Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1905: The disaster of blood (38)

"Really? You mean you like me too?" Lin Lei looked at Zhao Tiezhu with delight and asked.

"Can't say that." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I can only say that I am very impressed with you, and I also sympathize with you. As for you, it is still early, and the quality of your efforts makes me appreciate it."

"Then I am better than Lin Si?" Lin Lei asked with a big eyes.

"If you have to say this, yes." Zhao Tiezhu nodded. "Lin Si is more ignorant than you, even though she is on my bed earlier, but if it is important, you are better than her. ,important."

Lin Lei’s face lit up directly, grabbed Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and said, “I... I always thought that in your heart, Lin Si was more important than me, otherwise you would not arrange her to CCTV, let me Still staying at the local station."

"You are stupid." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Arranging Lin Si to CCTV, it is much simpler than arranging you to enter CCTV. Why? Lin Si has a political background, but his father is a city-level cadre. It’s easy to go through political review, and you? You are poor and middle peasant. Although you are a bit identifiable now, you still have a hard time passing the political review. Especially when CCTV is opposite, it is even harder. Know me. What do you mean?"

"I understand." Lin Lei nodded and said, "Then you said, can I go to CCTV in the future?"

"This is not necessarily, but you don't have to go to CCTV. You can go to the management of the TV station." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "For example, you can be the deputy director, director, or something. This is not necessarily the case." CCTV, although the influence is definitely not comparable to the CCTV host, but on power, you are not much worse than the CCTV host."

"Ah? Then you want to help me?" Lin Lei Baba looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Do you want me to help you?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

After lining for a moment, Lin Lei said, "That's still ok."

“Why?” Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"You said, I am different from Lin Si. If I gave you the body tonight, then you will help me into the management of the provincial government. In this way, I am essentially the same as Lin Si. I am still honestly acting as a host in the province," Lin Lei said.

"Haha, it seems that you are not brain-destroyed!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"You are brain-dead! I am very smart!" Lin Lei said dissatisfied.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and pulled Lin Lei closer to his arms, and then kissed him directly.

Lin Lei did not have much resistance. After experiencing the initial discomfort, she quickly responded to Zhao Tiezhu.

The two men lay down on the bed while kissing.

I don’t know what happened. Lin Lei’s nightdress kissed and kissed and was smashed up. The plump upper bound didn’t know what was going on, and Zhao Tiezhu gave it to the palm of his hand, but he didn’t know what was going on. Lin Lei’s underwear turned out to be gone.

I have to say that the world is wonderful, and many things are beyond our understanding.

The two people kissed the sky dimly, and Zhao Tiezhu also touched the sky.

at this time.

Lin Lei’s body suddenly stiffened.

Zhao Tiezhu straightened up from Lin Lei’s body and asked, “What’s wrong?”


Lin Lei tangled with a look, then looked at his body and said, "I... my aunt came!"


Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lin Lei strangely.

"What happened!" Lin Lei sat up and said, "I remember not coming these days, how come ahead today!"

Zhao Tiezhu is completely reacting here. I dare to love this Lin Lei. At this most crucial moment, I have come to my aunt!

Yes, it is the body's aunt, not a relative's aunt.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the slight red on the sheets. For a moment, I felt that the world was really getting up and down too fast.

His mother's blood is right, but... But this big aunt is coming, can it be bloody?

Zhao Tiezhu really felt powerless to vomit. The last time I made a joke here, this time I am still here, seeing that everything is ready, people have come to aunt, this... What is this? Didn't God think that Zhao Tiezhu's woman is too much, can't bear to let Zhao Tiezhu continue to harm other women?

"Sorry, I am going to the bathroom."

The big aunt came to the forefront, and Lin Lei quickly got up and ran to the bathroom.

Zhao Tiezhu feels that life is so good.

This embarrassment, Zhao Tiezhu wants to smoke.

Picking up his own clothes on the ground, Zhao Tiezhu touched the Double Happiness.

Nima is gone! There is only one empty box!

Zhao Tiezhu feels that life is even more embarrassing.

Looking at the small iron pillar underneath, and then looking at the empty cigarette case, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt that he would like to have something to do with Lin Lei in the future. It is estimated that it is better to be outside, Lin Lei’s bedroom is simply It’s too evil.

"Is there anything in the head here that secretly protects Lin Lei from men?"

Zhao Tiezhu’s mind suddenly came up with such a nonsense idea.

Just as Zhao Tiezhu thought about the messy things, Lin Lei appeared again in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

"I'm sorry!" Lin Lei looked at Zhao Tiezhu apologetically. She didn't know that her big aunt had come a few days earlier. I had already prepared for this evening. I just got the feelings in place, and I feel that I have already done it. This big aunt unexpectedly arrived, not to mention that Zhao Tiezhu felt defeated, and Lin Lei felt very disappointed.

When a woman comes to her aunt, she will be very annoyed, and Lin Lei has been rushed by Zhao Tiezhu’s ecstasy. This suddenly she can’t do anything. Lin Lei only feels an indignation.

A woman, too, will be squatting, even if it is a yellow flower niece!

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lin Lei and Lin Lei happened to watch Zhao Tiezhu.

The two men’s eyes meet in the air.

Looking at the tears, I was speechless.


After watching them for a while, they suddenly laughed together.

"I think, this room is very evil." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"I also think." Lin Lei said, "It seems that we are deliberately not letting us happen something."

"Haha, what do you want to happen?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"This... can't happen now." Lin Lei said helplessly.

"Actually, in this world, ooxx is not just going in and going out, there are many other fun things." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smirk.

"What fun?" Lin Lei puzzled.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lin Lei’s jade feet and said with a squint, “I will teach you a game that can be played on foot.”

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