Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1783: high efficiency

{Pure text update super floating astronomy net novel} (.com floating astronomy net free novel) Zhao Tiezhu This red fruit threat directly caused the two police to be dissatisfied, just wanted to say something, but the result was That Liu Shuguang stopped his eyes.

Liu Shuguang’s heart is happy. This young man is a young man. If he can’t stand the excitement, Liu Shuguang is now 100% sure that he has nothing to do with Zhao Tiezhu, but this case, if it is to be broken, is still very troublesome, but If Zhao Tiezhu is involved, it will not be much more difficult to solve the case. Zhao Tiezhu’s identity is placed there. No matter whether it is a black road or a white road, such people are going to find the home or the lower line of the thin breeze. It's easy to follow, because illegal human body buying and selling is a thing that belongs to the underground world. Zhao Tiezhu is also an emperor of the underground world of a province. It is more convenient than the police to get this thing.

That thin breeze did not expect Zhao Tiezhu to directly give himself a reminder, his face said in amazement, "Iron column, you... you are going to destroy my golden age!"

"Destroy your sister!" Zhao Tiezhu said disdainfully. "I just want you to die. Whatever you say, it is useless."

After saying it, I ignored the thin breeze that was as gray as it was. Zhao Tiezhu turned directly out of the interrogation room, and Liu Shuguang followed Zhao Tiezhu.

"I will help you stare at this incident, but I have a request." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Liu Shuguang and said.

"This...the case is still our police to come." Liu Shuguang said.

"Hey, do you think I don't know your current thoughts?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a cold voice, "I am not so good at this gun. I will help you break the case. You, find out for me. Who reported me to the latest free chapters in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties!"

"This... Comrade Tiezhu, since it is an anonymous report, there is no way to know the name!" Liu Shuguang said.

"I don't care if you have a way to know the name." Zhao Tiezhu said, "This is the case anyway, I will catch the group, you, give me the news to change people, that's it!"

After that, Zhao Tiezhu did not wait for Liu Shuguang to agree, and walked away directly.

Liu Shuguang frowned and looked at the back of Zhao Tiezhu. After a long time, he sighed and said helplessly, "Hey, you have to bargain with those who are on the head."

After Zhao Tiezhu went out of the Criminal Investigation Department, he immediately called a week to the world.

The week at the end of the phone seems to be still sleeping, the voice is a bit confused.

"Hey, what's the matter? Don't know if you are disturbing people to sleep, is it going to be condemned?" Zhou said with dissatisfaction.

"Ask you something." Zhao Tiezhu said, "On the capital side, do you know that you are doing human body trading!"

"The sale of human organs?" The voice of the mixed world became clear all of a sudden, "I said iron pillar, you are not going to do this? This stuff is profitable, but it is hundreds of thousands of millions. You don't need that money? This wicked thing, I advise you to do less!"

"I know this, I am just a little bit of something." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Look at the people you know, do business here."

"This... there are a few of them. You know, there are many big hospitals in Beijing, and there are many people who do organ transplants, but the gaps in human organs are large, and the profits are considerable. So, people who do this business. There are still quite a few, I know a few of them, but these people are very wary, generally do not contact people, unless it is you ... there are sources of supply." Zhou mixed world said.

"Source? Is it a healthy person?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Yes!" said Zhou Chaoshi. "If you say there is a source of supply, I promise that many people will come out to find you. What are you doing?"

"It's a bit of a thing." Zhao Tiezhu said that the matter of the thin breeze was mixed with the week, and then said, "I want to catch this person's home, or go offline."

"This is simple." Zhou said, "I will help you ask, see if anyone knows this, is anyone looking for him to take the goods, hey, that is me, a little face on the road, or else you are really Don't think about asking.

"I know that you have a cow x, please help me." Zhao Tiezhu said, he hung up.

"Cut, when is the person asking for such a cow?" Zhou mixed the world listening to the busy voice, dissatisfied with a mutter, but still picked up the phone and went out.

Just ten minutes after Zhao Tiezhu had hung up the phone, Zhou’s phone was hit.

"Ask it out." Zhou said, "The thin breeze is the dean of a welfare institution, isn't it?"

"Yes antique dealer ------- talk about the latest chapter of the past that I have been swindling and collecting antiques and riches!"

"Oh, that's right. The source of the person is quite a lot. So, there are two people looking for him to get the goods. These two people are middlemen, and then they are responsible for selling the organs to some hospitals. I will wait for you later. Send the information of these two people to you, you can do it yourself." Zhou said.

"Okay, thank you!" Zhao Tiezhu thanked.

"It's okay. Now we can count as a partner!"

Not long after the phone was hung up, a piece of information was sent to Zhao Tiezhu’s mobile phone, which detailed the information of the two middlemen, and some other characters related to the sale of human organs.

Zhao Tiezhu called Tiandao directly by a phone call, and then took his own people to grab people.

This day is destined to be a memorable day in the human body buying and selling community in Beijing.

On this day, a total of more than ten people involved in the sale of human organs were forcibly taken away. Yes, they were forcibly taken away. Those were not policemen or people’s soldiers, just dressed in ordinary clothes, and then there was nothing. Arrest warrants, these miscellaneous things, anyway, just ask you a word, who are you? Then regardless of whether you answer yes or no, you will always take you away.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen people, just disappeared out of thin air.

For a time, the whole body of the human body in the Beijing city was screaming, and all the people who worked in this business were shrinking. Some people said that they were shot by the Special Operations Department of the National Security Bureau, and some said that they had come by Jiang Ronlong. I have to take a few people to stand up, and even some people say that these people have done more things. They have been taken away by angels. Anyway, this kind of thing is more and more outrageous, but it’s really And the heart of the leather is re-made.

This is a good thing that Zhao Tiezhu did indirectly.

Almost just one afternoon, Zhao Tiezhu grabbed the arrested person and then immediately interrogated.

These people of Blood Soul Hall are all cattle people, and there is no need to be afraid of torture. The confession will be criticized. Anyway, how can you let your mouth open? In the evening, almost everyone has been opened, and have to say Sometimes, the triad's efficiency is much higher than that of the police!

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