Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1632: Good guns!

The first thousand six hundred and thirty-two chapters are good to get started!

"Ah? Ah!" Ouyang Ying felt that the thing she had caught on her hand suddenly became taller and bigger, and she was shocked. The whole person came to the spirit in an instant, and then saw a pair of thighs!

Ouyang Ying hurriedly propped up and looked down, it was a man's lower body!

"Ah!" Ouyang Ying continued to scream, and then saw the water stain next to a towering thing in the center!

Ouyang Ying studied biology, so for a moment, Ouyang Ying thought of a thing taught in biology class.

Men, when they are sleeping, there may often be a thing called a dream, as if something is excreted in a dream, in a idiom, it is called fullness!

"Iron column brother, you..." Ouyang Ying looked at Zhao Tiezhu's lower body with a shy look and said, "You were last night... Oh, you are going to take a shower!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Ouyang Ying’s legs that were still on his body and said, “You are pressing me, how can I take a shower?”

"Ah? Ah! Sorry, sorry!" Ouyang Ying quickly removed his legs and sat down and said, "I'm sorry, I don't want to be honest. I will fall to the bed often. It always does. There is no way to change it!"

"It's okay." Zhao Tiezhu smiled helplessly and said, "Fortunately, you didn't go down this time!"

"Well, oh, when I was a child, I slept my mother to bed when I slept with my mother. Hey, for my fault, my mom didn't say much to me! But I can't help it!" Ouyang Ying also said helplessly.

"Fortunately, you didn't kick me to the bed." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Oh, yes, I am so lucky, I am going to take a shower. If this kind of thing stays there, it is not a good thing!" Ouyang Ying pointed at the towering between Zhao Tiezhu’s legs. The water trail next to the pillar said.

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu was puzzled. "What is not a good thing?"

"I told you, if this kind of thing solidifies, it will form a kind of thing called fine spots, and then it will also smell it! Hurry up and wash it, otherwise it is very unsanitary!" Ouyang Ying urged.

"I am going, you should not think it is mine?" Zhao Tiezhu asked in surprise.

"Isn't it possible for you to be mine? Tiezhu brother, dreams are not a thing that can't be seen. Any man who has adolescence will have it. However, you are really strange, you are twenty." How old is it, how can it be a dream? I heard from friends that in the twenties, there are still dreams, usually in the office. Male, is it the iron pillar brother you are still. Male?" Ouyang Yingyue said, the brighter the eyes.

"I rub, do you praise me or what?" Zhao Tiezhu said wrongly, "This is not mine, is this good for you?"

"My? How can I have this for a woman?" Ouyang Ying said.

"Can a woman not have water?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"This... you said this is water?" Ouyang Ying pointed at the water stain and asked.

"Otherwise?" Zhao Tiezhu said with no anger, "This is all your own flow!"

"I flow? How come? I... I didn't have a sweet dream last night!" Ouyang Ying looked at her head and confused.

"I will go, you will not think that this is what water?" Zhao Tiezhu suddenly knew that Ouyang Ying wanted to marry.

"Isn't you talking about the Iron Pillar?" Ouyang Ying asked purely.

"Well... I really don't know if you are pure or awkward. I told you that this is the saliva you just shed, not the water you imagined! Which woman have you seen so much? If so, That is the bedwetting! Stupid!" Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly.

"Oh! I don't think so!" Ouyang Ying said seriously.

One morning, after the two people had tossed this way, Zhao Tiezhu decided to take Ouyang Ying back to the military area after the shower. If it was done again, it would be a test of his will. It’s not the same thing to go to a scent of a yellow flower prostitute.

After sending Ouyang Ying to the military area, Zhao Tiezhu went directly to the Zhao family. On the way, Zhao Tiezhu received a call from Zhou Mix.

"The wolves have said that it is Zhao Kunhu let him do this!" On the other end of the phone, the voice of Zhou Shishi is very gloomy, and Zhao Tiezhu can feel the murderousness that can't be suppressed.

"Oh, I said, how could there be such a coincidence, you, you, smart, do you think that those who are brothers and brothers are your good brothers? How many people use you as a gun?" Think about it, these years have passed, how many of the things you have done are what your so-called good brothers let you do? Why do they let you do it? That is because the black pot can be done by one person. Since you are all a demon king, then what are you not doing on the countertop, don’t you do it, do you still have to do it yourself? They are all people who love their fame, just your reputation is stinking. It doesn't matter if you smell it again." Zhao Tiezhu said with a weird smile on his mouth.

"Bastard! Bastard!!! I even turned me into a fool!" The voice of Zhou Chaoshi was too angry and even trembled. "Zhao Kunhu, Zhao Kunhu, I am waiting for you like a brother, you are like this to me! And Li Xu , Sun Lei, Qian Pullong, his mother, I still treat them as brothers, my grass, I will be a gun! I grass!!" Zhou mixed world.

"Poor child." Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion. "But now, even if you know that they used you as a gun, what about it? Have you ever done them? They are three people, you are just one, I advise You still think that nothing has happened, what to do if you do it, or else the three of them will isolate you, then your life will be boring!"

"This matter, it won't be like this. Zhao Kunhu wants my life, and I won't let him go! Zhao Tiezhu, I am here to put a sentence here, and you saved me last night. I am very happy, between us, if there is any festival in the past, I hope that you adults will not count on the villain, laughing in the past, starting from today, I am no longer embarrassing you, I saved you this life, then I will I have to find a chance to pay you back, what will happen in the future, even if I come to me!" Zhou said.

"I don't need it." Zhao Tiezhu said, hanging the phone directly, but then the face is happy to open the flowers, "Li Xu Sun Lei money pull out, haha, your gun, this time I got the hand! ”

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