Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1789: Arranged properly

It is said that the family should not be settled. Throughout the ages, many of the opposites have eliminated the disagreement in cooperation and become good friends and good brothers. Zhao Tiezhu also hopes that through such a form, it is best to let everyone The latest chapters when you are in love with each other and go to a happy tomorrow. .com

However, the difficulty of this, Zhao Tiezhu is very clear, and, a bad, it is likely to intensify the contradictions between each other, simply say, such as Yan Ni intends to do this, but Linda feels that do not do this, two people have opinions Yes, right? If you can coordinate, then this is a good thing, and promote mutual communication, then if coordination does not come? This is likely to make the contradiction deeper!

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the phone number of Su Yanni in the mobile phone, and felt that his head was getting bigger again.

Only after all, the coming is coming.

Zhao Tiezhu pressed the dial button.

Soon, the phone is connected.

"What's wrong, iron pillar, miss me?" Su Yanni smiled and asked the latest chapter of the Kowloon Tour.

"Think, naturally I miss you, are you living habits there?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Very good, I am with the aunts all day long, and then I can listen to others to chanting every day. I feel that my realm has been improved in the past few days." Su Yanni said proudly.

“Really?” Zhao Tiezhu asked. “Then I will see if your realm has improved.”

"How do you want to see it?" Su Yanni asked.

"Things, this is the case." Zhao Tiezhu said his idea to Su Yanni, and then asked, "Do you think that I am doing this, how?"

After Su Yanni was silent for a while, she said, "Iron column, I... I have no problem. {Pure text update super floating astronomy net novel}"

“Is it really okay?” asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Well, it's really no problem." Su Yanni's voice is a bit low. "Just, I... I feel so sorry for you!"

“How come you think?” Zhao Tiezhu asked in confusion. “Where are you sorry for me?”

"Just... because of my careful eyes, you... you have to do so many things, and I am worried that I will be dissatisfied, I... Iron pillar, I will not be angry with Linda anymore in the future." Su Yanni said, "I... I must do this well!"

"Haha, this is all right." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Actually, Linda is a very good person. If you can let go of the bad things in the past, I think you can still be good friends." ""

"But, Iron Pillar, I... I am going to really do this well, but if our opinions are not right, what should I do? Who are you listening to?" Su Yanni asked.

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "When are you going to negotiate together, do you know the meeting? When you open a meeting, then give me your opinions, and then discuss, see who is right, then listen to who, that said The wrong person, there is nothing, no one is allowed to laugh at her and look down on her. You have to remember that you are all joint directors, and what you do is to benefit the people, if you are careful or some Obscenity, and these good things have not achieved the same effect, even help out, I will not only yell at you, the people in the community will also marry you, know what I mean?"

"Well, I know, then I must do something well!" Su Yanni promised.

"Well, this is awkward, stay there and stay there. We will pass when we worship our ancestors for two days. When you go to Linda, you can have a good chat. Don't always rob you of her husband. You are all my people, I don't want to see any contradictions in you." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"alright, I got it!"

Hanging up the phone, Zhao Tiezhu finally breathed a sigh of relief. This Su Yanni seems to be really reasonable. Otherwise, Zhao Tiezhu may have to spend a lot of time on it. The next step is to call Cao Ziyi Li Linger Lucy Red Rhyme. People can say a lot, especially the blossoming. When I heard Zhao Erzhu’s errands arranged for her, what excited is like, as a girl who was helped by Zhao Tiezhu to have everything now, the most hopeful flowering It is able to help Zhao Tiezhu do more things, and she also hopes to help the dusk of the Ming Dynasty empire.

When Hong Yun received a call from Zhao Tiezhu, it was still a bit unexpected. However, as a mature woman, Hong Yun also knows that if this thing is too much, it will always cause Zhao Tiezhu’s dissatisfaction, so red. The rhyme also said with a fluttering voice, "As long as they don't look at me, your lover is not pleasing to the eye, I don't care, just accumulate the virtues, and cast a good life in the next life."

As for Cao Ziyi, it would be easier. Any request of Zhao Tiezhu seems that Cao Ziyi did not agree.

Lucy and Li Linger are not difficult. Lucy grew up abroad. She has a lot of insights about various funds and has her own opinions. So I am waiting for a new visa to go down and then come back to help Zhao Tiezhu get charity. Fund, and Li Linger is almost a meaning.

"Hey, I hope everything will go well." After Zhao Tiezhu hung up the last call, he turned and walked back to the previous classroom. However, Zhao Tiezhu received a strange phone call on the road.

The telephone was called by the mayor of the community. On the phone, the mayor was very happy to say that Zhao Tiezhu had passed the test of the organization and then decided to give Zhao Tiezhu a burden. He hoped that Zhao Tiezhu could become a good dean and contribute to socialist modernization. Your own strength.

Zhao Tiezhu naturally said that he will not disappoint the expectations of the organization. He will be closely united around the central leadership group headed by xxx, and strive to create brilliance.

Thus, the entire Shenzhou, and even the whole world, the first welfare institution that was also the president of the gangster, was born.

The Star Welfare Institute, as the first test point of a charitable fund that Zhao Tiezhu continued, has finally entered the stage of history.

And Zhao Tiezhu, also began to open up another bleaching road for himself. Whether this matter is good or bad, no one knows now, only let time speak.

After finishing all this, Zhao Tiezhu did not rest, but went directly to the hair recruitment market. Since this star welfare institution should be used as a test point for his own charity fund, then it must be done so that it can not be recruited. Laugh, after all, a gangster is going to do welfare work, which makes people feel funny.

Busy and busy, after all the work, Zhao Tiezhu has a feeling of tiredness, this is not only the **, but more spiritual, and Linda, under the leadership of Zhao Tiezhu, the first time Into the Zhao family!

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