Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1809: Zhao Tiezhu broke out

[Looking at the novel on the astronomy] (.com floating astronomy network free novel) Sure enough, Ye Qingxia lost the first move, step by step was restrained by Alexander, can only use the exquisite to make people move, slowly Move those disadvantages back.

On the side of Zhao Ergou, after Zhao Tiezhu flew out, he quickly turned around and stepped on the ground with his feet. Then there was no stop for Abe and Mingming, and once again, the whole person’s eyes flashed. The red light of the demon, and in the heart of Zhao Tiezhu, a nameless fire, but suddenly, burned up.

Zhao Tiezhu feels wronged, especially wrong.

I just came to the capital, because I didn’t get into the genealogy, I was bullied by the people of the four people, and then I was bullied by the same family. After these people were bullied, Qian Min also bullied herself, and the Qing Emperor, anyway, As long as he is an individual, he is bullying himself. Later, he has finally entered the genealogy. Finally, he has an identity that allows his waist to stand upright. He then encounters Linger’s marriage and he is still being bullied. Was being bullied by the Li family.

Then, now, Li’s family was finally kidnapped by Zhao Ergou, and the Ma family did not dare to swear to himself. As a result, this time he was bullied by Abe and Ming.

Not only is he being bullied, but his old lady is also being bullied.

This is not what Zhao Tiezhu can bear. The former said, Zhao Tiezhu is very short-term protection, very short-term protection, very short-term protection. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu looked at his old man who was injured by Abe and Jinming, and his aging mother was restrained by Alexander. The heart is burning, so it burns.

This fire directly swallowed Zhao Tiezhu’s consciousness.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes are full of red light. At this time, Zhao Tiezhu’s mind has only one thought, killing the people who bully themselves and bully their aunts.

At this time, the cells in Zhao Tiezhu’s body have undergone some scientific unexplained change. That is, Zhao Tiezhu’s cell division is no longer two divisions, but one cell directly splits into three, three. The cracks become nine.

Such a fission, if it is only a small area, then nothing, but if this fission spreads to the whole body, it will form a very strange phenomenon, that is, Zhao Tiezhu's body, inexplicably full of strength.

Yes, it is full of strength, and this power, even seems to be violent to the body of Zhao Tiezhu, and with this power is the boundless pain.

Zhao Tiezhu felt that he was like a blown balloon, and it was about to explode, but some people still blew him.

At this moment, Zhao Tiezhu felt something.

The latest free chapter on gas cracking marriage!

Yes, Zhao Tiezhu feels a kind of gas contained in Dantian in his body.

This gas, turbid, like a deadly, without any movement.

Zhao Tiezhu tried to bring his own strength to the side of this gas.

At this time, a more strange phenomenon happened.

Zhao Tiezhu felt that the gas was like a moment of living. It boiled directly in his own dantian.

Then, Zhao Tiezhu tried to mobilize the gas, and as a result, it was as if we were going to fart and concentrate the gas to the side of the butt, and Zhao Tiezhu was transferred to the limbs of the body.

At this moment, Zhao Tiezhu understood that he was... breaking through!

Yes, it should be a breakthrough!

Zhao Tiezhu’s spirit is one of the vibrations.

This... these gas filled in your limbs and body should be the so-called inner air in Cao Ziyi's mouth!

Zhao Tiezhu calmed down and quickly came to Abe and Ming.


Zhao Tiezhu’s hand swept directly and ran into the hand with Abe’s hand.

After a muffled sound.

Zhao Tiezhu stepped back a little step, Abe and Jinming, but it was a big step back.

"The celestial bead becomes full-text reading!?" Abe and Imao squinted and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You will use it!"

"I promise you to use it, don't you use it?" Zhao Tiezhu smugly screamed, the red light in his eyes was more enchanting, and the power in the body came out in an endless stream. It was just a small group. The temperament, under the stimulation of these forces, began to split, grow, split, and grow directly with the body cells.

According to Cao Ziyi, a person's anger is a little bit of accumulation that needs to be cultivated and cultivated slowly. However, Zhao Tiezhu has completely subverted this idea at this time. The gas in his body seems to be as dead as money. Increase, so that Zhao Tiezhu's Dan Tian is saturated in an instant, and then let Zhao Tiezhu have a feeling of wanting to fart.

"My grass, this is qi, can't put it!" Zhao Tiezhu thought about a turn, the stock that could not help but collapse from the back of the **** was directly run to the abdomen by Zhao Tiezhu, and then went up and turned to Zhao Tiezhu Within the arm.

"Go to death!" Zhao Tiezhu screamed, as if a wild horse, once again rushed to Abe Jinming.

Abe today smiled disdainfully and said, "Do you think that you only have gas?"

After that, Abe and his hands slammed his hand and then suddenly stopped.

Zhao Tiezhu even heard a bang.

"Rely, dare to love this Abe and I have not used it now!" Zhao Tiezhu was angered again, Nima I am going to die to live, you have not made every effort to fight with yourself, is this not a look down? Zhao Tiezhu feels that this is the fruit of the red fruit that has been played with ** and feelings. Therefore, the grievances and anger in this heart are stronger, and the only result of strengthening these things is that Zhao Tiezhu is even more powerful.

I have to say here that Zhao Tiezhu is actually misunderstanding that Abe is clear today, this gas, do you think you can have it? The year-round self-cultivation accumulated so little thing, you used it, it is likely to be gone, no After that, I have to cultivate my body, so many people are very cherished. This is like the magic value in the game, and there is no magic potion to add, how much you use, then, You have to spend some time to recover yourself.

Not everyone is like Zhao Tiezhu, now, with the internal gas, just like the money that is not needed, even from the bottom of the butt, it becomes the air of the world.

Under normal circumstances, the normal two of the same level will be the master of the gas fight, it is not to use it as much as possible, but if you want to use it, you have to use the idea, try to use the least gas, to play the maximum effect.

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