Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1901: Busy (34 more)

According to the arrangement of the Solitary, many things have begun to take shape.

As for how to let Zhao Tiezhu’s identity connect with Zhang Bei, or Xiaolong, and then create some opportunities to get involved in the underground world of the Pearl River Delta. This is what Zhao Tiezhu needs to consider for a long time to come. It is.

After reading the information on the Pearl River Delta side, Zhao Tiezhu’s next look is about Han’s work on the wz side.

Han Dali’s development on the wz side is also very good. After using the money offensive to force his own power to expand a lot, Han Dali gradually integrated into the core circle of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce.

As I said before, the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce is behind the background of wealthy families. However, the background is only the background. This only shows that there are many people in the Wenshang Association who are pro-money families. Besides the pro-money family, there are naturally those who start from scratch. Or, it is the boss of other places that come to wz to invest and make money.

Han Dali is now such an identity. Of course, the current Han can not call Han Dali, but has a different name.

After reading the information of Han Dali, Zhao Tiezhu touched his forehead. Now everything is going in the right direction. Many things may be complicated when I first thought about it, but when you actually do it, I feel that there is a kind of ship. The bridge head is naturally straight.

The car slowly moved forward, and Zhao Tiezhu’s mind began to show a picture.

This is a complete map of China.

In the three eastern provinces, and even in Siberia, it is the sphere of influence of Zhao Bao, and such a powerful sphere of influence, even after Zhao Lao is almost certain that Zhao Bao arranges to assassinate the person on his main vein. There is no way to make an effective counterattack against Zhao Bao.

One point is that there is no valid evidence. Another point is that Zhao Bao is too powerful, and the powerful Zhao Bao is a very good gun for Zhao.

If Zhao Lao starts with Zhao Bao, then, regardless of success, Zhao will be badly hurt.

Around the Zhao family in Beijing, there are two families around Qian and Sun, as well as Ma Lao, who is in the National Security Bureau, and Hou Lao, who has never met.

Fortunately, now Zhao Li and the obvious relationship on Wednesday are alleviated, and they are also moving in the right direction. In this case, it is enough to compete with Qian Sun and Ma Lao.

In the down is the distribution of the forces of each family, then the green gang of sh, then the following is the Chamber of Commerce, and then the following is the soul of the soul, and then down, is the three major forces in the Pearl River Delta.

The power of this party was painted in different colors in Zhao Tiezhu’s mind, forming a map of the forces of representation.

Zhao Tiezhu’s thinking was quickly developed in these maps.

I don't know how long it has been.

The car stopped slowly.

The airport is here.

This time Zhao Tiezhu is going to take the **** soul of his own exclusive aircraft. Of course, it is also a private crisis exclusively belonging to Zhao Tiezhu. It is called the Blood Soul, which is bought by the Solitary Emperor.

This is a medium-sized business jet. After being modified by the Solitary Emperor, the interior is very luxurious and comfortable.

No one came to send Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu took the plane, went into the cabin, and found a position to sit down, then gave a call.

On the phone, Zhao Tiezhu is nothing more than to let the people in Xiangyang Village get rid of poverty and get rich, because yn and gz province are close to each other. In this gz province, the face is also very valuable.

I naturally agreed to Zhao Tiezhu, and then I have to think of him when there is something good about Zhao Tiezhu.

Anyway, after two people casually pulled for a while, Zhao Tiezhu hung up the phone.

The plane took off slowly.

A few hours.

Fj airport.


Zhao Tiezhu did not have any stops, and drove directly to a port near fj.

A cruise ship is slowly docking.

Zhao Tiezhu stood at the dockside. After the cruise ship arrived at the port, he saw that there were about a dozen or so ordinary men walking in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

One of the first ones was the one that Zhao Tiezhu had seen in Thailand last time.

"This is the most outstanding fifteen members of Devil Pro." Jack stood in front of Zhao Tiezhu and said.

"Thank you." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and looked at the fifteen people. These are the outstanding members of Zhao Tiezhu’s foreign organization called the Magic Pro. The loyalty of these people is beyond doubt. After a special brainwashing, Zhao Tiezhu is now beginning to expand, so the manpower, especially the elite, is very important.

If Zhao Tiezhu has a master of 1.8 million, is it still necessary to use tricks to engage with others? Directly with a big hand, a master like a locust transits, killing you any gang in an instant.

These people were assigned to the various positions of the Blood Soul Hall by Zhao Tiezhu. The most of them were dedicated to fighting. After all, a gang always needs a little more to fight.

After finishing this matter, Zhao Tiezhu rushed back to the headquarters of Xueshentang.


Although Du Gu Huangtian gave Zhao Tiezhu information, but many things can not be seen from the information, so Zhao Tiezhu immediately arranged a meeting after the headquarters of the Blood Soul Hall.

The meeting was held until seven or eight in the evening.

After the meeting was over, Zhao Tiezhu was finally able to rest.

I called Cao Ziyi, but I was told that Cao Ziyi was in the field and would return tomorrow.

Zhao Tiezhu is thinking about who to look for next, Zhao Tiezhu received a call from Chen Lingshan.

Chen Lingshan did not say anything on the phone. I just heard that Zhao Tiezhu came back, then called Zhao Tiezhu to say hello, and said about the handling of the last underwear thief.

It turned out that the underwear thief was an international student sent by the Japanese side. It was quite good to study. I just didn't expect it to be a psychological metamorphosis. I especially like to steal girls' underwear and then achieve some self-satisfaction.

The man was fired directly from the school and sent back to Japan.

Of course, don't post it.

This school is called a big heart, so that the small Japan, which often has privilege in China, has lost a big face, and this matter has been arranged by the school to board the school’s school newspaper.

When Chen Lingshan’s phone was just finished, Zhao Tiezhu received another phone call from Lin Lei.

Zhao Tiezhu is strange, how do you just return to fj, there are so many calls to find? It seems that he just called a few women to his own. Others, he did not inform.

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