Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1670: Linger's text message

Zhao Tiezhu just fell asleep and was awakened by the vibration of the mobile phone.

Zhao Tiezhu has a very bad habit, that is, sleeping never turns off the mobile phone. Not only does the gang often have important things to inform him, but the women of Zhao Tiezhu also have things often. Of course, Zhao Tiezhu does not turn off the mobile phone. It is also to say that if they have anything to be able to inform themselves at the first time, after all, their current status is different, and their own women’s identity has also risen with the tide. Zhao Tiezhu knew that people who asked Su Yanni to ask for things every day I don't know how many, there are red rhymes, Linda's is a little less. After all, Linda's social circle is in the school. Of course, the principal, I know that Zhao Tiezhu's identity also likes to interrupt Linda from time to time, such as encountering What festival is to give Zhao Tiezhu something to order. [bsp; These are trivial things, so I haven’t mentioned it in the previous story.

Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu’s mobile phone is turned on 24 hours, because his business is really too much.

The number of calls a person can measure to a large extent whether this person is mixed. People who have telephone calls all day are more likely than those who have not received the call in three or two days. And even if a lot of calls are just for socializing or talking about business, they are always better than what you have to do and what business you have to talk about.

Zhao Tiezhu is quite proud of this, the buddy's mobile phone, that is, SMS can not stop the phone often.

After reading the text message, it turned out to be Li Linger.

This makes Zhao Tiezhu a bit strange, because Li Linger rarely sends text messages to him. He basically calls. Even if Li Linger is in the toilet, Li Linger will not send text messages to himself. Instead, he will call directly. Then Zhao Tiezhu asked her what she was doing. She said that she was fighting against constipation and often let Zhao Tiezhu yell at you too vulgar.

"Iron column brother, are you free tomorrow?" Li Linger wrote this in the text message.

Zhao Tiezhu’s mind instantly reminded Li Linger of the last divine milk, Zhao Tiezhu tried so many famous instruments, Su Shi’s Koi, Lu Xiaoman’s sun hand, Lin Si’s whale sucking hole, and then Li Linger Drunk milk, among the four, if you talk about what Zhao Tiezhu likes most, it is undoubtedly Li Linger's drunken milk. The strong pleasure under the squeeze of the two peaks plus the soft feeling makes Zhao Tiezhu only experienced once. But it is destined to be unforgettable for life.

"Of course, I have time, how? Is it life emptiness and coldness, and I plan to ask me to go out and play?" After Zhao Tiezhu sent such a sentence, Li Linger sent it again. "Yes, empty and lonely." , Iron Pillar, that’s it, let me go out to play tomorrow!”

"When is tomorrow? I am accompanying to accompany and sleep with a one-stop service!" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Tomorrow at noon, eat together, then go to play tennis, go to dinner after dinner, go shopping, it's set, good night, iron pillar brother."

Zhao Tiezhu thought about what happened to him from tomorrow afternoon to night, and he agreed to it.

After talking about good night, Zhao Tiezhu put the mobile phone aside and slept peacefully.

Woke up in the early morning of the next day, it is already the fourth day of the year. This year's year, Zhao Tiezhu was preparing for the World Military Contest, so it didn't make much sense, and Zhao Tiezhu didn't care much about it, but When I got up today and saw the high-hanging lanterns outside the Spring Festival, Zhao Tiezhu really discovered, it seems that the New Year is over!

Zhao Tiezhu remembers that he has not had such a good New Year for several years. Last year's Spring Festival, he ambushed the Russian master who was known as the polar bear on the Russian side. In the Spring Festival last year, he fought against the local indigenous people in North Africa. In the year before, he was in Europe. Awkward with the Italian mafia.

Anyway, after seemingly graduating from high school, there is no more meaningful year.

This made Zhao Tiezhu feel very emotional when he looked at the scenery outside the window.

"What's wrong?" Cao Ziyi appeared behind Zhao Tiezhu and asked softly.

"No." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "The impression of the New Year was not very good. It is rare to be quiet and have a good year. I feel pretty good."

"Oh, in fact, everyone likes the life of ease." Cao Ziyi stood next to the window with Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Just, who can really be comfortable, even Zhao Lao, now also for Zhao baby's business. And the headache, let alone those who are still in the city."

"Oh, to jump out of this besieged city, that is not a simple matter." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Yeah." Cao Ziyi said with emotion, "We are still too tender."

"Tender point is good!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Tender, you can make mistakes, aren't you? Everyone is happy to give you the opportunity to make mistakes."

“Really!” said Cao Ziyi. “It’s a good day, I’m going to paint.”

"That's it, go."

Not long after, Cao Ziyi left the room with a drawing board, and Zhao Tiezhu also followed away.

Yesterday, Zhao Tiezhu asked Socrata to help him contact a single apartment. Socrata called and said that it was already done. Zhao Tiezhu naturally wants to take Lin Si to look at it, because this single apartment is for Lin Si. of.

When I came to the hotel, Lin Si was still sleeping in the room. It was just seven o'clock in the morning. It was a bit early for Lin Si, who was at work at 9:00.

Zhao Tiezhu directly opened the door.

Lin Si sat up fiercely. When he saw Zhao Tiezhu, he let out a sigh of relief and touched a little messy hair. He said, "Scared me, I thought it was a bad guy!"

"Oh, there are so many bad people." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and sat down to the bed and said, "The bad guys will not take a small host who has nothing to do with you."

"Hey, I don't have anything, my dad is the director of the Disciplinary Committee!" Lin Si said dissatisfied.

"Do you know what administrative level is your director?"

"What administrative level?"

"Deputy ministerial level, two levels bigger than your father." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Many of the famous hosts in your station are at the department level, which is one level higher than your father."

"So powerful?" Lin Si asked in surprise.

"Of course, in Beijing, you will find that this kind of thing is the most valuable thing." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "dress your clothes and take you to your new home."

"You bought me a house?" Lin Siyi said with wide eyes and excited.

"Foreign rent, wait for you to perform well, then buy it for you." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"It's stingy!" Lin Si slammed his mouth and opened the quilt. The upper body was just a simple silk pajamas. The underwear was completely vacuum.

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