Zhao Tiezhu remembers that when he first annexed the iron hand gang, it was because of some regulations of the Special Operations Department of the National Security Bureau. For example, to maintain the local underground world order, it is based on this that Zhao Tiezhu will go on. Mix the black road, and then until the present Blood Soul Hall. 13800100.com

Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu’s Blood Soul Hall has a considerable relationship with the Special Operations Division of the National Security Bureau.

However, if there is a relationship, can you easily accept the industry of Zhao Tiezhu? This is obviously a bit brain-destroyed. This blood soul hall is made by himself from beginning to end. Even Chen Weiguo of the fj military region has no conditions to make irresponsible remarks about Zhao Tiezhu’s Blood Soul Hall. This complete Zhao Tiezhu himself established. The forces of the National Security Bureau would like to arrange for people to take him back. I have to say that sometimes the heads of these leaders really don’t know what to do, just like a Chinese-born boy playing basketball in the United States. Playing very well, then the National Basketball Association people said, as long as you give up US citizenship, then you may be able to play for China Basketball.

I have to say that the self-feeling of such a person is so good that it is speechless.

It’s like you have a very pretty **** and enchanting girlfriend, then Fengjie tells you that as long as you smash your girlfriend, then I will give you a chance to chase me. This is not your self feeling good. Explain the problem, you can just say that you have self-expanded to burst!

Zhao Tiezhu’s decision on the special operations of the National Security Bureau was directly ignored. As for whether the National Security Bureau really wants to send people to accept the industry of their blood soul, Zhao Tiezhu really does not care much. Whoever goes down and who is dead, So simple, fj is the old nest of Zhao Tiezhu. In such a place, Zhao Tiezhu, the head of the special operations department of the National Security Bureau, said that he ignored it, and that would be ignored. [Reading the novel--一@三#八¥看&飘天文学--13800100]

"Hey, Yanni, I am also a Pingtou people now!" Zhao Tiezhu said, looking at Su Yanni, who whispered with Li Linger.

"The people in the flat head are squatting, and we don't want to abandon you!" Su Yanni said. "But, the iron pillar, you don't have so many identities. If you go out outside, how can you show your cow x?"

"This, the virtual name is me, it is a cloud!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Hey!" Su Yanni yawned and said, "No, iron pillar, you talk to Linger more, after I have pregnant, I will be sleepy, helpless!"

"Well, then go to sleep." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I heard that pregnant people have too much stomach to press on the bladder, which may cause bedwetting in the middle of the night. You can pay attention to yourself. If you wet the bed, remember to wash your pants." Clean, don't let people see it, or I will lose it when I get there!"

"Cut, who will!" Su Yanni said with a wrinkled nose. "The self-control of others can be strong!"

"Well, that night!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Good night!" Su Yanni said, she had to go back to her room, but she did not expect that Cao Ziyi also stood up and said, "Yan Ni, I will sleep with you at night, and take care of you!"

Su Yanni looked at Cao Ziyi with amazement, and then she showed a clear look and said, "That's it, we will sleep together at night."

"What about me?" Li Linger asked eagerly. "I am here alone? Then I am not bored to die!"

"You chat with the iron column, you two are not married, we are not here to do light bulbs, but Linger, the iron column is now injured, can't do anything, you know, this People are the animals that think in the lower body. If you can't help but ask you to do something to him, you should never do it. Otherwise, if you leave behind the sequelae, you can be bitter!" Su Yanni said.

“What can I do?” Li Linger said with a shy head and said, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

"Cut, are you still shy? It’s very fun to lift the bar with me just now. Haha, don’t say, we have to go back to sleep."

After that, Su Yanni walked out of the room with Cao Ziyi and walked into the room of Su Yanni.

After the two people finished washing, they lay together on the bed, but because both of them were women, they both wore only one piece of underwear. The underwear was vacuum, because it was said to wear a chest at night. The cover will be bad for the chest.

"Hey, Ziyi, will you blame me?" Su Yanni asked suddenly.

"What do you blame?" Cao Ziyi asked with a smile.

"That is, I will not let you help the iron column." Su Yanni said, "If you go to help the iron column, the iron column, it should not be so badly hurt."

"Actually, even if you don't stop me, I won't go." Cao Ziyi said, "Iron column, you sometimes look at him, very unconventional, very frustrating, but in his heart, too I have my own pride. If I go and help him bring the Linger back, then I can guarantee that the iron pillar will definitely be unhappy! Because, in the woman’s affairs, the iron pillar has always been a self-respect. A heavy man, if I go, it will create a feeling that he has to let another woman do the work of his own woman, which will make him very unhappy!"

"Oh, what you think, the same as I thought." Su Yanni said with a smile. "Iron column is indeed a man who is very self-respecting, a woman's business, or let him go, let's rush to intervene. it is good!"

"Yeah, just look at him like that, how much, my heart is still a little regret." Cao Ziyi said, "If I go, he, it is impossible to suffer so much damage, but if I really go, his Self-esteem will certainly be hurt, which is really very contradictory."

"I am also, contradictory, I feel pain in this stomach!" Su Yanni pulled the quilt and said, "Now I only hope that the iron pillar is good early, then I can give the iron pillar a big fat boy, this is enough However, Ziyi, when did you plan to get from the iron pillar? I heard people say that you are the wife of the iron column in the genealogy."

"Oh, if you enter the genealogy, you will also be the wife of Iron Pillar!" Cao Ziyi did not answer Su Yanni's question, but directly dragged the topic to Su Yanni.

Su Yanni smiled and said, "We will all be his wife."

On the other side, only Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger were left in the room, and a sigh of breath was slowly being formed.

(In the near future, there will be another high. The tide is coming, everyone will wait patiently, haha~ Who can guess what is high? Tide? Also, let me know, I have something to do with me from the end of April to the beginning of May. I have to go out, so I will not do activities, and may be scheduled for next month. But the update will not stop, the teacher's writing motto is, always more.)

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