Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1749: Site selection

[Look at the novel--&三#八&小¥说&网--13800100]--&三#八&小¥说&网--(13800100) Free novel feng shui turn problem was temporarily thrown by Zhao Tiezhu After the brain, because the place agreed with the week has arrived, and there is another person who is here*


As one of the powerful combat forces of Zhao Tiezhu, Tiandao was sent to explore the market in Beijing. It can be seen that Zhao Tiezhu valued the matter, and Tiandao actually went to the capital a few days ago, but because Tiandao is going to visit him. Master, so Zhao Tiezhu did not immediately let Tiandao invest in the expansion.

Today is the site selection. Naturally, Tiandao is a must, because Zhao Tiezhu intends to take charge of the Blood Soul Hall in Beijing.

This place of the week is a prime location in the city center. Some people say that this place may be so easy to find, and it is necessary to say the status of Zhou Mix in Beijing.

As I said before, Zhou Congshi, in Beijing, is a character belonging to the mixed king. To put it simply, he is the combination of the previous gangsters, rogues, rogues, and second-rate geniuses. Activities, of course, it is only an adjective to say that burning and robbing here, but at least one palm of the people who died in the Zhou Dynasty is not counted, how many people in Beijing? It’s a mixed bag of fish, killing so many people every day, or directly evaporating some people, it’s impossible to have any influence in places like Beijing.

Of course, the premise is that the dead person is the legendary fart, that is, we are like this.

After Zhou Heshi has both kinds of bad identities, the strong backing behind him also provides some help for his non-satisfaction. Simply put, you have just offended the military district, you may just be abused, but if you offend After a week of mixed races, you are likely to die. Although Zhou Hu Shi’s identity is high, he never minds bullying those who have nothing, which is why Zhou Chashi will be called the King of the World.

Although Zhou is a good thing, but such a bad thing, but such a person also has a benefit, first, loyalty, as Zhao Tiezhu rescued him twice, he will vote for the same, he is very valued what others have done to themselves, if you want to go deeper If this is called selfishness, you have not given him benefits, then he will not give you benefits, and if you give him some benefits, he will give you something relative.

In this respect, Zhou Shizhu and Zhao Tiezhu are actually quite like

Both of them like to pay attention to an investment and return, but Zhao Tiezhu is not as ridiculous as the Zhou Chai, and the character is not so bad.

This is a whole building, but in Beijing, such a building can be seen everywhere, and it is not obvious. The building has not been built for a long time, so there are not many people, plus the weather is not early, many people Either you have gone home to make a child, or you can enjoy nightlife at various nightclubs.

This building has no lights, compared with the surrounding lights, a bit lonely.

In the downstairs of the building, Zhou Shishi stood side by side with Tiandao. There was a cigarette in his mouth, and he still had a pack of cigarettes in his hand. It was a special panda. This thing is generally drawn. I can't afford it, even some cadres don't mean that they can get it if they want to pump. Basically, only provincial and ministerial-level cadres can say that they want it. As for others, they have to look at opportunities and luck. Up

Zhou Chaoshi lost a cigarette to Tiandao and said, "How long have you been with Zhao Tiezhu?"

"A year soon," Tiandao put the smoke in his mouth, and then said, "What about Zhou Ge? Have you known me for a long time?"

"Haha, we don't know how long, don't you call me Zhou Ge, call me a mixed world," Zhou said with a smile. "I also heard about your name when I was in Beijing, but I didn't expect you to Going to mix with Zhao Tiezhu, this thought is really impermanent."

"Really" Tiandao nodded and said, "I didn't know that I could follow the iron column brother, and I don't know how much I can mix it. The iron column brother is the kind that will go out wherever I go. Characters, therefore, although we are bumpy all the way, but we have come to the present."

"Oh, I heard that there are still a few big cadres under Zhao Tiezhu’s hands. They are all capable of telling me about the ones who can block them." Zhou Chaoshi asked.

"In fact, it can be one hundred and one hundred," said Tiandao. "However, our leadership is not many people, so there are only a few, one royal day, one quit, one 蛤蟆, one eight fingers, one Fan Jian. Everyone has a different division of labor and does things differently."

"Oh, why did you want to come to the opening of the capital this time?" asked Zhou Shishi.

"I don't know this. If we are younger brothers, what the big brother says, we will do nothing, nothing more." Tiandao shook his head and said with a smile.

"Oh, is it?" Zhou mixed the eyes and said, "You said, will it be Zhao Tiezhu, want to start to enter the capital? Or, Zhao Tiezhu also want to regard the capital as the second fj?"

"I don't know this," Tiandao still didn't talk much.

Smart people always know what to say when and what to say.

Zhou Chongshi saw that he couldn’t ask anything, and he lacked interest. Instead, he looked at the thirty or forty people who were next to Tiandao. These people’s necks were marked with scarlet blood, next to the blood. There are also axe and a knife, watching the strange and imposing

"What does this mean?" Zhou Chongshi pointed to a blood soul hall on the side to help the tattoo on the neck of the public and asked if he wanted to come to this week's **** spirit of Zhao Tiezhu.

However, it is normal to think about it. Although Zhao Tiezhu said that he had been fighting with Sun Lei and Li Xu for several times, but he has never had any contact with this week, and Zhou Chaoshi has been staying in Beijing for a long time. How much research does Zhao Tiezhu have?

"This is the sign of our identity." The blood soul hall pointed by the Zhou Choutang helped the public with a proud look and said, "Only the blood of the soul can be such a sign."

Zhou mixed world is a bit strange, what do you like to be a younger brother? I am also a person who is equal to your boss.

Just then, a black car slowly came from afar.

Then, I stopped in front of the world.

Tiandao ran to the car and then opened the back door of the car.

Zhao Tiezhu came out from inside and came out

The thirty or forty blood soul halls around "Zhao Ge" helped the public, all looking at Zhao Tiezhu, bending over and shouting loudly.

Zhou mixed world was shocked by this voice, looked at those fanatics, secretly, "This... what's the matter?"

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