Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1655: Alliance confrontation

The Korean team had a large group of single-eyed big-faced soldiers who were arranged directly next to the Japanese team. In this way, all the teams participating in the competition arrived.

Because they are all elite, so the discipline of the scene, then it is not a problem, in addition to the slogan of the team leader and the walking brush, there is no other sound.

This is about a hundred people, standing in the military camp, although there are not many people, but there is a feeling of imposing manner.

These are the elites among the soldiers all over the world, and basically they all have blood on their hands. Of course, for example, the South Korean team and the Japanese team, that is not how blood has passed. One is that Japan cannot discharge troops. In addition to the fact that another South Korea has screamed behind the Americans, there has not been a battlefield.

It’s just that people work at least very well.

After the teams were all neatly lining up, the leaders of a number of military troops boarded the stands, including officers from various teams. There were not many people, and the total number was about twenty or thirty. These people sat directly in the stands. From the stands here, you can clearly see the situation below.

Then a Major General wearing a Chinese military uniform appeared on the stands, then shouted with a microphone. "Today's game, take the form of alliance confrontation! Next, announce the group situation."

Zhao Tiezhu’s glimpse, alliance confrontation? What does it mean?

"Shenzhou, a group of Russia, against Japan, South Korea."

"The United States, a group of India, against Britain, Germany."

"What is going on?" Zhao Tiezhu whispered to Lu Zhi.

"I don't know, it's not the same as in previous years!" Lu Zhi frowned and said, "In the past years, there was a team against the first team. This year, the two teams jointly opposed the two teams!"

"It is very likely that everyone has doubts about this year's game method," the major general said. "This new method of confrontation is used this year to train the synergy between different countries. Next, start the lottery."

The voice just fell, and on the electronic reality version above the stands, it began to scroll some numbers, and then slowly, the numbers stopped.

"The first game, the United States and India, against Britain and Germany. The second game, Shenzhou Russia, against Japan and South Korea. Please the team of the second game, now withdraw from the camp, the four countries in the first game, please enter their own commander Ministry! This year, the third game method will be adopted!" Major General ordered.

"Let's go, let's be the second game." Lu Zhi said.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and left the barracks directly with the team, waiting in a rest area on the side, and then asked Lu Zhidao, "What is the third method of competition?"

"In a nutshell, it is just the command to kill the opponent with the team!" Lu Zhi said. "There are three kinds of competition methods, which are generally decided by the pre-match lottery. But this third game method I have never I haven't encountered it. The first one is virtual confrontation, which is a position on both sides. Then use the computer system to perform a virtual attack and let go. The second is a simple one, and the third one is two. The parties attack each other. You see that there is no jungle in the jungle. The two headquarters of this year are all in the jungle, and the straight line distance between each command is one kilometer. Everyone has a brand and gets a piece. The brand is a point. No matter what method you use during the game, as long as you can get the brand, then you can watch the scores and score more victories! In order to create a little stimulation for the game, in each command. Inside, there will be a black sign, this black brand will be placed in the center of the headquarters, as long as it is taken, it can be directly calculated, but generally can not get Because I said it before, unless the strength of one side is too much, or else I don’t want to attack the other’s headquarters, because there are a lot of things that are good for defense, and those things are not open. Take it to the outside."

"I know, it is field combat, right?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a squint.

"Yes, of course, the head here is a test of the tactical literacy of the people and the cooperation in the battle." Lu Zhi said.

The two spoke, and Paslov, who was on the side, came over and said to Zhao Tiezhu. "What do you think about waiting for the battle?"

"They are attacking each other." Zhao Tiezhu said simply.

"It's the same as I thought!" Paslov said with a grin. "When we look at it, we will score more points!"

"no problem!"

Just in the gap between the two people, the little Japan on the side also got together.

"Shenzhou people, I hope to wait for the game, can meet you!" Little Japanese face with an inexplicable smile.

"Oh? Are you not afraid of being abused?" Zhao Tiezhu’s face also has a strange smile. For the Japanese, there must be no one in the whole state of China who would not choose to abuse them when there are conditions. Some things have passed even decades. It is not so easy to disappear.

Such as hatred.

Zhao Tiezhu is not afraid to say that he is not accustomed to small Japan. When he was a killer, he basically met the task of having a small Japan. He was an out-and-out nationalist. The ancestors’ venge was deep in the heart of Zhao Tiezhu. When I read the history in high school, Zhao Tiezhu’s heart always had a nameless fire burning!

If the country needs it, even if it is cannon fodder, Zhao Tiezhu will step on the battlefield of the Toyo, but now it seems that he has to set foot on Toyo. I don’t know if it’s a monkey year, but although there is no hope in the Toyo, there is a small Japan. The team came to warm themselves, and Zhao Tiezhu really didn't mind to show our Japanese friends how to treat our Chinese people.

Don't tell Zhao Tiezhu what there is no big country style. When facing small Japan and small South Korea, Zhao Tiezhu has always been a small belly. Just like now, Zhao Tiezhu looks at the Japanese face and the smile and feels that the goods are already deep. Offended himself, as for how to offend, Zhao Tiezhu does not care.

Little Japan didn’t think that Zhao Tiezhu’s words were so unkind, his face changed slightly, and he immediately said, “Wait, who is the one who abuses, maybe?”

"Hahaha, let's talk about it later." Zhao Tiezhu hit a haha, Little Japan said proudly. "In order to let you lose, I will tell you my name. My name is Ichiro Ozawa. The name, will be your nightmare today, until a long time later!"

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