Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1774: Who is a traitor?

The days of Su Yanni’s entry into the genealogy are getting closer and closer.

After Zhao Lao’s arrangement, Su Yanni’s entry into the genealogy was set on the 15th of the first lunar month, and Linda’s entry into the genealogy, Zhao Tiezhu was sleeping with Su Yanni for one night, and then ran to tell Zhao Lao the next day. Zhao Lao originally planned to say more about Linda. As a result, Zhao Tiezhu’s attitude was very firm, and Zhao Lao had nothing to say. So he decided that Linda would follow the genealogy. As for Li Linger, because Li Jia The relationship, so Li Linger can not quickly break away from the Li family tree, into the Zhao family's genealogy, even now the relationship between Zhao and Li family has been very moderate.

Why can it be said that it is very moderate? It still has to come down with the two great families of the feud, even if Li Ziling and Li Yuanlong are now better with Zhao Tiezhu and Zhao Ergou, but the hatred of Zhao and Li’s two decades is impossible to say. The people underneath, from time to time, I will get you a little bit of me, and a lot of hatreds will not be eliminated in three or five days.

These things, under the efforts of Zhao Ergou Zhao Lao Li Ziling Li Yuanlong and others, are slowly moving in the right direction, but because of the opinions of the older generation in the family, although Li Ziling wants to kill Li Longba, but can only endure, waiting for opportunities.

Today, Zhao Tiezhu officially visited the Li family for the first time, with Li Linger and Cao Ziyi around.

This time, Zhao Tiezhu did not visit the Li family in the last villa area, but went directly to the Lijia manor in the suburbs.

Li's manor is very large, how big it is, probably as big as you think.

Zhan Lu met several people at the gate of the manor, and after Zhao Tiezhu arrived, Zhan Lu took Zhao Tiezhu three people to a very large building in the middle of the manor. This building is very big, as you think. But it is not high, probably about the three-tiered look, the overall style is the style of the western manor, because many of Li’s industries are actually abroad, so it is very seriously affected by Western culture. .

There is also a horse farm in the manor, an artificial lake, and it is like a royal manor in Europe.

In the largest building, in the study that originally belonged to Li Longba, Zhao Tiezhu saw a plum-faced Li Ziling.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, you are much more handsome than before!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"This is not thanks to your help with your father?" Li Ziling said, "If you didn't have your day, we wouldn't be able to put Li Long under house arrest."

"Thinking, I am still being shot by you." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"This is more than me, and your father is also inside." Li Ziling said with a smile, then looked at Li Linger and said, "Cousin, in recent days, have a good time with Tiezhu?" ”

"Fortunately!" Li Linger said, "What about my dad?"


A hearty whisper came from the door, and a middle-aged man strode in.

"Dad!" Li Linger stood up and cried.

"Haha, Linger, we haven't seen this for a long time. I look at you. It doesn't seem to think about your father. I am radiant, haha." The middle-aged man walked to Zhao Tiezhu and others. Li Linger hugged him directly.

This person is Li Linger’s father, Li Yuanlong, and is now one of Li’s family members.

"Is the iron column, how is the body recovered?" Li Yuanlong said to Zhao Tiezhu after he was hugged with Li Linger.

"Oh, almost it." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Oh, this is good, the last thing, really made you suffer." Li Yuanlong said, "We want to help you, but in order not to stun the snake, so we can only watch you in the fight for the spirit. ”

"Oh, it should be." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Linger is my woman, desperate for my own woman, is the duty of men."

"I love to listen to this, Linger, your mother also miss you very much, waiting for you at home, you go see her go, we men have to say something." Li Yuanlong looked at Li Linger, said.

"That's good, you talk!" Li Linger said, stood up and said to Cao Ziyi, "Zi Yijie, let's go together?"

Cao Ziyi nodded and followed Li Linger to leave the study.

After the two left, Li Yuanlong sat directly on the sofa and said to Zhao Tiezhu. "Iron, although my daughter has followed you, you know that she is the daughter of our Li family. I hope that you can treat her. better."

"I am very good to all women!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously. "I will never do anything else for her because of her identity."

"Well, this is fine." Li Yuanlong nodded and said, "I believe that you are coming today, definitely not only take Linger to see us?"

"Oh, I mainly want to ask, what are you going to do next?" Zhao Tiezhu said, "This is what my dad told me to bring to you."

"This is still a child of Lingling." Li Yuanlong gestured to Li Ziling, said.

"It's very simple." Li Ziling sat on the sofa, leaning forward slightly, saying, "First, make good relations with your Zhao family, and strive to clear the grievances earlier. Second, put pressure on the two families." If possible, it is best not to have the temper of the two of them. Third, appease Ma Lao, iron pillar, you may not know, your business has already made Ma Lao very dissatisfied, so, I I am worried that Ma Lao will cooperate with Qian and Sun to deal with you. If that is the case, the pressure on both of us will be much greater. Because Ma Lao is all there is real combat power, so we will fight for comfort. Good horse, even if there is no way for him to stand on our side, don't stand on our opposite side."

"Well! This is OK." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "In fact, the biggest purpose of my visit this time is to solve a doubtful group that has been hanging in my heart and hanging in my father's heart!"

"What mystery?"

"You also know that my father had planned to hand over the information to the country. However, after he gave some information to the five people and the country, the information was leaked to the Japanese. We want to know, in the end, Who leaked the information, who was it, and made a traitor!"

"Not a Li family!" Li Ziling decisively shook his head. "I have specifically investigated this matter. Although Li Jiali Longba and my grandfather took the lead, their purpose was to suppress the Zhao family. Suppressing you, as for the leakage of information, has nothing to do with them, I estimate that either the money and the two leaked, or the Zhao family himself leaked!"

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