Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1662: Lei Ziweiwu (ninth)

India’s second appearance is a bald head with a Buddha’s pendant on the ear. It looks like a believer. This person’s skill is OK, but Lu Zhi is not a metamorphosis of Zhao Tiezhu, so his physical strength is limited, and the second one can only be stubborn. As a result, the second person was particularly wretched and chose to delay the tactics. Lu Zhi did not have physical strength at the end, but he was forced to take out the game venue. In the second game, Zhao Tiezhu lost.

The Indian Ah San stood proudly on the stage and looked at Zhao Tiezhu contemptuously. He said in blunt Chinese, "You are too weak."

This voice is not big, just the people around the venue can hear it. Leizi grinned and said, "Iron Tie, I will change it for me. I will not play this A3’s cockroaches. I am sorry for you!"

"Civilization point!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I can do it with urinary incontinence! Otherwise it will be bad if it is too bad."

"Well!" Leizi laughed and went to the game.

For Lei Zi, Zhao Tiezhu actually does not know how much he has reached now, because he has not seen Lei Zi’s shot for a long time, but according to Zhao Tiezhu’s estimation, Lei Zi’s current strength should be no longer the same. How, you have to watch the game.

At the beginning of the game, Leizi took the lead in launching the offense. Leizi’s boxing style was just fierce and powerful, and the body of Ah San was very tender, a bit like practicing yoga. Lei’s fist hit His body is often twisted by his body, and he will remove most of his strength.

"It seems that this A-3 has some strength!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Really, he just hidden the strength!" Lu Zhi sat in the chair, because the physical exertion is too large, so now is drinking physical recovery medicine.

Leizi looked at Ah San a little surprised and said, "You just hidden the strength!"

"Hey, I, but a yoga master!" Ah San said proudly.

"Yu your sister!" Leizi yelled, and went straight to the front, and punched it out as usual. Ah San smiled and smiled. He just wanted to hide. Who knows that Leizi’s entire body actually rushed with his fist. Up, although I escaped Lei Zi’s fist, my body was hit by a thunder.


A three whole people flew out, but this is not over yet.

The speed of the thunder suddenly soared, and the momentum of the body was stronger than that of the previous one. The whole person directly crossed the three big steps and came to the front of the three who had already flew up, then grabbed the neck of Ah San and went to I pulled it on my side, and then I slammed into the belly of Ah San.


It was a muffled sound, and the whole lower body of Ah San flew up because of Lei Zi’s embarrassment.

Leizi's attack did not have any pauses. The other hand was facing three of A's chests, and then he grabbed the three-necked hand and loosened it. He jumped in place and played a beautiful roundabout.

A three whole people flew out again and fell out of the arena.

"I am going, this speed and strength, it is much stronger than before!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lei Zi a little strangely, and now the Lei Zi is enough to compete with the previous evil spirits, is this thunder? Practice? Progress so fast?

Lei Zi proudly looked at Zhao Tiezhu, shook his eyebrows, then looked at the Indian side and said, "Next."

India did not expect that Lei Zi was so powerful, his life was unclear, and he was furious. A bearded man writhed his neck and played on the field.

It took only five minutes for the result, and the bearded man was hit by a thunder in the temple and fainted.

Then it was another A3, and the result was only used for a few minutes, and it was taken out by the Thunder.

For a time, Lei Zilian worked three times and the entire training ground was boiling.

Because it is the reason of the home court, so the soldiers around the stands are Shenzhou soldiers, watching the Leizi so brave, how can those soldiers not be excited? And many people know the name of Leizi, and they have called the Leizi Leizi, slowly forming a wave, and the momentum is extraordinary.

Ashvia didn't think that one side of his own side was so easy to wear a three. Now he has only one on his own, while the other side has four people left. Even if he wins at the end, it will only Can be considered a terrible victory!

Ashvia squeezed his fists in anger. According to his expectations, he was better not to play. The four people on his side had killed the five people on the opposite side. I didn’t expect the man named Lei Zi to be so arrogant. !

Ashvia calmly went to the game, then looked at Lei Zi and said, "You are strong, but you must pay for your stupidity."

"Oh? Is it foolish to beat you?" Leizi asked with a smile.

"Hey, wait until you know that it is not!" Ashvia said with a cold voice.

The game will start soon.

Leizi and Ashvia, the two quickly fought together, Leizi’s boxing path was fierce, and Ashvia turned out to be feminine. The whole person was more than the previous yoga. It is more feminine, and in addition to the femininity, there is a slight fierceness. In short, when you dodge, the whole person can be feminine to the extreme, but when attacking, the fist will actually go to the river. Change another style, just like the iron column. Of course, what is said here is the real iron column.


The sound of a fist hitting a fist is endless. Leizi was originally comparable to this Ashvia, but because of the three battles that have just been fought, Lei Zi’s physical strength has already consumed some, so slowly, Leizi is a little bit weak. Finally, Ashvia caught a loophole and sent out the outside of the game.

According to the rules, if you are beaten out of the playing field, you will lose.

Lei Zi, lost, but Ashvia has also panted.

"Damn, no physical strength." Lei Zi said unwillingly.

"If the limelight let you out, then we still have a hair!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and patted Leizi's shoulder, then said to Yujie, "Come on!"

Yu Jie nodded excitedly. However, as a great dragon, after Yu Jie went up, he only took a little more than five minutes, and he was beaten by Ashevia, Ashevia, but The top ten characters in the mercenary industry are naturally not the ones that can be defeated.

The next Jianyun is also the same fate. It was played by the people. Of course, this has to say that the two are smart. Originally, Ashvia was going to abuse them to vent their own. However, the two saw that the strength was too much, and the other party wanted to abuse themselves. After a few hard work and found that it was useless, they flew out of the game field along the other side’s strength, which made Ashvia hate the teeth. Itching, darkness, Shenzhou people drop.

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