Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1693: Good shots (third)

When I saw these policemen coming, Zhao Tiezhu did not mention how happy he was. Sure enough, Qian Min, as he expected, generally said that Qian Shun, the name of the person who is one of the nine standing committees, is actually surrounded by the words. The person recorded it, and Zhao Tiezhu’s grass has been calculated. At least a dozen mobile phones are being filmed, but some people are more alert. After the police started to receive the gun, they hid the mobile phone.

After the people around him were dispersed, Zhao Tiezhu’s face suddenly showed a smile, said to Qian Min, “Qian Min, are you brain-dead?”

"What?" Because Zhao Tiezhu’s change is too fast, Qian Min’s reaction was a bit too late.

"I said, are you brain-dead? On this big road, you even have a pistol. You can take it with a pistol. People say it is fake. You have to emphasize that it is true. It is true. You still have it. Have to say your grandfather's name to your grandfather, really thought that this world is your grandfather's world?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"It seems that you are not dead of the Yellow River!" Qian Min raised his hand and pointed at Zhao Tiezhu with a pistol and said, "I will let you understand and provoke my consequences!"

"I will let you understand and provoke my consequences!" Zhao Tiezhu said, and his body suddenly moved.

"Stand up, don't move!" The policeman next to him did not know the identity of Zhao Tiezhu. At the moment when Zhao Tiezhu moved, they shouted out, jokes, Qian Min is Qianshun, the daughter of the national leader, if it was given by the mob It was hurt, then they had to eat and they couldn’t take it. So, several policemen chased Zhao Tiezhu and rushed up.

Qian Min saw Zhao Tiezhu rushing toward her quickly, and the murder in her heart suddenly broke out.

Children who have grown up under the maintenance of their elders for the rest of their lives must be more sorrowful than many so-called bad people.

For example, Qian Min at the moment.

She did not hesitate at all, and she pulled the trigger.

Her goal is to kill Zhao Tiezhu, and then get the ring, and then you can get everyone's appreciation!

However, she ignored Zhao Tiezhu’s skill, so Zhao Tiezhu easily escaped the bullet.

At the same time, she also ignored the police behind Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu hides fast, and the policemen can't hide like Zhao Tiezhu.


A policeman’s body slammed into the ground and fell directly to the ground.

And Qian Min’s look, there is no trace of change at all. It seems that the life of a policeman is simply irrelevant. She didn’t even think about these policemen just to protect her and follow Zhao Tiezhu’s!


Another shot was shot.

Zhao Tiezhu was very wretched and ran ahead of a policeman. Therefore, at the moment of the gunshot, Zhao Tiezhu removed his body, and the bullets shot directly into the chest of Zhao Tiezhu behind him.


Another people’s policeman fell to the ground.

At this time, Qian Min, I feel a little bit wrong, and the Qingdi next to it is a big change. You have a gun in the downtown area of ​​Beijing. Nothing, as long as you don’t shoot, it’s time to say it’s fake, toy gun. You can, but you are actually shooting now, and you not only fired, but also fired two shots, and even more so, the two shots, you hit the people!

If it’s just an ordinary person, it’s a big deal to accidentally hurt, but you both shot on the police. The two policemen who fell to the ground are now twitching, as if they are still alive, but they may be waiting for a while. You have to die, if it is really dead, then the influence is simply gone!

Imagine, in the capital, the official second generation, shooting on the street, killing the police. These key words are put together, what kind of sensation will it cause!

Therefore, the Qing Dynasty decisively organizes Qian Min to continue to go mad.

"My grass, I will marry you when you are crazy, I didn't expect it to be good now!" Qingdi snorted and grabbed Qianmin's pistol.

Originally, Qian Min was planning to put down the gun, but the Qing Emperor suddenly took a shot and made Qian Min’s nerves tense.


Another shot was made.

I have to say that Qian Min’s shooting method is correct. This third shot actually hit a policeman. However, the gun hit the head of the person and directly penetrated the head. The policeman fell to the ground and could not die any more.

This time, finally dead!

Zhao Tiezhu sneered a sneer. For those policemen who are guilty of the tiger, Zhao Tiezhu feels that he does not feel much good. People are armed with guns on the road. If you don’t say the police, you will help others to deal with themselves, and even protect Qian Min. This is really a sin of death.

Of course, some people may say that sin does not die, but unfortunately, it is Qian Min who killed them. There is no relationship with Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu did not shoot, nor did he take people to be a meat shield. He just dashed, and it was difficult to hit me with bullets. Can't I hide? It’s too bully to say it.

Finally, Qingdi’s hand was caught on Qian Min’s pistol and then slammed directly.

The power of the Qing Emperor was much larger than that of Qian Min, so it was easy to rob the gun. Moreover, after robbing the gun, Qingdi put the gun directly on his clothes and then rolled the clothes. When I got up, I thought about using my clothes to wipe off the fingerprint on the gun.

Although there are countless people who have seen the police killing the police through the long-distance, but as long as the fingerprint is wiped off, it is natural to say that it is not Qian Mingan. Just look for something like Qian Min. The woman planted it, and it handled it very well.

However, Zhao Tiezhu’s body has already arrived in front of the Qing Emperor.

"Get out!"

Zhao Tiezhu screamed and flew directly to the Qing Emperor to fly out, and the pistol also flew out of the clothes of the Qing Emperor. Zhao Tiezhu flew out and pinched the gun with his thumb and forefinger, of course. Zhao Tiezhu will not be stupid to use the fingertips to clip, but use the middle of the finger to clamp the gun, then look at Qian Min, who has been stunned, Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Qian Min, now I will not kill you, But I promise that your good life will end from tomorrow!"

"What are you talking about?" Qian Min was a bit puzzled.

Zhao Tiezhu did not care about Qian Min, but he took the money to the same cockroach and then went back and looked at the policemen who were behind him. He said, "If you follow me, believe you or not. The same as the three people?"

Several policemen were completely stunned. The person who was to be protected on his side had killed three of the three shots, and the man who was going to be murdered was so powerful. What should I do?

The police are tangled. Zhao Tiezhu went straight to Li Linger’s side and took Li Ling’s hand and said, “Let’s go back and kill them.”

"it is good!"

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