In the end, Zhao Tiezhu’s authority over **** people is not blind. At such a moment, Zhao Tiezhu is just a young man in his twenties.

In the face of such a message that she has always liked, and she also likes her own sudden marriage, Zhao Tiezhu almost had a feeling of collapse at that moment.

However, this feeling, coming fast, going, is also fast.

When Zhao Tiezhu and Cao Ziyi returned to the Zhao family, it was already more than seven o'clock in the evening.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face can no longer see any sorrow. Instead, it is a kind of lightness that seems to reveal something.

Just arrived home, Zhao Tiezhu received a call, Su Yanni called.

"Iron column, tomorrow, I am going to Beijing to find you!" Su Yanni said seriously.

"How come suddenly so early?" Zhao Tiezhu asked in confusion.

"I... I know Linger." Su Yanni said, "I want to go to Beijing and stay with you!"

"That's good, I will arrange the plane in the evening. My people will wait for you outside your home tomorrow morning. They will pick you up at the qz airport." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Well, then I will pack up things at night!" Su Yanni said. "Iron column, don't be impulsive anyway, I...and our children, are with you!"

"Well, I know!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "You, my life, the most important person, is as important as my parents."

"I love to hear you, well, I have to rest early! You can go to bed early! Good night!"

Hanging up the phone, Zhao Tiezhu’s face showed a happy smile.

"Isn't Yani coming?" Cao Ziyi asked with a smile.

"Yes!" said Zhao Tiezhu. "It should be said that Yanni and my son are coming!"

"Oh, Yan Ni is happy." Cao Ziyi said, "She is the woman of all of you, the first person who is pregnant, and will be the first person to become a mother. At this point, I think I am a little envious of her."

"Actually, we can also build one." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "If you use it strong for me."

"Do you think that is possible?" Cao Ziyi smiled and looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Impossible!" Zhao Tiezhu shook his head decisively.

Time, go slowly.

Zhao Tiezhu is exactly the same as usual, and even can play Cao Ziyi. Whether it is from Zhao Tiezhu’s speech and doing things, people can’t see any negative emotions of Zhao Tiezhu.

Time, slowly walked to the point of the evening.

Cao Ziyi, has fallen asleep.

Zhao Tiezhu dressed lightly and walked out of his room.

Only when he left the room, Cao Ziyi opened his eyes and then dressed and left the room.

She, after all, is not worried about Zhao Tiezhu.

"Sogra, come out to drink." Zhao Tiezhu called Socrata.

In the capital, if Zhao Tiezhu said the best buddy, it is undoubtedly Sogra.

Socrata seems to have slept, but after receiving the call from Zhao Tiezhu, there is no second word, and he immediately agreed.

Half an hour later, the two appeared in a food stall.

I ordered a few dishes and the two called two boxes of beer.

"Iron column, do you want to drink me?" Suegra said with a smile.

"Not drunk at night!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"Are you okay?" Sogra whispered.

"I? Nothing, I can do anything, men's big things, are bird things!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "Tomorrow, my woman and my son are coming to Beijing. Tonight, we completely vented it. Before tomorrow, let all the negative emotions go away! Meet my woman and my son!"

"Is it Yani?" Sugra asked.

"Well, come, drink." Zhao Tiezhu directly opened two bottles of wine, one bottle with Socrata, did not take the cup, and even blew directly against the bottle mouth.

Blowing bottles!

The two first blown off a bottle, then opened another bottle, then ate a few mouthfuls of food, and after a few words, they started a new round of blowing.

From one point, drink until three o'clock.

Two boxes of beer were killed by two people.

Zhao Tiezhu is okay, this alcohol is really nothing for him, but Sogra is a bit unbearable. It looks like you want to vomit.

"I went, I drank a lot of boxes, you didn't get a box, spit a wool!" Zhao Tiezhu said dissatisfied.

"I am grass, wait, I will spit it, let's drink!" Sogra stood up and ran straight to the corner of no one.

A few minutes later, Socrata reappeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu, then called the boss on the side, "Boss, two more boxes."

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Socrata and whispered, "Thank you, brother."

"My brother, what do you say, I don't want to fight this life at night, but I have to squash you, come and blow the bottle!" said Sogra.

Half an hour later, Sogra decisively rushed to the place where no one was, and Zhao Tiezhu felt that he was a little supportive. The beer was drunk, the drunk was second, the key was to support, very uncomfortable, and Zhao Tiezhu they were Drinking fast wine, the wine is not digested, just one bottle after another, Rao is Zhao Tiezhu's system, but also a bit unbearable, the stomach bursts, seems to be spit.

After Socrates spit out, he returned to his position comfortably, and then opened a few bottles of wine.

Another half an hour passed.

This time, not only did Sogra run no one's corner, but even Zhao Tiezhu ran over.


The two stood up so plainly and spit out the beer in their stomach.

Zhao Tiezhu has forgotten, how long has it been for him to drink and spit?

After the spit, the whole person was relieved a lot.

Zhao Tiezhu backed the already trembled Socrata back to the table and said, "You have been walking for a long time, I have been spitting for the first time, you are worthy of pride!"

"Cut, I want you to vomit a second time!" Sogra smiled and opened the wine again!

The two have been drinking until 5:00 in the morning.

During the period, the two did not know how many times they spit, and under the eyes of the boss's horror, the two of them were piled with eight empty bottles!

Two people, drank eight boxes! This... Can this be written into the Guinness World Record?

When the two men drank to the end, they basically vomited once they drank a few bottles. Zhao Tiezhu also spit out his body and quickly collapsed, but the whole person felt abnormally happy, and Socrata was already stunned. The desk is unconscious.

Zhao Tiezhu stood up and felt a dizzy brain. After two steps, Zhao Tiezhu discovered that he seemed to be really drunk.

A handful of Sogra was helped, Zhao Tiezhu smiled. "Go, the buddy takes you to hang up."

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