In fact, auctioning such things is sometimes very lucky.

For example, if you look at a porcelain that is not well known, the price on the auction market is about several hundred thousand. Under normal circumstances, you can get it for half a million, but if you happen to meet someone, you like it. This kind of porcelain, and it is especially rich, then you can only be tragedy, it is likely that millions of people will go up.

There is also a possibility that it is a well-known thing. If you shoot it, you can usually shoot one hundred and eighty thousand. As a result, few people like this thing on the day of the auction. It is very likely that you can give it at a very low price. I bought it, so I said that it is very important to participate in the auction.

Of course, in general, the auction house has personal relationships with those big buyers. For example, if you know that you like ancient paintings, this time you have an auction of ancient paintings, they will inform you that there is an ancient painting here, you If you like to come to the auction, or ceramics, antiques or something, they will have very detailed customer information, and then send information to potential customers based on the auction items of the day.

Therefore, basically there is no such thing as saying that high-priced items are bought at low prices.

But now this ring is in turn, and the value is originally four or five million. The result is that there are rich people who like it, and it is directly up to eight million, which is difficult to predict in advance. .

After stopping at the price of 8 million for a while, the main shooter has been starting for a few seconds, and only one person said slowly, "9 million."

This person is awesome, Qian Min, who is not far from Zhao Tiezhu.

"That woman even likes this?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned and said to himself.

"Of course, this ring, as long as it is a woman, can not resist!" Li Linger said, "Iron column brother, don't lose to her!"

"Don't worry, the real estate boss is coming, so let's wait until they have finished playing!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

Sure enough, the real estate agent directly added the price to 10 million.

This 1.2 million-dollar item was actually photographed at 10 million. I have to say that there are too many people who like it today!

"One thousand one million." Qian Min directly added a million to go up.

The real estate boss hesitated and shouted, "One million two million!"

"Thirty-three million!" Qian Min did not hesitate, and looked like an imposing manner. The Qing emperor beside him was looking at Li Linger from time to time, but found that Li Linger only looked at Zhao Tiezhu and simply Did not look at him, which made the Qing Dynasty frustrated.

After the price has more than tenfold, the real estate dealer has withdrawn decisively, a ring of 13 million, which is really too much money.

This 13 million, it seems to be the last price, and the surrounding is quiet, Qian Min's face with a smug smile.

After the main shot was called five times and there was no one to raise the price, pick up the hammer and knock it down. Zhao Tiezhu just wanted to talk and suddenly heard a familiar voice shouting.

"14 million!"

Zhao Tiezhu turned his head and saw that it was Sun Lei.

Sun Lei smiled and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said to Zhao Tiezhu, a distance of five or six meters. "This thing, our grandson, is very interested."

Zhao Tiezhu stunned and immediately thought of it. This grandson seems to study this matter of watching the wind all day long, what feng shui, what Zhou Yi, or something, this ring is really very in the eyes of these ideal people in the Sun family. It’s tempting! If you can find something out of this ring, it is really worth spending more money.

However, those who care about Zhao Tiezhu do not believe very much. If there is something, it is estimated that something like radiation can indirectly affect people's thinking and what, and then cause some unpredictable consequences. Hang up, and then slowly pass the rumor to slowly have the reputation of this ring.

Anything can be explained by science. This is what Zhao Tiezhu has always believed. Things like gods, devils and ghosts can only exist in fantasy novels. Anything that cannot be explained now is probably caused by insufficient science and technology. For example, you saw the eclipse hundreds of years ago. Do you understand why? At that time, people were all days of the dog.

Gossip less, go back to business.

After the price was added to 14 million, Qian Min’s brow was slightly wrinkled, and then he looked at Sun Lei and said loudly, “Sun Lei, are you going to do it with me?”

"I said this, I also need this thing!" Sun Lei said with a smile. "Miss Qian, let's take care of each other, how?"

"Hey, there is a kind of money you don't want to borrow money to borrow your money!" Qian Min said.

"Oh, this thing has nothing to do with the money to pull out!" Sun Lei said.

"Then I will not be afraid of you, 18 million!" Qian Min directly added 4 million to the price. This momentum, to the average person, may have to retreat, but Sun Lei will not He is a member of the four people. In Beijing, he is also known as the capital of the four cities. If it is so simple, he will retreat. Then he would not want to mix in the capital.

"20 million!" Sun Lei raised his hand calmly.

"Two million two million!" Qian Min shouted.

"My grass, all rich people, two million two million plus, this is equivalent to throwing a Lamborghini every time you call it!" Zhao Tiezhu said in amazement.

"It's the basic configuration of Lamborghini!" Li Linger corrected. "If you set it down, you must have at least three million."

"You don't care about me. Let's watch the show. Hey, let's talk about 30 million. I am grass, really a rich man, playing this kind of money-burning game! No, this is not burning money. It is impossible to burn two million yuan in a few seconds. This is simply putting gasoline on the money and then burning it!” Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion: “This money is really not understanding low-key. Her son, but the Central Standing Committee, can actually take out tens of millions to buy a ring, if it is exposed to the Internet, it can be interesting!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"On the Internet, can you find any negative reports about our central government?" Li Linger asked with a smile.

"This is also the case, this kind of thing that violates the river crab, it is estimated that the network will have to be killed." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"That's it." Li Linger said, "The taxpayer's tax of several trillion yuan a year does not allow Qian Min to spend some time. How do you spend it? And if you have more money, it will easily lead to inflation, and the purchasing power of money will fall. Things are becoming more expensive, people are money-sensitive, and this is also an indirect contribution to the country!"

"Haha, Linger, you should be a good man, see you long!" Zhao Tiezhu said with relief.

"Learn with you!" Li Linger bowed his head shyly.

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