Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1660: Record (seventh)

Seeing that Zhao Tiezhu came out of the car with a black sign, those Blue Devils who were already empty had burst into a thunderous scream, while Paslov, who stood in the distance, looked at the distance. Everything, a hard swallowing, said, "Nervous diseases are all neurotic diseases!"

"Fortunately, not to be insulted!" Zhao Tiezhu walked over to everyone with a sign and said, "Although everyone is dead now, it is worth your death, haha!"

"Iron brother, how do you listen to this awkward!" Leizi touched his head and said.

"Ha ha ha, this is a virtual confrontation, and it is not really a fight. If you die, you will die." Lu Zhi looked very open. "I don't care if I die now. Hahaha, we are the commander of the people." I picked it up! The last session was also seen once in the United States against South Korea. I didn’t expect South Korea to be picked up for two consecutive times. It’s really gratifying!”

"Really, but, the iron column brother, you have to be careful!" Lei Zi suddenly said seriously.

"Well?" Zhao Tiezhu picked up his eyebrows and looked at Lei Zi with doubt.

"It is estimated that in a few days, the Korean expert media will say that you are a Korean!" Lei Zi said seriously.

"Ha ha ha, the whole world is South Korea!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.


Just when there was a lot of talks here, a scream came from the side, and I was stunned by Ichiro Ozawa, who was holding the dagger without a boot and slammed Zhao Tiezhu’s head. If this is ruined, this ordinary person will have a concussion.

It is a pity that Zhao Tiezhu is not an ordinary person, so although Zhao Tiezhu was attacked by people, he quickly responded.

Zhao Tiezhu did not look back, but directly lifted his own push, and then slammed back.


This push directly hit the Ichiro Ozawa, who was rushing to Zhao Tiezhu. The whole man Ichiro flew out and slammed into the car on the side, making a loud noise, and then unconscious.

According to the investigation afterwards, Zhao Tiezhu’s behavior was completely legitimate defense, and the behavior of Ichiro Ozawa’s sneak attack after losing the game was scorned and rejected by people all over the world.

These are all words.

In the stands.

Lei Long looked at the display in front of him, which clearly showed the battle process. After seeing Zhao Tiezhu take the black sign out of the car, Lei Long’s face finally showed the uncontrollable smile. .

"Hahaha, this kid, I know him, I didn't expect it to be so overbearing, haha, I even picked the command of others!" Lei Long happily patted the table in front of him, and Chen Weiguo sitting on the side looked very happy. Look like that.

"I said, the child of the iron column, reliable!"

A Japanese senior general who is not far from the two is full of gloomy face. Similarly, the Korean general on the side is also a look of a dead old lady.

Lei Long Desai looked at the Japanese general and said, "This is our luck, luck! Haha!"

"Hey!" The Japanese general snorted and did not speak.

Soon, Zhao Tiezhu and others were sent out of the forest and returned to the previous camp.

"I have to say, I admire your courage!" Paslov looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said earnestly, "You are the one I have ever seen, and there are few Chinese people who have the courage."

"In our country, people who have courage are always more than cowards!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"Oh, from now on, we are the enemy. I will not be merciful in this afternoon's game!" Paslov said, leaving with his soldiers.

Zhao Tiezhu first disbanded the team and then came to Leilong with the thunder.

"Good job!" Lei Long smiled. "You took 26 points and created a record for today's game. I am proud of you!"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said with shame, "I am still worried that you said that I am not concerned about the overall situation!"

“How come!” said Lei Long. “Although the situation at the time can be won as long as nothing is done, I hope that you can win a more beautiful one, and what you have done is exactly what I want most. Now that four teams have been eliminated, this afternoon will be a single player, only five people can play, you choose someone! I have to go first, see your performance in the afternoon!"

After that, Lei Long left directly, and Chen Weiguo smiled and took Zhao Tiezhu’s shoulder and left with Leilong.

"Oh, actually, I don't think it's really challenging." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile to Lei Zi.

"Our main opponents are the United States and India." Lei Zi said, "In India, there is a man named Ashvia, very strong, said to be comparable to the one-eyed dragon!!"

"Ashvia? I have heard of it." Zhao Tiezhu said, "It is also mixed in the mercenary community. It is quite powerful. The single combat capability can enter the top ten in the mercenary industry."

"Yeah, the opponents in the afternoon are not good to deal with. The American Cyclops, Ashga in India, and Paslov in Russia are the top ten players in the mercenary industry. No matter who they meet, they are all one. Hard battle!"

"Well! Be careful when you get there," said Zhao Tiezhu.

The two of them talked to each other while going directly to the cafeteria on the side, but it was not long before Zhao Tiezhu saw the pretty figure of Ouyang Ying.

"Iron column brother!" Ouyang Ying ran to Zhao Tiezhu's body cheerfully, then grabbed Zhao Tiezhu's arm and said, "Iron column brother, I heard that you not only won the family in the morning, but also gave the people's nest to the end. It!"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled proudly and said, "That is natural, the strength is too much, the prohibition is the abuse of food!"

"Hey, iron column brother, you are so powerful!" Ouyang Ying's eyes flashed with golden light, and the whole person almost hangs on Zhao Tiezhu's body.

Lei Zi's coughing a few times, almost did not cough up, but Ouyang Yingxi did not look at him, which makes Lei Zi quite a feeling of being abandoned, his sister, really has the opposite **** Humanity! Lei Zi is full of emotions.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the delicate Ouyang Ying, a woman who admires herself. If she really just pushed her down, it is really a bit of a contempt.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and touched Ouyang Ying’s head. He said, waiting for the buddy, I won the so-called World Military Championship, and then I will talk to you about the meaning of life.

As soon as I thought about the meaning of life with Ouyang Ying, Zhao Tiezhu’s face suddenly showed a wretched look. The result was looked at by Lei Zi. The Lei Zi was helpless, and the iron column brother and rabbit did not eat the grass. Ah!

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