There are not only news media, but also many stars. Many first-line stars from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and the mainland have participated in this press conference, including Sohu, Ali Dad, Sina Lang and so on. The CEOs of well-known companies also came to participate in this press conference. These people have a certain government background and are considered successful people, so the influence of this press conference has spread all of a sudden. In the end, a central standing committee member came to set up the ribbon for the fund, which directly pushed the atmosphere to the top.

At the scene, there were several financial tycoons who expressed their willingness to donate a sum of money to the Phoenix Civic Fund. I hope that I can help more people who need help. Zhao Tiezhu is naturally thankful again and again, and then announced the first of the Phoenix Love Fund. One helper is the Star Welfare Institute in the **** area of ​​Beijing.

The next day, whether it was entertainment news or current affairs news, it was full of reports about the Phoenix Love Fund. Under this all-round media bombing, it took almost one day, and the Phoenix Love Fund was remembered by many people. In my heart, Zhao Tiezhu, once again returned to the headquarters of the Special Operations Office of the National Security Bureau in the Forbidden City.

This time he came, mainly to find Ma Lao to ask for a statement. This person last time caught the thin breeze and framed himself. If he wants to respond, it is really a bit unreasonable.

However, after arriving at a group, the people told Zhao Tiezhu that they were not in the old age and went out to work. Zhao Tiezhu thought about it and waited for it. As a result, people said that Ma was going out to the field and it was estimated that it would take several days. Come back, this makes Zhao Tiezhu quite helpless, just the deputy leader Lang Ye, Zhao Tiezhu simply proposed to fight with the Lang Ye, the original Lang Ye is not, but Zhao Tiezhu three or two words will be excited Lang Ye can't wait to immediately smash Zhao Tiezhu's corpse.

As a result, Zhao Tiezhu interrupted Lang's hand and took the color head. Shi Shiran left. When leaving, Zhao Tiezhu left a sentence to let a group of people tell Ma Lao.

"You mean, Zhao Tiezhu let me stop provoke him?"

Ma listened to the report of his men and asked, frowning.


After Ma Lao was silent for a while, he smiled indifferently and said, "I really want to be with green onions, haha!"

After being controversial in a group, Zhao Tiezhu decisively invested in his own career, and Linda stayed in the Star Welfare Institute in the past few days to help Zhao Tiezhu take care of some things. Zhao Tiezhu was busy with himself. The things in the field, while busy with the Phoenix Love Fund, simply said that Zhao Tiezhu is doing good things while doing good things.

Of course, opening the game is not a bad thing, but in this kind of field, how can you not touch something bad, such as the trading of money and meat, such as gambling.

Time has passed very quickly in the busy schedule, and soon you haven't had time to breathe a few times, you don't know how many days have passed.

On the fifteenth day of the first month, it will come soon.

The fifteenth day of the first month of the year is the big day of the Zhao family, because the Zhao family worships the ancestors, it is on this day.

And this year's first month of the fifteenth, it is different.

It coincides with Zhao’s father, the 100th anniversary of Zhao Taizu’s birth. Therefore, this year’s ancestor will be held in a temple on the outskirts of the capital. This temple belongs to the temple of Zhao’s family. It is said that the feng shui is good in that place. How good, that is, on this day, the plaques of Zhao’s family will be moved to the temple. After the end of the ancestor, they will move back to the ancestral hall. As for why, Zhao Tiezhu is not clear, Didn't ask, anyway, the things that have been passed down for hundreds of years, you just do it, there is no need to have so many doubts.

On such a big day, the entire Zhao family was busy.

Some people are responsible for preparing sacrifices, and some are responsible for preparing props. Anyway, many people are busy at the foot.

Zhao Tiezhu belongs to a newcomer, so he does not know what he can do. The ancestor is held in the afternoon. Zhao Tiezhu thinks that there is nothing to do in Zhao’s house. He goes to the suburbs first.

Also accompanied by Cao Ziyi and Linda.

After a few days of getting along, Cao Ziyi’s relationship with Linda is still very good. Cao Ziyi belongs to a very good woman who can get along with anyone, and Linda is not a difficult person to get along with. Although it is not going to be close, but at least it is quite interesting.

Zhao Tiezhu personally drove the car, Cao Ziyi and Linda both sat behind.

At this time, it is nine o'clock in the morning. The more the car goes to the suburbs, the fewer pedestrians on the road.

"After this ancestor is over, we will return to fj." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"It's time to go back. Let's start school on the 16th of the first month." Linda said, "Is it necessary to go to class?"

"You may have to take time off!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "I may have to go to the Pearl River Delta."

"Ah? How long will it take?" Linda asked.

"Less a week, more than half a month a month. Not necessarily." Zhao Tiezhu said, "There is business to do there, I will first explore the road first."

"That's okay," Linda said helplessly. "I will help you get the leave off."

Just a few people chatting, from the side of Zhao Tiezhu, a few black jeep fiercely overtook the past, and then quickly headed forward.

There are a total of five black jeep cars, all of which are unlicensed.

"Hey, this is another nouveau riche to buy a car." Zhao Tiezhu looked at the jeep that was far away, said, "The five cars are estimated to be the serial number when they are on the license. Now the nouveau riche, most like Buy a bunch of cars at once. Then I will have a face number on the serial number."

"Do you not like this?" Linda said with a smile. "I can remember that you have several cars that are serial."

"I am a nouveau riche." Zhao Tiezhu smiled. "I have nothing left a few months ago. Now everything is there, not what the nouveau riche is?"

At this moment, Cao Ziyi suddenly said, "These cars are not Chinese."

"Oh?" Zhao Tiezhu said puzzledly. "Not a Chinese person? Who is that?"

"I just seemed to see a vagueness, it seems to be Russian." Cao Ziyi said, "And, in every car, there are four people."

"You mean, in those cars, there are a total of twenty Russians?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Well, it should be true!" Cao Ziyi nodded.

"This is strange!" said Zhao Tiezhu. "It is impossible for the nouveau riche to be Russian. The Russians don't have to run us to buy Jeep! Is there any mystery here?"

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