Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1734: Big net ten years ago

The news that Li’s family posted around 7:00 in the morning is not only about Li’s, but also about Zhao’s!

Li Jia said in the news that Li said that he had apologized for the things more than ten years ago, and then apologized and condolences to those who had been harmed by Zhao in the past, and then hoped that Zhao would be able to ignore the suspicion and join the Li family. Going to the future and creating brilliance together. {plain text update super fast 13800100--& three #八&小¥说&网--fiction}

This is the goodwill of the red fruit! Moreover, this is simply a league announcement!

Both Qian and Sun, including the Zhou family, have been lost in an instant. What is the Li family playing? How can this be like this? Isn't it a four-member alliance? How come you suddenly changed your home and ran to show up with Zhao, do you still have a rhythm? Are you still a big family? Don't play with you like this! You are gone, what do we do for everyone?

As a result, Li’s telephone for the external department was smashed in the next hour.

And after an hour.

Zhao Jia also issued a statement.

The statement is actually very simple, that is to say, the Zhao family has forgiven the Li family, and then is willing to accept the apology of the Li family. Since then, the two families of Zhao and Li are a group of people, who are in the same breath, who will do it.

This time, almost everyone knows that this is estimated to be Li Longba, and was given to the people of the Zhao family. It is very likely that Li Yuanlong and Li Ziling, the Zhao family, helped.

Almost two hours after the two families flirted with each other, another shocking news came.

Both Qian and Sun formally merged.

This message is compared to the first message. It’s also shocking because, although everyone knows that Qian’s family is a group of people, it’s just a group of people. It’s not the kind of intimacy that can be a family, but in Zhao Li’s After the announcement of several such announcements, Qian and Sun had to merge, because the big turmoil of the year, Qian and Sun, both of them were involved, and at that time, the four people could work together to live in Zhao’s home. Now, Zhao’s alliance with Li’s family, if the two of Qian and Sun are not really twisted into one force, it is very likely that in the next year or several years, Zhao and Li will explain it. {plain text update super fast 13800100--& three #八&小¥说&网--fiction}

Therefore, the two families only merged, and after the merger, Qian and Sun both, even broke out with greater fighting power than the Zhao Li alliance.

The money family has money, and the Sun family has someone, the combination of the two, it is not as simple as 1+1, and although Zhao Li said the alliance, but the people inside the two families still have differences, so basically can only be regarded as one At the beginning of the alliance, it is still a long time to really do it.

In a short morning, several shocking news came and let the upper class of the capital be stupid.

After such a morning, it was a very strange calm.

The four families did not make any further statements. The two Qian and Qian are in a hurry to integrate, and Zhao and Li are also doing their own things.

"Is there any mistake!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at his old man with a dull face and said, "Dad, how did this happen? How did Li Longba go abroad inexplicably? I gave the position to Li Ziling. Yes, how did Linger’s old man suddenly appear? Didn’t he go to research?”

"Ha ha ha." Zhao Ergou's face, this time is full of pride, after laughing for a while, Zhao Ergou said, "Son, I am not telling you, let you leave nothing to concentrate on developing yourself. The power of this? Why is this? It is not because you Laozi I have been planning for a long time, I have already laid a big net? Compared with your old man, you are still far away!"

"Dad, why is it, you tell me about it!" Zhao Tiezhu asked urgently.

"Actually, it is very simple." Zhao Ergou said, "Do you know why Li Yuanlong can research so many pharmacies? Do you know why Li Yuanlong wants to get his daughter into your villa? Know why Li Yuanlong did not appear on Linger’s wedding day. What? That is because this Li Yuanlong is your old friend and my friend!"

"Ah?" Zhao Tiezhu felt that his brain was not enough. If he didn't say anything, how could Li Yuanlong become his friend?

"Actually, there is a reason for this." Zhao Ergou said, "Li Yuanlong and I met for some reason, he also studied biology, so he is very interested in my research, and Li Yuanlong, this person, Unlike his brother, others are very easy to get along with, so we became friends! And because of my research in biopharmaceutics, he followed me directly. Simply put, he can be half of me. Apprentice, later, you know, I was driven out of the capital by Qian Sun Li Zhou and then out of the mainland. However, many people do not know my relationship with Li Yuanlong, but I have always kept with Li Yuanlong. Some kind of connection!"

"And then?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Then it is very simple. I studied abroad, from time to time to give Yuanlong some information, so that Yuanlong can make a breakthrough in biopharmaceutics, and Yuanlong is very trusting to me, anyway, our feelings have been Very good, then he put his daughter, Linger, in your villa, so that he has an opportunity to get involved in your affairs, do you understand?"

"I understand!" said Zhao Tiezhu. "And then?"

"Then I went back to China, and I got in touch with him. Then you didn't tell me about Li Ziling? I told him, and then we both discussed Yin Lilong, he said I have already returned to the Li family, so I am more likely to get in touch with the Li family. Then I will join with the Li Ziling, which has been in business for a long time, and then slowly erode it. Then I have my secret cooperation. The people under Li Long’s hegemony, many They were all rebelled by him. Then, the hundreds of people you killed before were arranged by Li Ziling with those who opposed him. In short, those people can count as Li Longba’s confidant, and then by your hand, killed and injured, and the people around Li Longba naturally lost. Then, last night, in the cooperation of our Zhao family, Li Ziling’s successful belt When people arrived at Li Longba, they put Li Longba under house arrest and sent it abroad. Things are like this."

"My grass, Dad, you... are you too bully? If you have to be careful, your game, when you went abroad more than ten years ago, began to lay down!" Zhao Tiezhu said with surprise.

"This is good to pull." Zhao Ergou said with a hint of modest smile on his face, "So I told you last night, so that you can safely do what you have to do, now we can't I immediately loved friends with Li, but at least they wouldn’t give us a slap, and then they will face both Qian and Sun. As for Zhou, they don’t have to care about them.”

(There will be another **, five daily, to ensure that you are cool yy)

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