Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1702: Turn around, say goodbye?

"Iron column!" Cao Ziyi's hand gently pressed on the hands of Zhao Tiezhu, "Calm a little!"

"I... how is my mother calm?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a red eye. "Linger's mother will marry tomorrow night, how can you calm me!"

"Maybe things are not what Li Xu said!" said Cao Ziyi.

"Yes! Yes! Maybe it is not Li Xu said, maybe, Linger is forced!" Zhao Tiezhu seems to have caught the straw, said to Cao Ziyi, "Zi Yi, Linger will certainly not use us You said yes?"

"Well, this is for sure!" Cao Ziyi nodded.

"That is to say, it must be Li Xu who lied to us, Linger, must be forced, must be forced! I am going to find Linger!" Zhao Tiezhu stood up directly and said.

"Then, now, do you know where Linger is?" asked Cao Ziyi.

"I... I don't know, I... I went to Li's house, and I can definitely find Linger!" Zhao Tiezhu said, turning away and leaving the box, and Cao Ziyi followed closely.

"Iron pillar, don't hurt yourself, what's the matter, call me at any time!" Sugra called.

"Yeah!" Zhao Tiezhu waved his hand and the figure had disappeared.

On the other side.

Li's villa group is inside.

In the tallest villa in the middle, Li Linger was sitting in front of the dressing table with a blank face, in front of her, with a mirror in the mirror, a woman in a white wedding dress.

Li Linger's Loli face, in today's view, is a charming and charming, but this flattering, because with that faint existence, people look at it feels a bit nondescript.

A middle-aged woman stood behind Li Linger and helped Li Linger to clean her hair. The original mushroom head was gone, replaced by a high-rise hairpin.

Li Linger lowered his head slightly and looked at the Pandora's heart in his hand. His eyes were full of embarrassment.

"Right, my mobile phone!" Li Linger suddenly said.

"Maybe in the room!" said the middle-aged woman behind her.

"Oh!" Li Linger nodded and did not continue to speak.

At this moment, the door was opened from the outside, Li Xu came across the spring.

"Linger, you are so beautiful today!" Li Xu said with a smile.

"Oh, thank you, cousin!" Li Linger smiled a bit.

"Right, I just received a call from Zhao Tiezhu!" Li Xu said.

Li Linger’s eyes lit up, and the whole person had an unspeakable brilliance in an instant. “What did the iron column brother say?”

"His mood is not very stable, and he may come over to find you!" Li Xu said.

"Chou brother, don't hurt the iron pillar brother!" Li Linger pleaded.

"I naturally won't hurt him. Even, people outside, I let them withdraw, wait a minute, if he comes, I hope, there are some things, you can tell him personally, after all, let him think that we It is forcing you, then our relationship is likely to be more tense, and everything you do will lose its meaning!" Li Xu said.

"This... I know!" Li Linger said, "I... I won't let the Iron Pillar, for you, have any resentment!"

"Well, this is the best, I will go first! Smile more, tomorrow you are going to be someone else's bride, don't bite a face." Li Xu said, turned and left the room.

In the near future, Zhao Tiezhu appeared outside the Lijia villa group.

The guard, the one who saw Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger hugging at the door before, looked at Zhao Tiezhu, who was murderous, and wanted to say something. It was just a look of Zhao Tiezhu, and he could not tell a word.

"Open the door!" Zhao Tiezhu said, and the violentness in his eyes came with this sentence.

"I..." The guard was still very diligent and wanted to say something, but he heard a voice coming from the intercom.

"Open the door to him!"

It was Li Xu’s voice, and the guard suddenly heard it.

The door was slowly opened.

Zhao Tiezhu went straight in, and Cao Ziyi was silently following.

Along the way, Zhao Tiezhu saw many security guards of the Li family, as well as the whistle of the Ming whistle, but there were many, but without exception, these people turned a blind eye to Zhao Tiezhu.

Cao Ziyi frowned slightly, and she suddenly had a bad feeling.

Zhao Tiezhu walked very quickly, even a little short.

So, not long after, Zhao Tiezhu appeared at the door of the most central villa.

The door has been opened by people.

Zhao Tiezhu went in without any stop.

This is the first time Zhao Tiezhu came to the headquarters of Lijia!

Zhao Tiezhu didn't go to see the luxury design around him, and he didn't care for those who looked at himself. Instead, he went straight upstairs and shouted in his mouth, "Linger, where are you!"

Just then, a middle-aged woman appeared next to Zhao Tiezhu.

"The youngest pillar, Miss Linger, on the third floor, come with me!"

Zhao Tiezhu did not hesitate to follow the middle-aged woman directly to the third floor. If someone ambushes Zhao Tiezhu at this time, Zhao Tiezhu even has ten lives, which are not enough.

However, Zhao Tiezhu has completely ignored it!

With the footsteps of middle-aged women, Zhao Tiezhu feels his heartbeat, getting faster and faster, and his strength is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that his heart may jump out at any time. A face has become red.

And a faint uneasiness began to emerge from the bottom of Zhao Tiezhu’s heart, and then slowly spread and spread!

When I came to the front door of a room on the second floor, the middle-aged woman said, "The young master, Miss, is inside!"

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "Thank you."

Subsequently, Zhao Tiezhu pushed the door open and walked in.

Zhao Tiezhu, saw a back.

A back wearing a white wedding dress.

That back, Zhao Tiezhu has seen countless times, but never once, as exciting as it is now.

Zhao Tiezhu’s heart trembled uncontrollably.

The owner of the back, did not look back, but sat quietly there.

Zhao Tiezhu did not go forward, but stretched out his hand and tried to touch the figure that was only ten meters away from him. It was just... Zhao Tiezhu hesitated.

Then slowly put your hand down.

"I... I heard that you are getting married." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Li Linger gently and said.

"Yes." Li Linger nodded, his voice calmed, and he did not look back.

"That... I know!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled a bit and said, "I wish you... happiness."

The words fall.

Zhao Tiezhu, turned and left.

A drop of tears dripped on the white wedding dress and printed a slightly gray watermark. Li Linger’s body shivered slightly.

This turn, maybe, is farewell.

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