The bird is silent. --一@三#八¥看&飘天文学--(13800100) Free Novel

The thoroughness of the drowning is silent.

Even the otherwise noisy hall, after the appearance of this old man, fell into an unprecedented quiet.

Quiet to make people feel that there is something, it is suppressed.

This old man, surnamed Wang.

As for the name, the whole capital, no one knows, those who know, have already turned into mud, and returned to the embrace of nature.

Everyone only knows that this person is called Wang Lao.

In Beijing, there are several high-ranking officials who retire, and they are also surnamed Wang, but there has never been a person who dares to say that he is Wang Lao, at most, is Lao Wang.

And this old man, more, represents a respect and awe.

This person is Zhao Lao's personal bodyguard, such as the shadow generally exists around Zhao Lao, from Zhao Lao when he was young, he has been protecting him to the present.

The height of this person is not high, and the body bones are like oil lamps that are going to burn out. People think that it is very likely that the wind will blow this person down.

However, in the capital city, there have never been people who can really let the old man fall to the ground.

Never, have appeared!

From the day when the old man was known by the people, until now, the old man has never lost, and even no one can shake it, or the old man who is hurt is divided. This is what seems to be in this world. The invincible person, the Qinglong on the **** list once studied with him, so he became a person on the list of gods, and he became the top three people in the world.

However, Qinglong has always said such a sentence, if Wang Lao is willing to come out, even if he, plus Abe and Ming and the United States, will not be Wang’s opponent, if there is anything in the world that can defeat Wang Lao, then there are only years. "--一@三#八¥看与飘天文学--13800100 free txt download"

The annual rings make Wang Lao’s body one year later, but no one dares to despise Wang Lao. This is a man who will remain awed even if he enters the coffin.

Wang Lao was standing next to Li Linger’s side, his eyes gazing at Li Longba.

Li Longba, who was originally imposing an imposing manner, even suppressed the anger, and disappeared without a trace. He bowed his face with respect and bowed his hand and said, "Wang Laohao."

"Wang Laohao!"

The people around, whether Zhu Lao or Ma Lao, or a distant thunderstorm Lei Zi, and the one who came to the head, all shouted, "Wang Laohao!"

"Yeah." Wang Lao gently snorted, and immediately said to Li Longba, "You, all scattered, today's business, Zhao, will give you, one account."

"Know it!" Li Longba, who is overbearing, is actually because of Wang Lao’s words, and there is no complaint. Although there is anger in the depths of his eyes, he is suppressed by perfection.

He is not angry, but not angry!

Zhao Jia can become a surpassing of the existence of five people. One of the reasons is that Zhao has a humanoid weapon like Wang Lao. Although the Zhao family was suppressed by four other people, the four people did not dare to bring people in the true sense. Killing Zhao’s head, why? It is because the Zhao family has such a great god. If you anger Wang Lao, none of your four heads can live.

Of course, if you are surrounded by heavy machine guns and sniper missiles, Wang Lao can't help you, but you can't always do this all the time. As long as you are slightly negligent, Wang Lao will definitely let you die. Can't die anymore, this is the power of Wang Lao.

In such a hot weapon era, the individual's combat power has been reduced indefinitely, but in Wang Lao's body, there is a big deterrent that comes from most of the hot weapons.

This is the name of the old Hee Wei, which Wang Lao has created in the past 100 years. How to name it, I will talk about it later.

Since Wang Lao has opened his mouth, Li Longba is not afraid of it, just whispered, "I hope Wang Lao can give us a Li family, a fair treatment."

"Yeah!" Wang Lao nodded, turned and looked at Li Linger, did not speak, then bowed his head and looked at the blood flow with the same money, but still awake Zhao Tiezhu, said, "You, follow me back to Zhao Home."

Zhao Tiezhu moved his neck slightly, Wang Lao said, "Li Linger, also with me."

At this moment, several doctors pushed a large stretcher from the outside and rushed in, and then lifted Zhao Tiezhu to the stretcher. Li Linger clung to Zhao Tiezhu, and the doctors rushed to the door. On the other side, Li Xu, who was hit by Zhao Tiezhu, has already been picked up by doctors. It is estimated that he has been rescued in the hospital, and the same is true for the Qing Emperor.

Wang Lao looked around the people and said, "This is a kid, let everyone laugh!"

There is no one around to dare to speak.

"Since it's okay, then I will go first!" Wang Lao said, walking slowly toward the door.

The face of Li Longba, after Wang Lao’s departure, darkened and immediately called, “Zi Ling, come over.”

Li Ziling, who had been playing soy sauce for a long time, ran over. The regret in his heart, Li Longba just suppressed the anger. If Li Longba had madly slammed Wang Lao, he might be killed by Wang Lao. At that time, Li Xu will not die, and it will be very easy to take over the Zhao family. It is a pity!

"You are here after the good, I will go see your brother!" Li Longba finished the assignment, found Ma Lao, said, "Ma Lao, this is our fault, really can't help it!"

"It's okay!" Ma Laoyin said with a sullen face. "This time, the central and Zhao family, it will not be so easy to let Zhao Tiezhu, we look at it!"

"Well, I have to go see my son, I will go first!" Li Longba finished, turned and walked out of the hall, and then Ma Lao also left.

As for the Thunderstorm Leizi, he followed Wang Lao, and Zhu Lao, after a slight sigh, also left.

"Hey, this time, it’s big enough!" Sun Lei said with a smile, although it was a smile, but how does this smile look a bit blunt, this time Zhao Tiezhu’s troubles are more than big It’s just a big day, killing more than 60 people, directly smashing the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, and then playing with the National People’s Congress. The director of the No. 1 Office of the Chief Executive witnessed the whole process. This time Zhao Tiezhu, it is estimated that It would be so easy to be let go, although Sun Lei is very happy, but in the heart of Sun Lei, how can he not sing the figure of Zhao Tiezhu just now, it is bloody, invincible figure.

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