Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1751: Cooperation

"Iron column, you didn't tell me directly that day you want the venue to be a field, or we can talk directly on the day, and don't have to come out tonight to make a list of the latest chapters!" The private room said to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, anyway, come out to drink a wine, is it warm?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

After waiting for a seat, the wine will be up.

After three rounds of wine.

Several people also started talking about business.

After learning that Zhao Tiezhu intends to pack the 3, 4, 5 and 6 floors, he is a little surprised, but he is a businessman. Since people have to rent his venue, can he not rent it?

However, if Zhao Tiezhu continued, he would be surprised.

"What? You don't rent, you have to buy it?" asked stubbornly.

"Yes!" said Zhao Tiezhu. "There is no more nonsense. If I want to buy the four floors, how much?"

"This is why..." hesitated and said, "There is the central part of the capital, so the price is definitely higher than your fj!"

"Money is not a problem." Zhao Tiezhu said in an atmosphere, "I am asking for the price."

"We are friends, then I am not good at how much you earn, but this is not what I have to say, so, according to my estimation, if you pack on the fourth floor, it is about five or six hundred million." Said, "However, this is only my estimate. Specifically, I have to discuss it with my family. You have to know that when we took the land, our family spent several billions, plus the construction of the later period. Five hundred million didn't run, and according to our total of 30 floors, we can save at least 1,500 million yuan on the first floor. If we want to make money, it is likely to add more than 1.8 billion. You are Four layers, if this is the case, then at least six hundred million, and we are friends, I don’t earn any money from you, but five or six hundred million are not running. If the people at my head say a few things, it’s very Maybe six or seven hundred million have to go to split marriage txt download!"

"Six or seven hundred million?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned slightly, then glanced at the week of the mixed world, he could not get the six or seven hundred million, but if he took out so many words at once, that was his own The capital chain will definitely have an impact, and according to the turnover of fj, the net profit of a month of blood flow is more than two or three million, so that it is more than 30 million in one year, and this is more powerful than fj. But the year will make you cape 50 million. The four floors add up, and the income of ktv is taken outside. It is estimated that you can earn seven or eight million a year. If you want to return, It will take at least seven or eight years to get there. Although the return rate of the seven or seven hundred million yuan in 2007 has been very high, but in the eyes of Zhao Tiezhu, it is still a bit low. In fact, his psychological price is about 500 million yuan. ! I just didn't expect it to be much higher than I estimated. "--& three #八&小¥说&网--13800100 free txt download"

"Yes, but at home, I still counted a few words. The family, or our shareholders, should not have too many complaints, let alone your identity, even if there are complaints. Before they say it, they need to think about it!"

“It’s not like this!” Zhao Tiezhu looked at Zhou’s mixed world and said, “The world, this place, we are a joint stock!”

“Public shares?” Zhou asked the strange world, “How to share shares?”

"Simply, that is, I am 80% of the total price, but I only need to account for 75% of the entire bar and ktv, and you are 20% of the total price. But I give you a 25 percent share, but you are a stock, you don't participate in a specific business, but you have to use your contacts and face to go to the nightclub to pull guests, at the same time, you still I am responsible for dealing with the local snakes!"

"Twenty percent of the price, twenty-five percent of the shares? That is, I probably get one hundred million, but I can get 1.25 billion shares? What does this mean?" Asked about the mixed world.

"Yes, that is to say, if the total income after opening business in the future is five million a month, then you can divide it to one hundred and twenty-five thousand!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"A million dollars a month? According to this place, not only!" After a quiet silence for a while, Zhou said, "If your hardware and software facilities are gone, then with my network in Beijing, one day. Give you a net profit of more than 200,000, no problem! At least six or seven million a month!"

"Oh? Your words, really?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with his eyes glowing.

"Of course, as far as I know, the net profit of heaven and earth for one month has to be more than 10,000. In the peak season, it can be tens of millions a month. Tell you, in the capital, if you drive on Such a place of entertainment, that money, is just like the one you printed yourself. The sky is becoming the latest free chapter." Zhou mixed the world and said with a smile, "I don't have a direct control of the field, but the stock market, but there is Several, every month, I have to divide a few million in a field, and six or seven million in a year are not running!"

"It seems that your face is really big!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"A long time ago, people on the rivers and lakes naturally know me more, and when they encounter such things, some people will give me face, and I am, relying on this face to eat, otherwise you say, we Zhoujia There is no money, the family is so arrogant in business, and there is no brain for the grandchildren. Why can I still get along with Sun Lei’s money? They are not so good because I also have my own capital, my own capital. Although the bad things are done, it is not without any effect!" Zhou mixed the world with a little proud.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded. He was very familiar with the people who walked in the gray area like this week. These people are not really high-level figures, but their connections are more than most people. It’s wide, and, although he’s doing things that are not very authentic, and often it’s detrimental to his identity, it’s because of this that his face is very valuable in the gray area of ​​Beijing. .

At least, the division of millions in that month is earned by his face!

It’s true that you’re out of the top pick. A ignorant beggar, begging is so powerful, still buy a villa to buy a sports car, let alone such a person.

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile to Zhou Chaoshi, "So that's it?"

"I have no problem, but the specific price, it has to be reluctant!" Zhou mixed world said with a smile.

Reluctantly nodded, stood up and said, "I contact the family!"

As he said, he barely walked out of the private room, but did not take Ximen Qing out.

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