Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1643: There are traitors (seventh)

After a simple narrative, Zhao Ergou came to Zhao Lao’s body and said, “Fortunately, not to be insulted.”

"Ha ha ha, good!" Zhao Lao stood up and patted on the shoulder of Zhao Ergou. He said, "Since your mission is completed, you are worthy of the identity of my Zhao family. Hurry up. Go to clean it, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, start the ancestral genealogy ceremony on time!"[bsp; "Brother!" Zhao Meiqin wants to say something, but was directly interrupted by Zhao Lao, "How, what else do you have? Want to say?"

Seeing Zhao’s face, Zhao Meiqin hesitated and said, “No, I just want to congratulate the two dogs.”

"Thank you for your aunt!" Zhao Ergou's face was very calm and nodded to Zhao Meiqin.

"Hey, my brother, the two dogs are finally glory for our Zhao family, and I am very happy!" Zhao Meiqin looked at Zhao Lao. "So many years have passed, we have finally got something to do with Zhao." Said to the outside person!"

"Well, don't say these first, two dogs, hurry up." Zhao Lao said.

Zhao Ergou nodded and took Ye Qingxia Zhao Tiezhu Cao Ziyi to the back of the lobby.

"Dad, tell me what you have encountered in the territory!" Zhao Tiezhu asked. "And, what is the injury on your neck?"

"This time I went to the territory, I really believe it!" Zhao Ergou said as he walked. "You also know that there are a lot of uneasy elements on the other side of the territory, and there is a very rejection of the Han people. Where I go is There are very few Han Chinese in the settlements of the Xinjiang people, so I can only make up the Xinjiang people, and then I will explore their nest according to the requirements of the mission. Everything is going smoothly, but when I enter the depths of their old nest, I don't know why, they actually found my identity!"

"Oh? Dad, are you showing flaws?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"I don't know, everything is very sudden." Zhao Ergou shook his head. "Since I was discovered, I can only come hard. After a battle of nine deaths, you, my son, I finally escaped from birth. It!"

"The wound was left at that time?" Zhao Tiezhu pointed to the knife on the neck of Zhao Ergou and asked.

"This is not!" Zhao Ergou said with a serious look, "I lost some hurt after I escaped, and rested in a secret position of our Zhao family, but I don't know why, even someone chased me and chased him to the stronghold!" ”

"Ah? Hunted into the stronghold?" Zhao Tiezhu asked in surprise.

"Well, yes!" said Zhao Ergou. "The man's skill is very strong. I was accidentally injured because of the injury. I was given a hole, but the man was also injured by me!"

"This... Dad, should you be aware of something wrong?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Yeah." Zhao Ergou nodded. "The first is my inexplicable exposure. The second is that I was assassinated in the stronghold. These all remind me of the same thing!"

"what's up?"

"We have Zhao's family, there are traitors." Zhao Ergou squinted and said, "Sure someone will leak my news to the people over there! Later I left directly from the stronghold, found a former friend, stayed at After two or three days of cultivation, I took my own people to destroy those who were restless."

“Is it all gone?” Zhao Tiezhu asked strangely. “How many people do you have?”

"Too much, a hundred." Zhao Ergou said naturally, "all are unstable."

"I am going, Dad, you are really going to pick up your hands!" Zhao Tiezhu said in amazement. You must know that this is more than a hundred people, not animals. If you say it, it will be completely destroyed. If it is put in the international arena, then It is genocide.

"Cut, these people think about doing things all day long, and it’s much easier to kill them all at once." Zhao Ergou said, "Would you think that I got this special military medal?"

"Dad is mighty!" Zhao Tiezhu worshipped.

"That is, well, I have to take a shower, you don't follow Ziyi!" Zhao Ergou pushed the door open and said.

"Hey, Dad, I know the pull, we will not come to quarrel with your mom!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled cumbersomely.

Ye Qingxia angered the head of Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You, what are you in your head?"

"The so-called small wins the newlyweds!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled. "But, Mom and Dad, at four o'clock in the afternoon, don't pass the time, or else you have to be grasped by Zhao Meiqin's woman!"

"Go and go." Zhao Ergou directly to Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu smiled and avoided, then took Cao Ziyi's hand and ran away.

"Your son, more and more like you!" Ye Qingxia said helplessly.

"Is it not good for me?" Zhao Ergou laughed and licked Ye Qingxia's little waist and said, "This...wife, let's talk about the old."

"Go to death, take a shower!" Ye Qingxia took a look at Zhao Ergou.

"You help me wash!" said Zhao Ergou.

"I don't want it, ah! You are a rogue, all old wives are still like this!" Ye Qingxia looked at Zhao Ergou, who was resisting his shoulders, and said helplessly.

Zhao Er, a dog, said, "Grandpa, I am in the mountains, but it’s so tight!"

Zhao Tiezhu took Cao Ziyi directly back to the lobby, because there are still a few hours away from four in the afternoon, so the heads of those who have been in the veins have to go to rest. They will appear here just to meet Zhao Ergou. It is estimated that it will reappear after four o'clock.

Zhao Laifu always stayed in the lobby, talking to Zhao Laibao, and saw Zhao Tiezhu coming over. Zhao Laifu stood up and said hello.

Zhao Tiezhu went to Zhao Laifu’s side and said, “Is there any need to pay attention to the ancestral ritual rituals of the ancestors this afternoon?”

"There is nothing to pay attention to. Anyway, there will be special people to give you instructions at any time!" said Zhao Laifu. "However, this ancestor is very serious. At that time, you must not be contemptuous or disrespectful." action!"

"Know it!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and asked, "Zhao Luoshen, how is it?"

"She? According to the family rules, it was originally to drive out the Zhao family, but Zhao Dong asked for help, so she only punished her to do the hard work!" Zhao Laifu said.

"Doing coolies?" Zhao Tiezhu is puzzled.

"It’s just to be a worker in Zhao’s factory. It’s a year!” Zhao Laifu explained. “In this year, she will rely on her own hands to support herself. The family will not give her a dime, or even In the place where she lives, she has to look for herself outside. Of course, there are special people in the family who are responsible for protecting her safety. This is a very severe punishment."

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