.


(The sixth is more ~ ​​everyone should pay more attention to rest during the holidays)

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